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Learn about the authentication system in AdonisJS and how to authenticate users in your application.


AdonisJS ships with a robust and secure authentication system you can use to log in and authenticate users of your application. Be it a server-rendered application, a SPA client, or a mobile app, you can set up authentication for all of them.

The authentication package is built around guards and providers.

  • Guards are end-to-end implementations of a specific login type. For example, the session guard allows you to authenticate users using cookies and session. Meanwhile, the access_tokens guard will enable you to authenticate clients using tokens.

  • Providers are used to look up users and tokens from a database. You can either use the inbuilt providers or implement your own.


To ensure the security of your applications, we properly hash user passwords and tokens. Moreover, the security primitives of AdonisJS are protected from timing attacks and session fixation attacks.


Features not supported by the Auth package

The auth package narrowly focuses on authenticating HTTP requests, and the following features are outside its scope.

  • User registration features like registration forms, email verification, and account activation.
  • Account management features like password recovery or email update.
  • Assigning roles or verifying permissions. Instead, use bouncer to implement authorization checks in your application.

Choosing an auth guard

The following inbuilt authentication guards provide you with the most straightforward workflow for authenticating users without compromising the security of your applications. Also, you can build your authentication guards for custom requirements.


The session guard uses the @adonisjs/session package to track the logged-in user state inside the session store.

Sessions and cookies have been on the internet for a long time and work great for most applications. We recommend using the session guard:

  • If you are creating a server-rendered web application.
  • Or, an AdonisJS API with its client on the same top-level domain. For example, and

Access tokens

Access tokens are cryptographically secure random tokens (also known as Opaque access tokens) issued to users after successful login. You may use access tokens for apps where your AdonisJS server cannot write/read cookies. For example:

  • A native mobile app.
  • A web application hosted on a different domain than your AdonisJS API server.

When using access tokens, it becomes the responsibility of your client-side application to store them securely. Access tokens provide unrestricted access to your application (on behalf of a user), and leaking them can lead to security issues.

Basic auth

The basic auth guard is an implementation of the HTTP authentication framework, in which the client must pass the user credentials as a base64 encoded string via the Authorization header.

There are better ways to implement a secure login system than basic authentication. However, you may use it temporarily while your application is in active development.

Choosing a user provider

As covered earlier in this guide, a user provider is responsible for finding users during the authentication process.

The user providers are guards specific; for example, The user provider for the session guard is responsible for finding users by their ID, and the user provider for the access tokens guard is also responsible for verifying access tokens.

We ship with a Lucid user provider for the inbuilt guards, which uses Lucid models to find users, generate tokens, and verify tokens.


The auth system comes pre-configured with the web and the api starter kits. However, you can install and configure it manually inside an application as follows.

# Configure with session guard (default)
node ace add @adonisjs/auth --guard=session

# Configure with access tokens guard
node ace add @adonisjs/auth --guard=access_tokens

# Configure with basic auth guard
node ace add @adonisjs/auth --guard=basic_auth

:::disclosure{title="See steps performed by the add command"}

  1. Install the @adonisjs/auth package using the detected package manager.

  2. Registers the following service provider inside the adonisrc.ts file.

      providers: [
        // ...other providers
        () => import('@adonisjs/auth/auth_provider')
  3. Creates and registers the following middleware inside the start/kernel.ts file.

      () => import('@adonisjs/auth/initialize_auth_middleware')
      auth: () => import('#middleware/auth_middleware'),
      // only if using the session guard
      guest: () => import('#middleware/guest_middleware')
  4. Creates the user model inside the app/models directory.

  5. Creates database migration for the users table.

  6. Creates database migrations for the selected guard. :::

The Initialize auth middleware

During setup, we register the @adonisjs/auth/initialize_auth_middleware within your application. The middleware is responsible for creating an instance of the Authenticator class and shares it via the ctx.auth property with the rest of the request.

Note that the initialize auth middleware does not authenticate the request or protect the routes. It's used only for initializing the authenticator and sharing it with the rest of the request. You must use the auth middleware for protecting routes.

Also, the same authenticator instance is shared with Edge templates (if your app is using Edge), and you can access it using the auth property. For example:

  <p> Hello {{ }} </p>

Creating the users table

The configure command creates a database migration for the users table inside the database/migrations directory. Feel free to open this file and make changes per your application requirements.

By default, the following columns are created.

import { BaseSchema } from '@adonisjs/lucid/schema'

export default class extends BaseSchema {
  protected tableName = 'users'

  async up() {
    this.schema.createTable(this.tableName, (table) => {
      table.string('email', 254).notNullable().unique()


  async down() {

Also, update the User model if you define, rename, or remove columns from the users table.

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