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Hapi Everything

A Hapi server with anything and everything thrown in.

A playground for Hapi.

A place to test frontend libraries and frameworks.


To use as a test bed for all the wonderful things Hapi (and its plugins) offer.

To compare frontend libraries and frameworks acting on the same data.



It's easy to create a Hapi server with basic routes, better still is to pull functionality into modules, both Hapi modules (route logic and orchestration) and business modules (CRUD and business rules for domain objects).


Create the same application in multiple libaries/frameworks to compare them.


I'll aim to use modern techniques as much as possible.

This started out on Node 4. Now we're on Node 6 and the need for transpiling the API code has lessened.

The frontend apps are stand-alone so any transformation can be done as and when.

AVA comes bundled with Babel so I've jumped straight into using ES7 features, namely async/await.

Code style

  • No semi-colons
  • Lambdas
  • Functional (Or at least some facets of functional programming)
  • ES2015 as much as possible, even for the web apps
  • Favour const over let and more so over var
  • Tabs over spaces!
  • Comment liberally - Why? - Because this is a learning experience and the more explanations alongside the code the better - Maybe
  • Code that acts as its own comment. Namely descriptive names for functions and variables



  • Fire up Mongo mongod (version 3.2.4)
  • Fire up OrientDB cd path/to/orientdb/bin/ then ./ (version 2.1.16)
  • Fire up Redis redis-server
  • Run npm start to get the API running here
  • View request debugging

Web apps

React MUI

  • Run npm run serve:react-mui to start webpack-dev-server and browse to here



API tests are run using AVA.

The helper file api.js makes requests to a running server. I thought about using Hapi's server.inject(), which I've used in the past, but I'm holding off on that to see if I miss it.

Web apps

I'm a wannabe fan of CodeceptJS, I've yet to use it in anger, but I've liked what I've seen of it from the little I've used it.

CodeceptJS is an abstruction over WebdriverIO, which itself sits on top of Selenium, a running version of which is needed to run the CJS tests.


  • brew install selenium-server-standalone and start with selenium-server -p 4444. Then in e2e folder, run codeceptjs run --steps.
  • CodeceptJS, or maybe it's Webdriver(IO), doesn't complain if Selenium isn't started.


Redis cheatsheet

  • Install with brew install redis
  • Start with redis-server
  • The default port is 6379
  • Check Redis is running with redis-cli ping or simply redis-cli. The former doesn't drop you into the CLI, the latter does.
  • Stop Redis with Ctrl + C
  • Run redis-cli INFO keyspace to list "databases"


Work on this for at least 30 minutes a day. No excuses!

Well that didn't happen! Here for prosperity...

Starting on Wednesday 3rd of February:

  • Day 1 - Project set-up: git, npm, readme - Server set-up: Hapi, routes, documentation
  • Day 2 - CRUD for users
  • Day 2.5 - Move CRUD into user object to simplify the routes
  • Day 3 - Create Users Hapi plugin - Add logging and send to Loggly
  • Day 4 - Added groups to graph

Next: Serve nested groups


✅ A test-bed for both front and backend ideas






No releases published
