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Version 3.0 - Big changes
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Big changes but no new features.
- Now works better for any OS 3.x ("compiled" with the then-latest Luna)
- Now uses Jim's AddToGC technique to directly add functions to GC
- Some overall reformatting
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adriweb committed May 31, 2013
1 parent bd012ea commit 02b817b
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Showing 3 changed files with 191 additions and 159 deletions.
319 changes: 175 additions & 144 deletions BetterLuaAPI.lua
@@ -1,191 +1,222 @@
-- BetterLuaAPI for TI-Nspire
-- Version 2.2 (Aug 28th 2011)
-- Adriweb 2011 -- Thanks to Jim Bauwens and Levak
-- BetterLuaAPI for the TI-Nspire
-- Version 3.0 (May 30th 2013)
-- Adriweb 2013
-- -

-- Put all this or some of this (be careful, though, some functions use each other) in your code and thank me ;)
-- Remember to put "myGC = gc" in the on.paint(gc) function.

------ Utilities -----

-- Thanks John Powers (TI) !
-- Needed if OS < 3.2
if not platform.withGC then
function platform.withGC(f)
local gc = platform.gc()
local result = { f(gc) }
return unpack(result)

-- Credits to Jim Bauwens :)
-- See
-- Needed.
function AddToGC(key, func)
local gcMetatable = platform.withGC(getmetatable)
gcMetatable[key] = func

----- New Things -----

device = { api, hasColor, isCalc, theType, lang }
device.api = platform.apilevel
device.hasColor = platform.isColorDisplay()
device.lang =

-- See the use of that device table in the on.paint function
function on.resize(w, h)
device.isCalc = platform.window:width() < 320
device.theType = platform.isTabletModeRendering and (platform.isTabletModeRendering() and "tablet" or "software") or (platform.isDeviceModeRendering() and "handheld" or "software")

function on.create()

function on.resize()
device.isCalc = (platform.window:width() < 320)
device.theType = platform.isDeviceModeRendering() and "handheld" or "software"
-- put the rest of your resize code here

Color = {
["black"] = {0, 0, 0},
["red"] = {0xff, 0, 0},
["green"] = {0, 0xff, 0},
["blue "] = {0, 0, 0xff},
["white"] = {0xff, 0xff, 0xff},
["brown"] = {165,42,42},
["cyan"] = {0,255,255},
["darkblue"] = {0,0,139},
["darkred"] = {139,0,0},
["fuchsia"] = {255,0,255},
["gold"] = {255,215,0},
["gray"] = {127,127,127},
["grey"] = {127,127,127},
["lightblue"] = {173,216,230},
["lightgreen"] = {144,238,144},
["magenta"] = {255,0,255},
["maroon"] = {128,0,0},
["navyblue"] = {159,175,223},
["orange"] = {255,165,0},
["palegreen"] = {152,251,152},
["pink"] = {255,192,203},
["purple"] = {128,0,128},
["royalblue"] = {65,105,225},
["salmon"] = {250,128,114},
["seagreen"] = {46,139,87},
["silver"] = {192,192,192},
["turquoise"] = {64,224,208},
["violet"] = {238,130,238},
["yellow"] = {255,255,0}
["black"] = { 0, 0, 0 },
["red"] = { 255, 0, 0 },
["green"] = { 0, 255, 0 },
["blue "] = { 0, 0, 255 },
["white"] = { 255, 255, 255 },
["brown"] = { 165, 42, 42 },
["cyan"] = { 0, 255, 255 },
["darkblue"] = { 0, 0, 139 },
["darkred"] = { 139, 0, 0 },
["fuchsia"] = { 255, 0, 255 },
["gold"] = { 255, 215, 0 },
["gray"] = { 127, 127, 127 },
["grey"] = { 127, 127, 127 },
["lightblue"] = { 173, 216, 230 },
["lightgreen"] = { 144, 238, 144 },
["magenta"] = { 255, 0, 255 },
["maroon"] = { 128, 0, 0 },
["navyblue"] = { 159, 175, 223 },
["orange"] = { 255, 165, 0 },
["palegreen"] = { 152, 251, 152 },
["pink"] = { 255, 192, 203 },
["purple"] = { 128, 0, 128 },
["royalblue"] = { 65, 105, 225 },
["salmon"] = { 250, 128, 114 },
["seagreen"] = { 46, 139, 87 },
["silver"] = { 192, 192, 192 },
["turquoise"] = { 64, 224, 208 },
["violet"] = { 238, 130, 238 },
["yellow"] = { 255, 255, 0 }
} = {__index = function () return {0,0,0} end}
setmetatable(Color, = { __index = function() return { 0, 0, 0 } end }

