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The goal of the competition is to create a model that correctly recognizes the handwritten text line present in the image.


Evaluation Metric will be the Average Levenshtein Distance between the predictions and the ground truth.

Raw Data

The data consists of images in "tif" format. Each image has a ground truth text file with the same name. For example, If the image is 1.tif the ground truth file would be

The images contain a line written in the english language and the length of the sentence or no. of words can vary. The text values are all in upper case and can also contain special characters.

Data Available Here -

Data Processing

Train Data

Sentence level data is converted into word level data. Refer - Create Word-Level Data Notebook.

Test Data

Since labels are not available for test data, we cannot use the above technique. So for test data we utilise opencv techniques to create splits. Code taken from stackoverflow post. Check out this notebook to know more


Convolutional Blocks: 5 convolution blocks with each block containing a Conv2D layer, with 3x3 kernel size & stride 1. The number of filters at the n-th Conv layer is to 16n. Dropout is applied at the input of last 2 conv blocks (prob=0.2). Batch Normalization is used to normalize the inputs to the nonlinear activation function. LeakyReLU is the activation function in the convolutional blocks. Finally, Maxpool with non-overlapping kernels of 2×2 is applied.

Recurrent Blocks: Recurrent blocks are formed by bidirectional 1D-LSTM layers, that process the input image columnwise in left-to-right and right-to-left order. The output of the two directions is concatenated depth-wise. Dropout is also applied(prob=0.5). Number of hidden units in all LSTM layers 256. Total number of recurrent blocks is 5.

Linear Layer: Finally, each column after the recurrent 1D-LSTM blocks must be mapped to an output label. The depth is transformed from 2D to L using an affine transformation (L=characters+1)


  1. RMSProp with learning rate - 0.0003
  2. Batch Size = 16


Rotation, Translation, Scaling and Shearing (all performed as a single affine transform) and gray-scale erosion and dilation. Each of these operations is applied dynamically and independently on each image of the training batch (each with 0.5 probability). Thus, the exact same image is virtually never observed twice during training.

CRNN model consists of CNN & RNN blocks along with a Transcription Layer.

  • CNN Block - Three convolution blocks (7 conv layers) & maxpool layer. Extracts features from image.
  • RNN Block - Two Bidirectional LSTM layers. Splits features into some feature sequences & pass it to recurrent layers
  • Transcription Layer - Conversion of Feature-specific predictions to Label using CTC. CTC loss is specially designed to optimize both the length of the predicted sequence and the classes of the predicted sequence

In CRNN convolution feature maps are transformed into a sequence of feature vectors. It is then fed to LSTM/GRU which produces a probability distribution for each feature vector and each label. For example, consider the output of CNN Block is - (batch_size, 64, 4, 32) where dimensions are (batch_size, channels, height, width). Then we need to permute dimensions to (batch_size, width, height, channels) so that channels is the last one.

Each feature vector of a feature sequence is generated from left to right on the feature maps by column. This means the i-th feature vector is the concatenation of the i-th columns of all the maps.

It is then reshaped to (batch_size, 32, 256) and fed into the GRU layers. GRU produces tensor of shape (batch_size, 32, 256) which is passed through fully-connected layer and log_softmax function to return tensor of the shape (batch_size, 32, vocabulary). This tensor for each image in the batch contains probabilities of each label for each input feature.



Trains a CRNN model at the word level. Saves the best model based on validation loss. Supports Greedy & Beam Search Decoding. Reports the following metrics on both training & validation data -

  1. Accuracy
  2. Mean Levenshtein Distance
  3. Character Error Rate

The data is divided into 3 sections - Train (70%), Valid (15%) & Test (15%). The training script trains model on the train split (train method) & evaluates model on all the 3 splits (infer_all method).

Running it locally

  1. Download the training data from above & extract it inside data/train directory. Some sample data is available already
  2. Run the training script. You can modify the hyperparameters inside the
poetry run python


Download the test data from above & extract it inside data/test directory. To generate submission run the evaluation script.

poetry run python

Supports Greedy as well Beam Search Decoding based on choice. Set greedy=False in make_submission function for BeamSearch Decoding.


The first architecture described above performed better than the second one. Once that was decided I ran multiple experiments with varying degrees of image size, model depth, number of epoch, etc. The following configuration worked the best -

  • BATCH_SIZE - 16
  • EPOCHS - 20
  • IMG_HEIGHT - 250
  • IMG_WIDTH - 600
  • MAX_LENGTH - 10

Word Level - Training & Validation Loss

Test Data Prediction

Word Level Metrics

Metric Training Validation
Accuracy 0.8162 0.7392
Levenhstein Distance 0.3192 0.5001
Character Error Rate 7.2515 11.3602

Sentence Level Metrics

  • Accuracy - 0.326 (Surprising?)
  • Levenhstein Distance - 2.15
  • Character Error Rate - 6.77

Kaggle LeaderBoard

  • Next Best Private LB - 4.54741
  • Next Best Public LB - 4.29530

What didn't work

  1. Training for longer epochs didn't work. All of the runs EarlyStopped
  2. Centering the image & center cropping didn't work
  3. Larger Image size - 350x800 performed poorly then 250x600
  4. Increasing number of characters from 8 to 10 gave better scores, however at 12, the score got poorer
  5. Most of the time leaderboard score for GreedySearch was better than BeamSearch

Next Steps

  1. Add Spatial Transformer Network Component


Handwritten OCR






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