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npm install --save vue-facebook-login-component


To use the component in your template, simply import and register with your component.


import VFacebookLogin from 'vue-facebook-login-component'

export default {
  components: {


<v-facebook-login app-id="966242223397117"></v-facebook-login>


Name Type Default Note
value Object { connected: false } Used for one-way V-Model. [ *** ]
app-id String None Required. [ *** ]
version String 'v3.1' [ **, *** ]
options Object {} [ *, **, *** ]
login-options Object { scope: 'email' } [ *, **, *** ]
button-style Object {} [ * ]
loader-style Object {} [ * ]
token-style Object {} [ * ]
text-style Object {} [ * ]
transition Array [] Array of CSS transition values. Example:

[ 'background-color 0.15s ease-in-out', 'padding 0.15s ease-in-out', ... ].
use-alternate-logo Boolean false Use Iconmonstr alternate Facebook logo.

[ * ] - Properties should be camel-case.
[ ** ] - See Facebook for available values.
[ *** ] - Scope-component property.


Name Default Description
login 'Sign in with Facebook'
logout 'Sign out with Facebook'
working 'Please wait...'
logo Iconmonstr Facebook 1 See Iconmonstr for more options.
before NONE Before all nested elements.
after NONE After all nested elements.
error '⛔ Network Error' Shown on SDK load failure.


Name Payload Description Note
sdk-init (sdk[Object]) Returns an object with
Facebook SDK instance and scope object.
[ * ]
login (response[Object]) User attempted login. [ * ]
logout (response[Object]) User attempted logout. [ * ]
connect Boolean User is connected. [ * ]
click None   [ * ]

[ * ] - Scope-component event.

You can use this event to grab the Facebook SDK instance, but also the underlying component scope object. Using this object, you can control the component empirically, similarly to how you would with ref. See example:

  <v-facebook-login @sdk-init="handleSdkInit" />
  <button v-if="facebook.scope.logout" @click="facebook.scope.logout">

  export default = {
    data: () => ({
      facebook: {
        FB: {},
        scope: {},
    methods: {
      handleSdkInit({ FB, scope }) {
        this.facebook.scope = scope
        this.facebook.FB = FB

Scope component (Advanced Customization)

If props, slots and events do not satisfy your customization needs, you can use an underlying component called v-fb-login-scope. This component uses the render prop (known as "scoped-slot" in Vue) approach for composition. This means, it does not render any html or css, hence it has no added-value on its own. It only exposes a scoped-slot with attributes and methods that are committed as API.


Refer to the tables above for scope-component specific props/events.

Scoped-Slot Scope (Attributes and Methods)

Name Type Description
login Function Login handler.
logout Function Logout handler.
toggleLogin Function Toggles login/logout.
working Boolean SDK-initialization/login/logout is currently taking place.
connected Boolean User is logged in.
disconnected Boolean User is logged out.
enabled Boolean Button is enabled.
disabled Boolean Button is disabled.

Scope component example (for a full example see source).

    <!-- Compose HTML/CSS here, otherwise nothing will be rendered -->
    <button slot-scope="scope">
      <!-- Compose with `scope` here -->

  import { VFBLoginScope } from 'vue-facebook-login-component'

  export default {
    components: {

Loading Facebook SDK

This component embeds the Facebook SDK snippet, so you don't have to do it yourself. However, if you want to embed it yourself, you can do so and the component will pick up the SDK instance instead.

"Uncaught ReferenceError: regeneratorRuntime is not defined"

This package uses async/await syntax, which is based on generators. In short, if you target you'll have to add regenerator-runtime to your dependencies. See this issue for more details.

npm install --save regenerator-runtime

Then, import it at the topmost of your main.js (or a similar entry-point).

import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime'

// of your imports

IE support

Add babel-polyfill to your dependencies.


Fork, clone and use the following scripts.

For component:

npm start

For documentation (includes a demo):

npm run docs


Please open an issue for support.


Copyright (c) 2018 by MIT