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Data Science Stuff

Data Science stuff that I find interesting are here. Please ⭐ the repo, if you find it interesting.

Machine Learning

  • BatchNorm
  • AutoEncoders - Compares PCA vs AutoEncoders. Working example for Dense & Convolutional AutoEncoder
  • Variational AutoEncoders - Compares AutoEncoders vs VAEs for generative modelling & their latent spaces. Implements CVAE from tensorflow tutorial & visualizes the latent spaces
  • WhiteDistance - Metric to calculate similarity between texts

Model Interpretation

Neural Arithmetic Logic Unit (NALU)


  • TextGeneration - Copy of Karpathy's work really
  • Seq2Seq - Notebook for a word based Encoder-Decoder Seq2Seq network for English to Spanish translation
  • Attention - An extension of previous Seq2Seq work which uses attention mechanism for english to spanish translation
  • Transformers - Implements individual components of a transformer from scratch
  • BertTextClassification - Using BERT for fake news classification. Dataset was obtained from Kaggle here


Differential Evolution

Will add more methods as I study them

Cool Stuffs

  • stitch_images - Script to create a single image stitched horizontally or vertically from a list of images
  • - Simple shell script to give summary of all csv files
  • code_snipets - Utility Script

Translate App

A simple app which translates english sentence to spanish. It uses an attention based Seq2Seq model. Try and run this app on your local machine -

Streamlit App

Streamlit is an open source framework that let's users create web apps very easily.

  1. Install streamlit
  2. Clone the repo & navigate to translate_appdirectory
  3. Run the app
streamlit run
  1. Go to localhost:8051

Sanic App

  1. Install tensorflow 2.0 and sanic
  2. Clone the git repo
  3. Navigate to translate_app directory
  4. Run server on localhost:5000/translate.
  1. Evaluate by making curl request at the above url with input_sentence as a parameter. Pass in the desired English sentence as value with it.
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json"  -d '{"input_sentence":"What did you decide?"}' "localhost:5000/translate"
  1. Alternatively, you could run the script and change the sentences in sentences list.

More interesting stuff to follow


Machine Learning & Deep Learning Stuffs that I find interesting.







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