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A small fullstack application from custom login validation to a nodejs backend till deploying it on aws

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Folders and files

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Repository files navigation

Brommees Airline Task - Backend Implementation

I set up secure sign-up, sign-in, and authentication. I organized folders with MVC architecture integreated with repository layer and folders that make sense.

Project Folder Structure

  • project-root/
    • src/
      • config/
        • config.json
      • routes/
        • v1/
          • index.js
      • middlewares/
        • auth-request-validator.js
        • index.js
      • migration/
        • create-user-migration/
      • modal/
        • index.js
        • user-modal/
      • repository/
        • user-repository/
      • services/
        • user-services/
      • utils/
        • helper-functions.js
        • error-classes.js
      • index.js
    • package.json
    • .env

Code Flow

  • Index File: Initializes the server, sets up configurations.
  • Routes: Defines API routes, connects to middleware, controllers.
  • Middlewares: Intercepts requests, applies validation, authentication.
  • Controllers: Orchestrates flow, calls business logic services, structures API responses.
  • Services: Implements business logic, interacts with repositories.
  • Repositories: Handles database interactions using Sequelize.
  • Database Model: Defines table structure using Sequelize models.

Implemented Features

  • User Authentication: Secure sign-up and sign-in functionalities.
  • Password Security: Bcrypt for password hashing, JWT for token generation.
  • Folder Structure: Follows industry-standard MVC for clean, modular code.
  • Database Integration: AWS RDS MySQL with Sequelize ORM.
  • Versioning: APIs versioned for maintainability.
  • Deployment: Hosted on AWS EC2, Nginx proxies requests, HTTPS via Certbot.

Deployment Details

Getting Started

To explore and run the project:

  1. Clone Repository:
    git clone

install Dependencies: npm install


Port for the server


Number of salt rounds for bcrypt hashing


Secret key for JWT (JSON Web Tokens) generation


Node environment (can be 'development', 'production', etc.)


Set up Environment:

Configure environment variables in config/server-config.js. like :

  "PORT": 3000,
  "DB_HOST": "your-db-host",
  "DB_USER": "your-db-user",
  "DB_PASSWORD": "your-db-password",
  "DB_NAME": "your-db-name",
  "JWT_SECRET": "your-jwt-secret"
  // Add other necessary variables

Run server : npm start


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