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259 lines (160 loc) · 4.96 KB

File metadata and controls

259 lines (160 loc) · 4.96 KB
Serve static files from a given directory using the @adonisjs/static package.

Static files server

You can serve static files from a given directory using the @adonisjs/static package. The package ships with a middleware that you must register in the server middleware stack to intercept the HTTP requests and serve files.


The package comes pre-configured with the web starter kit. However, you can install and configure it as follows with other starter kits.

Install and configure the package using the following command :

node ace add @adonisjs/static

:::disclosure{title="See steps performed by the add command"}

  1. Installs the @adonisjs/static package using the detected package manager.

  2. Registers the following service provider inside the adonisrc.ts file.

      providers: [
        // ...other providers
        () => import('@adonisjs/static/static_provider')
  3. Create the config/static.ts file.

  4. Registers the following middleware inside the start/kernel.ts file.

      () => import('@adonisjs/static/static_middleware')



The configuration for the static middleware is stored inside the config/static.ts file.

import { defineConfig } from '@adonisjs/static'

const staticServerConfig = defineConfig({
  enabled: true,
  etag: true,
  lastModified: true,
  dotFiles: 'ignore',

export default staticServerConfig


Enable or disable the middleware temporarily without removing it from the middleware stack.


The Accept-Range header allows browsers to resume an interrupted file download instead of trying to restart the download. You can disable resumable downloads by setting acceptsRanges to false.

Defaults to true.


Enable or disable the Cache-Control header. The immutable and maxAge properties will be ignored when cacheControl is disabled.

  cacheControl: true


Define how to treat requests for dot files inside the public directory. You can set one of the following options.

  • allow: Serve the dot-file same as the other files.
  • deny: Deny the request with the 403 status code.
  • ignore: Pretend the file does not exist and respond with a 404 status code.
  dotFiles: 'ignore'


Enable or disable etag generation.

  etag: true,


Enable or disable the Last-Modified header. The file stat.mtime property is used as the value for the header.

  lastModified: true,


Enable or disable the immutable directive for the Cache-Control header. By default, the immutable property is disabled.

If the immutable property is enabled, you must define the maxAge property to enable caching.

  immutable: true


Define the max-age directive for the Cache-Control header. The value should be either in milliseconds or a time expression string.

  maxAge: '30 mins'


A function that returns an object of headers to set on the response. The function receives the file path as the first argument and the file stats object as the second argument.

  headers: (path, stats) => {
    if (path.endsWith('.mc2')) {
      return {
        'content-type': 'application/octet-stream'

Serving static files

Once the middleware is registered, you may create files inside the public directory and access them in the browser using the file path. For example, the ./public/css/style.css file can be accessed using the http://localhost:3333/css/style.css URL.

The files in the public directory are not compiled or built using an assets bundler. If you want to compile frontend assets, you must place them inside the resources directory and use the assets bundler.

Copying static files to production build

The static files stored inside the /public directory are automatically copied to the build folder when you run node ace build command.

The rule for copying public files is defined inside the adonisrc.ts file.

  metaFiles: [
      pattern: 'public/**',
      reloadServer: false