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Adomate API

Adomate Monolithic API.


This monolithic API is meant to break apart the web application into a backend and frontend. This backend will provide data to the frontend as well as other web components in the future, ie: Mobile App.

This API is designed to be run in Kubernetes with a few helper tools. Ideally, we would be using Vault to feed Redis and Database credentials, and external secrets for other information, however, for our purpose this is not necessary so we will be using normal secrets. These secrets can be replaced with External Secrets, Sealed Secrets, etc. in the future or if necessary.

The API follows standard RESTful API designs. The API documentation is accessible through root, and the methods are standard:

  • GET
  • POST (create)
  • PUT (replace)
  • PATCH (update)


Coming Soon...


To run locally, you'll need to set up both a PostreSQL instance and a RabbitMQ instance.

The easiest way to do this is to use Docker. You can use the following commands to get both instances up and running:

PostreSQL Instance:

docker run -d --name postgresql -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword postgres

RabbitMQ Instance:

docker run -d --name rabbitmq -p 5672:5672 -p 15672:15672 rabbitmq:3-management
  1. Download the desired release from github
  2. Create a database, user and password in PostgreSQL for the API to utilize
  3. Rename .env.example and edit filling in the values as appropriate
  4. Run go run main.go to bootstrap the database and start the webserver

Alternatively you can run the API using docker:

docker build -t adomate-api .
docker run -d --name adomate-api -p 3000:3000 adomate-api


  1. How do I start the API automatically on boot?

    • Use a systemd service file, or utilize Docker/Containerd/Kubernetes.
      • For systemd, see the systemd directory for an example service file or visit this link for more information.
  2. How do I update the API?

    • Download the latest release, stop the API, replace the binary, and start the API.
    • If using Docker/Containerd/Kubernetes, follow the standard procedure for updating a container. The container is ephemeral, so data will not be lost.
  3. How do I update the API without downtime?

    • Use a load balancer that supports zero downtime deployments. This is not a requirement, but is recommended.
    • Use Kubernetes and utilize the rolling update strategy.
  4. Is there Swagger/OpenAPI documentation available?

Swagger Documentation is currently WIP and is subject to change.

Yes, we have Swagger (OpenAPI 2.0) documentation available. When you start the API, the documentation can be found by visiting the /swagger/ directory. For example, if you are running the API on localhost on port 3000, you can visit http://localhost:3000/swagger/index.html to view the documentation.

Unit Testing

Unit Testing is under development using the standard go testing pkg. To run the tests, simply run go test in the root directory. I highly suggest setting gin to release and using verbose output for local testing, this can be done by setting the environment variable GIN_MODE=release and go test -v or as a single command GIN_MODE=release go test -v.


Linting is done using golangci-lint. To run the linter, simply run golangci-lint run in the root directory. To install golangci-lint, please visit the golangci-lint website. All PRs must pass the linter before being merged.

Email Templates

The following are the coded email templates and available variables:

Coming Soon... example below.

  • Register
    • FirstName
    • LastName

Email Template Format

We use Go's templating engine to generate emails. More information can be found at:

Emails send in HTML format using the Mailgun API.

Email Template Functions

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