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User Manual

Alexander Michel edited this page Oct 3, 2019 · 4 revisions

Getting Started

  • Clone from
  • Install your dependencies from within PyCharm
  • Start your virtual environment (not active yet) (in the DOROTHY directory run $ source venv/bin/activate)
  • $ python makemigrations
  • $ python migrate
  • Create a new user for testing with (not yet necessary)
    • $ python createsuperuser
    • Follow the terminal prompts from here

You should be ready to get started after this. You can run the server on default localhost:8000 through the terminal command:

  • $ python runserver

For further info on migrations, check the Django Docs

DJango Tips and Tricks

  • Every major functionality in Django is called an "app" and has it's own view/model file. Django can auto generate the template for these apps with python startapp <app name>
  • When creating a new "app" make sure you add it to the file in the DOROTHY folder
  • To create a new migration run the command python sqlmigrate <appname> <migration number> followed by python migrate. The first command creates the migration and the second applies it to the database
  • So you accidentally (or intentionally) deactivated your venv? to reactivate run source bin/activate from the project directory. (or, if that causes an error, go cd venv\Scripts and then run activate.bat)
  • When you want to use a model that's within a separate app you would import it similar to any other language from patients.model import Patients where patients.model is that path to the class you want, and Patients is the class. HOWEVER this gets weird if you need to cyclically import classes (i.e. if both Patients and Procedures import each other). The solution to this is to only use the import statement at the head of one of the files. The file that does not import the class at its head should only import the class within the methods it is used. This is due to how Django handles imports. Basically it gets stuck in a loop during initialization if you don't do this.


This User Manual is based off of the User Manual created for a school project.

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