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A Basic Social Network to create, view, like, and dislike posts

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Python-Versions pip-Version Django-Version DjangoRest-Version Environ-Version Bcrypt-Version Celery-Version DjangoRestJWT-Version

trade-core-social-network is a basic social network which consists of users and posts. Users can sign up/in, create posts, view/like/dislike other Users' posts

Below are the requirements of the project :

  • On the sign up, the email must be verified through the email validation API abstractapi and only sign up valid emails
  • Once signed up, enrich the User with geolocation data of the IP ; based on geolocation of the IP, check if the signup date coincides with a holiday in the User’s country, and save that info. This data enrichment must be performed asynchronously, and through the geolocation data and Holiday API of abstractapi
  • use JWT for authentification
  • API endpoints must be covered with tests

To resolve this problem, we have used python, django, djangorestframework , requests , django-environ , Bcrypt , Celery , djangorestframework_simplejwt ,

  • python: among the requirements.
  • django: among the requirements.
  • djangorestframework: we were asked to develop a simple RESTFul API. Thereby, djangorestframework best fits the problem
  • requests: to request the holiday, geolocation and email validation third-party API.
  • django-environ: to set environment variables in django, for sensible data(API_KEY, SECRET_KEY) storage and security.
  • Bcrypt: to hash password before storing in the database.
  • Celery: Celery is an asynchronous job queue. It helps to perform the user data enrichment after the signUP
  • djangorestframework_simplejwt: to perform the JSON Web Token authentification in djangorestframework.

To run my solution, you must have python and pip installed in your system.

To clone my code, you run the command below in the CLI

git clone ""

You can also download the project by clicking the link trade_core_social_network

After downloading the code, Open the CLI in the root directory and execute the command :

pip install -r requirements.txt

NB: "requirements.txt is a file which contains all the project dependencies"

All the project dependencies installed, run the command

python runserver # on Windows


python3 runserver # on Linux

NB: The server is running on the default port 8000

After installing all the dependencies, we must dive into the models , views ,and urls.

We need a User and a Post models to save and retrieve users and posts from the database through the ORM (Object Relational Mapper) To save a view/like/dislike post actions, we used the ViewPost, LikePost, and UnLikePost intermediate models which were respectively linked to the views, likes and unlikes attributes of the Post model.

For the views, we implement a shared_task with celery to perform the data enrichment. The endpoints developed are below :

  • POST /user user signUp
  • GET /user get user data
  • POST /login user login
  • POST /post create a post
  • GET /post get post data
  • POST /view view a post by a user
  • POST /like like a post by a user
  • POST /unlike unlike a post by a user

To solve the problem, we did some hypothesis & decisions:

  • we have put the .env file in the GITHUB repo, for you to see and test the code. NB: We never display sensitive data
  • the user enters correct informations because no bad formatted data have been handled

Tests have been done to test the endpoints. To run the tests, run the command python test

  • add a redis-server to perform and optimize caching