local function copyTable(t)
local t2 = {}
for k,v in pairs(t) do
t2[k] = v
return t2

local function deepcopy(t) -- This function recursively copies a table's contents, and ensures that metatables are preserved. That is, it will correctly clone a pure Lua object.
if type(t) ~= 'table' then return t end
local mt = getmetatable(t)
local res = {}
for k,v in pairs(t) do
if type(v) == 'table' then
v = deepcopy(v)
res[k] = v
return res
end -- from
local t2 = {}
for k, v in pairs(t) do
t2[k] = v
return t2

-- This function recursively copies a table's contents, and ensures that metatables are preserved.
-- That is, it will correctly clone a pure Lua object.
-- Taken from
local function deepcopy(t)
if type(t) ~= 'table' then return t end
local mt = getmetatable(t)
local res = {}
for k, v in pairs(t) do
if type(v) == 'table' then
v = deepcopy(v)
res[k] = v
setmetatable(res, mt)
return res

local function test(arg)
return arg and 1 or 0
return arg and 1 or 0

local function screenRefresh()
return platform.window:invalidate()
local function screenRefresh() return platform.window:invalidate() end
local function pww() return platform.window:width() end
local function pwh() return platform.window:height() end

local function pww()
return platform.window:width()
local function drawPoint(gc, x, y)
gc:fillRect(x, y, 1, 1)

local function pwh()
return platform.window:height()
local function drawCircle(gc, x, y, diameter)
gc:drawArc(x - diameter / 2, y - diameter / 2, diameter, diameter, 0, 360)

local function drawPoint(x, y)
myGC:fillRect(x, y, 1, 1)
local function drawCenteredString(gc, str)
gc:drawString(str, (platform.window:width() - gc:getStringWidth(str)) / 2, platform.window:height() / 2, "middle")

local function drawCircle(x, y, diameter)
myGC:drawArc(x - diameter/2, y - diameter/2, diameter,diameter,0,360)
local function drawXCenteredString(gc, str, y)
gc:drawString(str, (platform.window:width() - gc:getStringWidth(str)) / 2, y, "top")

local function drawCenteredString(str)
myGC:drawString(str, (pww() - myGC:getStringWidth(str)) / 2, pwh() / 2, "middle")
local function setColor(gc, theColor)
if type(theColor) == "string" then
theColor = theColor:lower()
if type(Color[theColor]) == "table" then gc:setColorRGB(unpack(Color[theColor])) end
elseif type(theColor) == "table" then

local function drawXCenteredString(str,y)
myGC:drawString(str, (pww() - myGC:getStringWidth(str)) / 2, y, "top")
local function verticalBar(gc, x)
gc:fillRect(x, 0, 1, platform.window:height())

local function setColor(theColor)
if type(theColor) == "string" then
theColor = string.lower(theColor)
if type(Color[theColor]) == "table" then myGC:setColorRGB(unpack(Color[theColor])) end
elseif type(theColor) == "table" then
local function horizontalBar(gc, y)
gc:fillRect(0, y, platform.window:width(), 1)

local function verticalBar(x)
local function drawSquare(gc, x, y, l)
gc:drawPolyLine({ (x - l / 2), (y - l / 2), (x + l / 2), (y - l / 2), (x + l / 2), (y + l / 2), (x - l / 2), (y + l / 2), (x - l / 2), (y - l / 2) })

