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Releases: adnv3k/GestureSesh

v0.4.2 Mute and update fix

14 Oct 11:14
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EDIT edited file names in directory to reflect new name.
EDIT file names to reflect name change.

Mute now works properly.
Display now shows "Up to date." if the version was compared to the newest version available, and will only check once per day.
Version removed from window title.

If you have any suggestions or issues, I'd love to hear about them!

v0.4.1 Frameless window, autocomplete preset names, and major bug fixes

08 Oct 13:49
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Autocomplete preset names
Frameless window with Ctrl + F
-resizing with mouse is not enabled when frameless window is toggled.
Move window by clicking anywhere on the window and dragging.

Scheduling functions now work properly.
Minor bug fixes for speed and function.

If you have any suggestions or issues, I'd love to hear about them!

v0.3.8 - Resizing and scheduler fixes

30 Sep 08:48
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Minor update
Resizing the session window without toggling the resizing (hotkey: R), no longer causes a crash.
Scheduling no longer incorrectly counts total images after closing the session window, and starting a new session.
File size reduced.

If you have any suggestions or issues, I'd love to hear about them!

v0.3.7 - Audio cues, file path, 32bit, bug fixes

10 Sep 09:54
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Minor update
Audio cues added!
Different sounds will be played for:
Total time reaching the halfway point
Timer reaching 10/5/0 seconds
Start of a new entry
Last image of an entry
New image being displayed
*toggle mute by pressing "M"

Image path now set as window title temporarily
32bit compatibility added

Hotkey changes:
Add Entry changed from "Enter" to "Shift + Enter"
Added "Delete" hotkey for delete entry
"M" added to mute audio cues
Bug fixes:
Entry column no longer editable
Error notice for letters in schedule items
"Enter" key now be accessible for schedule item edits

What's to come:
Skip button that displays the next image without reducing the
amount of images scheduled
Frameless session window
New way to interact with buttons
Item selection per entry
Still working on better customization for entries
Still looking out for better compression methods to decrease file size for future updates!

If you have any suggestions or issues, I'd love to hear about them!

v0.3.6 - Always on top, Flip vertical, end of session notice

17 Aug 04:26
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Minor update
Mostly minor quality of life updates
Added flip vertical. Hotkey set to V
Added always on top. Hotkey set to A
Changed flip horizontal hotkey from F to H
Removed timer buttons. Hotkeys remain the same. Minimum size for the session window is now smaller as a result.
Added notification for end of session. The session window will now close after 5 seconds.

Added processor type for future updating

Pressing R will toggle window resizing. So, if you would like to have your session window full screen, press R.
Hotkeys are updated in the readme!
Saving folders is possible by dragging and dropping folders to the left side in the folder selection window.

Things to look at for:
Audio feedback (also, mute) for when the timer ends.
UI tweaks
Skip button for sessions
Folder presets
32bit compatibility (Still working out some kinks)
Of course, better customization for entries coming soon!
Still researching better compression methods to decrease file size for future updates!

If you have any suggestions or issues, I'd love to hear about them!

v0.3.5 - Grayscale, Dynamic resizing, Flip horizontal, bug fixes

05 Aug 17:05
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Grayscale - geared for visibility. Shortcut G
Dynamic window resizing to remove borders when displaying images. Shortcut R to toggle between a static window and a dynamic one.
Flip horizontal - Flips image horizontally. Shortcut F

Some minor quality of life improvements:
Main window raises to the front after session is closed
The break light turns on when there is 10 seconds or left on the clock
Reformatted timer display to show only relevant measures of time
Reformatted Entry/Image positions to just numbers and spacing
Revised spacing to reduce minimum window size.
Recolored session buttons with a more muted color to be less distracting
Fixed jpeg not adding
Checking for updates no longer causes crashes

Things to look at for
UI tweaks
Skip button for sessions
Audio feedback (also, mute)
Window always on top
32bit compatibility
Of course, better customization for entries coming soon!
Adding numpy and cv2 for image processing greatly increases the folder size. However, the exe remains compact. I'll be looking in to other compression methods for future updates!

If you have any suggestions or issues, I'd love to hear about them!

Image Queuer v0.3.4 - Contrast, hotkeys, bugfix

23 Jul 09:48
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Contrast on buttons now WCAG AAA
New hotkeys added: Ctrl+Enter: start session, Esc: close window, Enter: add entry, F: open files... full list in the README
Randomization will now be handled as a toggle, and will be loaded up along with the recent session settings
BUGFIX break.png now adequately handled
*update checks now correctly checking for updates
*version correction
Better customization for entries coming soon!
If you have any suggestions or issues, I'd love to hear them!

Image Queuer v0.3.3 - minor update

20 Jul 14:52
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*fixed bug that would cause a crash when selecting folders
Minor update
Update notices will now be displayed.
Bug fixes
Timer no longer cut off when resizing the session window.
Missing files will now be removed from the selection, and will need to be re-added.
Total now displays properly on start.

Better customization for entries coming soon!
If you have any suggestions or issues, I'd love to hear them!

Image Queuer v0.3.2 - minor update - quickfix!

13 Jul 10:53
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Minor updates
Number of Images box now accepts 999999999 max images (if needed, double click the item in the table to edit the number to one greater than 999999999)
Display text for recent load now reflects that a recent profile was loaded
Total images and duration now shown
Fixed file extension bug
Reformatted time display to include hours
Fixed selection bug when removing last entry
Some tooltips revised
*quickfix total wasn't showing the right total
*quickfix either move entry button would cause a crash when no entry was selected

More features coming soon!
If you have any suggestions or issues, I'd love to hear them!

Image Queuer - minor fix

05 Jul 17:17
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Changed texts to reflect added multi-folder selection functionality.