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Quick overview of Lucid ORM, a SQL query builder and Active Record ORM built on top of Knex.

Lucid ORM

Lucid is a SQL query builder, and an Active Record ORM built on top of Knex created and maintained by the AdonisJS core team. Lucid strives to leverage SQL to its full potential and offers clean API for many advanced SQL operations.

:::note The documentation for Lucid is available on :::

Why Lucid

Following are some of the hand-picked Lucid features.

  • A fluent query builder built on top of Knex.
  • Support for read-write replicas and multiple connection management.
  • Class-based models that adhere to the active record pattern (handling relations, serialization and hooks).
  • Migration system to modify database schema using incremental changesets.
  • Model factories to generate fake data for testing.
  • Database seeders to insert initial/dummy data into the database.

Apart from those, the following are additional reasons for using Lucid inside an AdonisJS application.

  • We ship first-class integrations for Lucid with the Auth package and validator. Therefore, you do not have to write these integrations yourself.

  • Lucid comes pre-configured with the api and the web starter kits, providing a head start to your applications.

  • One of the primary goals of Lucid is to leverage SQL to its full potential and support many advanced SQL operations like window functions, recursive CTEs, JSON operations, row-based locks, and much more.

  • Both Lucid and Knex have been around for many years. Hence, they are mature and battle-tested compared to many other new ORMs.

With that said, AdonisJS does not force you to use Lucid. Just uninstall the package and install the ORM of your choice.


Install and configure Lucid using the following command.

node ace add @adonisjs/lucid

:::disclosure{title="See steps performed by the configure command"}

  1. Registers the following service provider inside the adonisrc.ts file.

      providers: [
        // ...other providers
        () => import('@adonisjs/lucid/database_provider'),
  2. Register the following command inside the adonisrc.ts file.

      commands: [
        // ...other commands
        () => import('@adonisjs/lucid/commands'),
  3. Create the config/database.ts file.

  4. Define the environment variables and their validations for the selected dialect.

  5. Install required peer dependencies.


Creating your first model

Once the configuration is completed, you can create your first model using the following command.

node ace make:model User

This command creates a new file inside the app/models directory with the following content.

import { DateTime } from 'luxon'
import { BaseModel, column } from '@adonisjs/lucid/orm'

export default class User extends BaseModel {
  @column({ isPrimary: true })
  declare id: number

  @column.dateTime({ autoCreate: true })
  declare createdAt: DateTime

  @column.dateTime({ autoCreate: true, autoUpdate: true })
  declare updatedAt: DateTime

Learn more about models by visiting the official documentation.


Migrations are a way to modify the database schema and data using incremental changesets. You can create a new migration using the following command.

node ace make:migration users

This command creates a new file inside the database/migrations directory with the following content.

import { BaseSchema } from '@adonisjs/lucid/schema'

export default class extends BaseSchema {
  protected tableName = 'users'

  async up() {
    this.schema.createTable(this.tableName, (table) => {

  async down() {

You can run all the pending migrations using the following command.

node ace migration:run

Learn more about migrations by visiting the official documentation.

Query Builder

Lucid ships with a fluent query builder built on top of Knex. You can use the query builder to perform CRUD operations on your database.

import db from '@adonisjs/lucid/services/db'

 * Creates query builder instance
const query = db.query()

 * Creates query builder instance and also selects
 * the table
const queryWithTableSelection = db.from('users')

The query builder can also be scoped to a model instance.

import User from '#models/user'

const user = await User.query().where('username', 'rlanz').first()

Learn more about the query builder by visiting the official documentation.

CRUD operations

Lucid models have built-in methods to perform CRUD operations on the database.

import User from '#models/user'

 * Create a new user
const user = await User.create({
  username: 'rlanz',
  email: '',

 * Find a user by primary key
const user = await User.find(1)

 * Update a user

const user = await User.find(1)
user.username = 'romain'

 * Delete a user
const user = await User.find(1)
await user.delete()

Learn more about CRUD operations by visiting the official documentation.

Learn more