local function horizontalBar(y)
local function drawRoundRect(gc, x, y, wd, ht, rd) -- wd = width, ht = height, rd = radius of the rounded corner
local x = x - wd / 2 -- let the center of the square be the origin (x coord)
local y = y - ht / 2 -- same for y coord
if rd > ht / 2 then rd = ht / 2 end -- avoid drawing cool but unexpected shapes. This will draw a circle (max rd)
gc:drawLine(x + rd, y, x + wd - (rd), y)
gc:drawArc(x + wd - (rd * 2), y + ht - (rd * 2), rd * 2, rd * 2, 270, 90)
gc:drawLine(x + wd, y + rd, x + wd, y + ht - (rd))
gc:drawArc(x + wd - (rd * 2), y, rd * 2, rd * 2, 0, 90)
gc:drawLine(x + wd - (rd), y + ht, x + rd, y + ht)
gc:drawArc(x, y, rd * 2, rd * 2, 90, 90)
gc:drawLine(x, y + ht - (rd), x, y + rd)
gc:drawArc(x, y + ht - (rd * 2), rd * 2, rd * 2, 180, 90)

local function drawSquare(x,y,l)
myGC:drawPolyLine({(x-l/2),(y-l/2), (x+l/2),(y-l/2), (x+l/2),(y+l/2), (x-l/2),(y+l/2), (x-l/2),(y-l/2)})
local function fillRoundRect(gc, x, y, wd, ht, radius) -- wd = width and ht = height -- renders badly when transparency (alpha) is not at maximum >< will re-code later
if radius > ht / 2 then radius = ht / 2 end -- avoid drawing cool but unexpected shapes. This will draw a circle (max radius)
gc:fillPolygon({ (x - wd / 2), (y - ht / 2 + radius), (x + wd / 2), (y - ht / 2 + radius), (x + wd / 2), (y + ht / 2 - radius), (x - wd / 2), (y + ht / 2 - radius), (x - wd / 2), (y - ht / 2 + radius) })
gc:fillPolygon({ (x - wd / 2 - radius + 1), (y - ht / 2), (x + wd / 2 - radius + 1), (y - ht / 2), (x + wd / 2 - radius + 1), (y + ht / 2), (x - wd / 2 + radius), (y + ht / 2), (x - wd / 2 + radius), (y - ht / 2) })
local x = x - wd / 2 -- let the center of the square be the origin (x coord)
local y = y - ht / 2 -- same
gc:fillArc(x + wd - (radius * 2), y + ht - (radius * 2), radius * 2, radius * 2, 1, -91)
gc:fillArc(x + wd - (radius * 2), y, radius * 2, radius * 2, -2, 91)
gc:fillArc(x, y, radius * 2, radius * 2, 85, 95)
gc:fillArc(x, y + ht - (radius * 2), radius * 2, radius * 2, 180, 95)

local function drawRoundRect(x,y,wd,ht,rd) -- wd = width, ht = height, rd = radius of the rounded corner
x = x-wd/2 -- let the center of the square be the origin (x coord)
y = y-ht/2 -- same for y coord
if rd > ht/2 then rd = ht/2 end -- avoid drawing cool but unexpected shapes. This will draw a circle (max rd)
myGC:drawLine(x + rd, y, x + wd - (rd), y);
myGC:drawArc(x + wd - (rd*2), y + ht - (rd*2), rd*2, rd*2, 270, 90);
myGC:drawLine(x + wd, y + rd, x + wd, y + ht - (rd));
myGC:drawArc(x + wd - (rd*2), y, rd*2, rd*2,0,90);
myGC:drawLine(x + wd - (rd), y + ht, x + rd, y + ht);
myGC:drawArc(x, y, rd*2, rd*2, 90, 90);
myGC:drawLine(x, y + ht - (rd), x, y + rd);
myGC:drawArc(x, y + ht - (rd*2), rd*2, rd*2, 180, 90);
local function clearWindow(gc, theColor)
gc:setColor(theColor) -- will handle both strings like "red" and direct colors like {255,0,0}
gc:fillRect(0, 0, platform.window:width(), platform.window:height())

