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Scaffolding for WordPress sites using Gulp and WP-CLI, by Lab19 Digital

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Quick start

  • npm install -g gulp or yarn global add gulp (Skip if you already have gulp installed)

  • npm install or yarn (Install dependencies)

If setting up for the first time:

  • npm run setup or yarn run setup (Run boilerplate setup)

If cloning existing project:

  • npm run get-wp or yarn run get-wp (Download latest WP & copy git hook for versioning)


  • npm run dev or yarn run dev (Run dev environment)


Scaffold a WordPress project with a minimal starter theme using Timber/Twig, Bootstrap and Gulp.

Make sure you're running the latest version of NodeJS:

  • yarn global add gulp (Skip if you already have gulp installed)

  • git clone . && yarn

To setup a project from scratch:

  • yarn run setup

If you are cloning an existing project:

  • yarn run get-wp

To run a local development server after setting up or on cloning an existing project. This will start BrowserSync and watch for file changes. By default the site will serve from http://localhost:3000. You may need to wait a few seconds for BrowserSync to open the browser tab.

  • yarn run dev

Out the box

This boilerplate includes:

  • Latest WordPress
  • Latest WP-CLI
  • Timber/Twig
  • Gulp and webpack for compiling JavaScript and SCSS
  • BEM Linter for SCSS
  • New build version number on every commit
  • Easy way to generate new WP Blocks

Wordpress Plugins

Automatically installs the following plugins:

  • timber-library (Twig templating)
  • advanced-custom-fields
  • wordpress-seo
  • wp-migrate-db

Edit package.json if you want to install any of the following:

  • contact-form-7
  • custom-post-type-ui
  • duplicate-post
  • manual-image-crop
  • wordfence

Also removes the hello and akismet plugins and standard themes.

JavaScript Plugins

Comes with jQuery, several other plugins are available but may not be imported by default:

  • mustache
  • parsleyjs
  • gsap
  • scrollmagic
  • slick-carousel

Generate New Blocks

yarn run block block-name or php wp-cli.phar generate_block block-name

This will generate all the required boilerplate for a block using the block-name specified, and also include the new .scss file in the main.scss file. Once generated you can immediately start editing the custom fields to target this block.

BEM Linter

A BEM (Block Element Modifier) linter has been setup and will run when the scss code is compiled. Add your blocks (components) inside the scss/blocks folder and utilities inside scss/utils folder. You can also enable the linter on files outside of this default folders by adding the comment /** @define my-component */ at the top of the file. For more info about how to define components and utilities check the documentation.

Versioning / Caching

A git hook is added when setting up the boilerplate for the first time that will create a file with the build version every time a new commit is made.

If you are cloning this repository after the boilerplate was setup or you need to set the hook again, run the task gulp copy_git_pre_commit_hook to copy the hook to your git hooks folder, next time you make a new commit the build version will be updated.

A note about JavaScript implementation

We use Babel/ES6/Webpack to transpile ES6 JavaScript. This means it's easy to import modules into your code, but may have some issues with older libraries or libraries without commonJS implementation. You will see inside webpack.config.js that several aliases have been setup. You can uncomment these to get them working correctly.

You may require a similar approach for other JavaScript libraries.

A word about the built in PHP server for Mac users

Mac users have reported issues with the built in PHP server not connecting to the MySQL database correctly. This seems to happen for MAMP users. A php.ini file is not defined for MAMP users when using the built in server. You should copy your MAMP php.ini file to /etc/

The command php --ini should tell you where to find the file you need.

For example:

  • /Applications/MAMP/bin/php/phpX.X.XX/conf

Should be copied to:

  • /etc/

Once this is done, the socket file for MySQL socket connections will be found. If this is not the case you need to confirm your socket files exists and is configured correctly in the PHP.ini file being used.

  • mysql.default_socket = /Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock
  • pdo_mysql.default_socket = /Applications/MAMP/tmp/mysql/mysql.sock

Created by Lab19.


Scaffolding for WordPress sites using Gulp and WP-CLI, by Lab19 Digital






No releases published




  • JavaScript 39.0%
  • PHP 38.3%
  • Twig 13.5%
  • SCSS 8.4%
  • Shell 0.4%
  • HTML 0.3%
  • CSS 0.1%