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Web application to show results of quake3 matches.

Application parameters

Required parameters has no default value.

Parameter Default Description
port :8080 port to listen
dbconn database connection string
dbname quake3 database name

Quick start

docker run -tid -p 8080:8080 --network mongo_network \
	--restart always --name quake3-stats \
	adobromilskiy/quake3-stats:latest \
	--dbconn=mongodb://mongohost:27017 --dbname=quake3 --port=:8080

API endpoints:

GET: /api/ffa - get ffa summary such as total games, maps and winners.

GET: /api/ffa/matches?page=2&perpage=20 - get last ffa mathes with pagination.

GET /api/ffa/players - get list of players with detailed summary.

GET /api/ffa/logs?page=2&perpage=20 - get logs of matches.

Before use this stack you need to import into mongodb data from *xml files. You can use quake3-importer for it.

Before use this stack you need to import into mongodb data from qconsole.log file. You can use quake3-logcatcher for it.

Frontend for stats app located in nginx directory. You can use it as example for your own frontend.