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Deferred deep linking scenario

Obaied edited this page Nov 2, 2016 · 2 revisions

While deferred deep linking is not supported out of the box on Android and iOS, our adjust SDK makes it possible.

In order to get info about the URL content in a deferred deep linking scenario, you should set a callback method on the AdjustConfig object which will receive one parameter where the content of the URL will be delivered. You should set this method on the config object by calling the method setDeeplinkCallbackListener:

var adjustConfig = new AdjustConfig(appToken, environment);

adjustConfig.setDeferredDeeplinkCallbackListener(function(deeplink) {
    console.log("Deferred deep link URL content: " + deeplink);


In deferred deep linking scenario, there is one additional setting which can be set on the AdjustConfig object. Once the adjust SDK gets the deferred deep link info, we are offering you the possibility to choose whether our SDK should open this URL or not. You can choose to set this option by calling the setShouldLaunchDeeplink method on the config object:

var adjustConfig = new AdjustConfig(appToken, environment);

// or adjustConfig.setShouldLaunchDeeplink(false);

adjustConfig.setDeeplinkCallbackListener(function(deeplink) {
    console.log("Deferred deep link URL content: " + deeplink);


If nothing is set, the adjust SDK will always try to launch the URL by default.

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