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a minimal set of file needed to create android project

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A minimal set of file needed to create android project


I am tired having to create project in Android Studio, or any other Studios, including Eclipse, they're slow, and eating up my RAM and CPU, and for just testing or exercise with android, these overgrown, gigantic studios are really unnecessary for me, in fact they're just standing my way.

Because I'll be using Android-x86 to compile and test, and thus learn more about android system, I firmly believe I am better off do most of the task manually.

Added a branch - IOTest

Started as a test for reading and writing to files, this one ends up with interesting writing HTML and preview it in a WebView.

With little works we can make a simple HTML editor

Example To Sign APK

My old script use apksigner, which is only available if you use termux, but I'd like to make this work using simple jarsigner command as follow:

# 1. create new keystore 

keytool -genkey \
        -alias mydomain \
        -keyalg RSA \
        -keystore KeyStore.jks \
        -keysize 2048 

# or

keytool -genkey -v \
        -keystore my-release-key.keystore \
        -alias alias_name \
        -keyalg RSA \
        -keysize 2048 \
        -validity 10000

# Then create cert CSR based on the new keystore
keytool -certreq -alias mydomain -keystore KeyStore.jks -file mydomain.csr

# Finally, sign the APK
jarsigner -verbose -keystore PATH/TO/YOUR_RELEASE_KEY.keystore \
          -storepass YOUR_STORE_PASS \

# Or sign using RSA, which is less common, I guess
jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA \
          -digestalg SHA1 \
          -keystore my-release-key.keystore \
          my_application.apk alias_name

Using Ace Editor

To conveniently editing text files on Android, we can use Ace Editor, or any WebView based editor, this is more convenient than using hard to use default editor on Android-x86.