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Roshan Timer Explained

Adrian Miasik edited this page Feb 14, 2023 · 1 revision

Roshan Timer

Keep track of Roshan's respawn time and item drops.

How to Use

Action Result
Single Press Start / Pause / Resume timer
Long Press Restart timer
Double Press Increase Roshan death count (Do this everytime Roshan dies)

Timer States


  • Timer has not been started. Press on Roshan's first death to begin the timer.


  • Dead when the timer is less than 8 minutes.
  • First Death
  • Roshan has previously dropped: Aegis of the Immortal

  • Second Death
  • Roshan has previously dropped: Aegis of the Immortal + Aghanims Shard

  • Third Death
  • Roshan has previously dropped: Aegis of the Immortal + Cheese + (Refresher Shard OR Aghanims Blessing)

  • Fourth Death
  • Roshan has previously dropped: Aegis of the Immortal + Cheese + Aghanims Blessing + Refresher Shard

Maybe & Alive

  • Maybe when the timer is between 8-11 minutes.
  • Alive when the timer is 11 minutes or more.
  • First Death
  • Roshan is going to drop: Aegis of the Immortal + Aghanims Shard
  • Second Death
  • Roshan is going to drop: Aegis of the Immortal + Cheese + (Refresher Shard OR Aghanims Blessing)
  • Third Death
  • Roshan is going to drop: Aegis of the Immortal + Cheese + Aghanims Blessing + Refresher Shard
  • Fourth Death
  • Roshan is going to drop: Aegis of the Immortal + Cheese + Aghanims Blessing + Refresher Shard
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