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Teaser Component

Extensible teaser component for the Core Email Components for composing campaign content written in HTL and based on the Teaser Core Component

The Teaser Component serves as a combination of title, text, image, and call-to-action.


  • Use Campaign personalization fields in the RTE for the description

Technical Details

This component inherit its structure and behavior from the Teaser component (v2) of the core.wcm.component package. The changes are the integration of the personalization plugin, which adds a button to insert Adobe Campaign personalization fields in the following locations:

  • Configuration dialog toolbar
  • Full screen configuration dialog toolbar

The Teaser also offers the capability to display the image as a background image or as a regular image.

Tests and Coverage

The class TeaserIT is the Selenium test class. It checks for the existence of the personalization buttons in each of the previously mentioned windows.
