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beer points (copy)

gregorylburgess edited this page Mar 4, 2016 · 1 revision

ADMB Beer Points


Keep a tally of beer points rewarded to folks that contribute to improvement of ADMB.

Earning Points

  • Finding bugs and correcting them - 5 pts
  • Working on ADMB website - 1 pts
  • Resolve an issue on task list - 1 pts
  • Improving Documentation - 1 pts

Beer Points

Arni Magnusson - 3

  • Closed issues 52, 56, 67 - 3pts

Ben Bolker - 2

  • Closed issues 83, 87 - 2pts

Chris Grandin - 10

  • Revision 423 - Found and fixed typo from r395 - 5pts
  • Assignee on closed issues 38, 58, 62, 80, 125 - 5pts

Derek Seiple - 2

  • Assignee on closed issues 8, 70 - 2pts

Hans Skaug - 1

  • Assignee on closed issues 88 - 1pts

Ian Taylor - 5

  • Assignee on closed issues 1, 59, 63, 90 - 4pts
  • Added many new points (based on Issues list) to ADMB website - 1

Jim Ianelli - 1

  • Assignee on closed issues 92 - 1pts

John Sibert - 3

  • Assignee on closed issues 48, 64, 65 - 3pts

Johnoel Ancheta - 10

  • Assignee on closed issues 60, 66, 68, 84, 97, 99, 101, 102, 107, 119 - 10pts

Mark Maunder - 2

  • Assignee on closed issues 43, 69 - 2pts

Mollie Brooks - 5

  • Assignee on closed issues 31, 39, 74, 76, 78 - 5pts

Steve Martell - 1

  • Assignee on closed issues 77 - 1pts

Teresa A'mar - 2

  • Assignee on closed issues 40, 53 - 2pts

Weihai Liu - 2

  • Assignee on closed issues 45, 46 - 2pts



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