local function fillRoundRect(x,y,wd,ht,radius) -- wd = width and ht = height -- renders badly when transparency (alpha) is not at maximum >< will re-code later
if radius > ht/2 then radius = ht/2 end -- avoid drawing cool but unexpected shapes. This will draw a circle (max radius)
myGC:fillPolygon({(x-wd/2),(y-ht/2+radius), (x+wd/2),(y-ht/2+radius), (x+wd/2),(y+ht/2-radius), (x-wd/2),(y+ht/2-radius), (x-wd/2),(y-ht/2+radius)})
myGC:fillPolygon({(x-wd/2-radius+1),(y-ht/2), (x+wd/2-radius+1),(y-ht/2), (x+wd/2-radius+1),(y+ht/2), (x-wd/2+radius),(y+ht/2), (x-wd/2+radius),(y-ht/2)})
x = x-wd/2 -- let the center of the square be the origin (x coord)
y = y-ht/2 -- same
myGC:fillArc(x + wd - (radius*2), y + ht - (radius*2), radius*2, radius*2, 1, -91);
myGC:fillArc(x + wd - (radius*2), y, radius*2, radius*2,-2,91);
myGC:fillArc(x, y, radius*2, radius*2, 85, 95);
myGC:fillArc(x, y + ht - (radius*2), radius*2, radius*2, 180, 95);

local function drawLinearGradient(color1,color2)
-- syntax would be : color1 and color2 as {r,g,b}.
-- don't really know how to do that. probably converting to hue/saturation/light mode and change the hue.
-- todo with unpack(color1) and unpack(color2)
------ Adding the functions to gc -------
AddToGC("setColor", setColor)
AddToGC("drawPoint", drawPoint)
AddToGC("drawCircle", drawCircle)
AddToGC("drawSquare", drawSquare)
AddToGC("drawRoundRect", drawRoundRect)
AddToGC("fillRoundRect", fillRoundRect)
AddToGC("verticalBar", verticalBar)
AddToGC("horizontalBar", horizontalBar)
AddToGC("drawCenteredString", drawCenteredString)
AddToGC("drawXCenteredString", drawXCenteredString)
AddToGC("clearWindow", clearWindow)

local function clearWindow(theColor)
setColor(theColor) -- will handle both strings like "red" and direct colors like {255,0,0}
myGC:fillRect(0, 0, platform.window:width(), platform.window:height())

------ Testing -------
function on.paint(gc)
myGC = gc -- very important line !
setColor("red") -- is the same as gc:setColorRGB(unpack(Color["red"])) or setColor({255,0,0})
local isCalcCX = device.hasColor and "a CX." or "not a CX."
drawXCenteredString("You are on the " .. device.theType .. ", and it's " .. isCalcCX, 50)
drawCenteredString("hello world - Centered String")
drawXCenteredString("X-Centered String - Adriweb here \\o/",0.75*pwh())
-- screenRefresh()
-- clearWindow({0, 0, 255}) - will fill the screen with the given color. Here, blue.

--------------- End of BetterLuaAPI
gc:setColor("red") -- is the same as gc:setColorRGB(unpack(Color["red"])) or setColor({255,0,0})
gc:drawPoint(50, 50)
gc:drawCircle(150, 50, 20)
gc:drawSquare(200, 60, 30)
gc:drawRoundRect(200, 160, 51, 51, 10)
gc:fillRoundRect(100, 160, 100, 75, 20)
local isCalcCX = device.hasColor and "a CX" or "not a CX"
gc:drawXCenteredString("You are on the " .. device.theType .. ", and it's " .. isCalcCX .. " (" .. device.lang .. ").", 50)
gc:drawCenteredString("hello world - Centered String")
gc:drawXCenteredString("X-Centered String - Adriweb here \\o/", 0.75 * platform.window:height())
-- screenRefresh()
-- clearWindow({0, 0, 255}) - will fill the screen with the given color. Here, blue.
Binary file modified BetterLuaAPI.tns
Binary file not shown.

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