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Aditya Navphule edited this page Apr 18, 2024 · 6 revisions

ricat Wiki

Welcome to the official wiki page for ricat, a robust tool designed to enhance your command-line efficiency with Rust's power. This documentation aims to provide comprehensive insights into installing, using, and contributing to ricat.

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Getting Started


Before you begin, ensure Rust and Cargo are installed on your system. Visit the official Rust installation guide if you haven't installed Rust yet.

Installing ricat

To install ricat, use the following Cargo command:

cargo install ricat

This will download and install the latest ricat version from link : ricat

Using ricat

ricat can perform a variety of tasks from displaying file contents to concatenating files, and even encoding or decoding base64 data. Here's how to use some of its features:

  • Displaying Files Display the contents of a file simply:

    ricat file.txt
  • Line Numbering To view a file with line numbers:

    ricat -n file.txt
  • Appending Symbols Append a dollar sign at the end of each line:

    ricat -d file.txt
  • Concatenating Files Combine multiple files:

    ricat file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt
  • Searching in Files Search for text within a file:

    ricat --search --text "search_query_or_regex" file.txt
  • Encoding/Decoding Base64 Encode or decode base64 data:

    ricat --encode-base64 message.txt
    ricat --decode-base64 encoded.txt


Adding new features to ricat is designed to be straightforward. Implement the LineTextFeature trait for your struct, and you can easily extend ricat's functionality to include your custom feature.

Contributing to ricat

Any Contributions are welcome! Whether you're fixing bugs, adding new features, or improving documentation, your help makes ricat better for everyone. To contribute, submit a pull request or open an issue on our GitHub repository.


Encountered an issue? Check out the GitHub Discussions page to report bugs or find solutions.