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CPU and or PSU Levels we build to

Martijn Verburg edited this page May 1, 2018 · 3 revisions
  • CPU - Critical Patch Update
  • PSU - Patch Set Update

With regards to deciding whether or not to publish the CPU or PSU version of a quarterly update, AdoptOpenJDK will publish the PSU build. The reason that AdoptOpenJDK is happy to base on the PSU release is due to the very high levels of testing (including 3rd party tests) that it can apply, ensuring that a PSU fix does not cause any regressions.

This overrides the Recommendation made by Oracle:

"Java SE Patch Set Updates (PSU) contain all of fixes in the corresponding CPU, as well as additional non-critical fixes. Java PSU releases should only be used if you are being impacted by one of the additional bugs fixed in that version. The release notes call out the additional fixes available in Java SE PSU releases."