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Merge pull request #13 from adrn/remove-ah
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Remove astropy-helpers
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adrn committed Apr 18, 2020
2 parents c261e6f + 6a2cff3 commit 5787992
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Showing 12 changed files with 332 additions and 1,412 deletions.
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions .gitmodules

This file was deleted.

171 changes: 79 additions & 92 deletions .travis.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,12 @@
# We set the language to c because python isn't supported on the MacOS X nodes
# on Travis. However, the language ends up being irrelevant anyway, since we
# install Python ourselves using conda.
language: c
language: python

# We need a full clone to make sure setuptools_scm works properly
depth: false

- linux

# Setting sudo to false opts in to Travis-CI container-based builds.
sudo: false

# The apt packages below are needed for sphinx builds. A full list of packages
# that can be included can be found here:
Expand All @@ -18,120 +16,109 @@ addons:
- graphviz
- texlive-latex-extra
- dvipng

# Do the style check and a single test job, don't proceed if it fails
- name: Initial tests
# Test docs, astropy dev, and without optional dependencies
- name: Comprehensive tests
# These will only run when cron is opted in
- name: Cron tests
if: type = cron


# The following versions are the 'default' for tests, unless
# overridden underneath. They are defined here in order to save having
# to repeat them for all configurations.
- MAIN_CMD='python'
- SETUP_CMD='test'
- EVENT_TYPE='pull_request push'

# For this package-template, we include examples of Cython modules,
# so Cython is required for testing. If your package does not include
# Cython code, you can set CONDA_DEPENDENCIES=''
- CONDA_DEPENDENCIES='Cython matplotlib scipy'

# List other runtime dependencies for the package that are available as
# pip packages here.

# Conda packages for affiliated packages are hosted in channel
# "astropy" while builds for astropy LTS with recent numpy versions
# are in astropy-ci-extras. If your package uses either of these,
# add the channels to CONDA_CHANNELS along with any other channels
# you want to use.
- CONDA_CHANNELS='astropy-ci-extras astropy'

# If there are matplotlib or other GUI tests, uncomment the following
# line to use the X virtual framebuffer.

# Make sure that egg_info works without dependencies
# The following three variables are for tox. TOXENV is a standard
# variable that tox uses to determine the environment to run,
# TOXARGS are arguments passed to tox, and TOXPOSARGS are arguments
# that tox passes through to the {posargs} indicator in tox.ini.
# The latter can be used for example to pass arguments to pytest.
- TOXENV='test'
- TOXARGS='-v'

# The following is needed to avoid issues if e.g. Matplotlib tries
# to open a GUI window.


# Don't wait for allowed failures
fast_finish: true

# Try MacOS X
- os: osx
env: SETUP_CMD='test'

# Do a coverage test.
- os: linux
env: SETUP_CMD='test --coverage'
# Try MacOS X, usually enough only to run from cron as hardly there are
# issues that are not picked up by a linux worker. We set language to
# 'c' since 'python' doesn't work on non-Linux platforms.
- os: osx
language: c
name: Python 3.7 with required dependencies
stage: Cron tests
env: PYTHON_VERSION=3.7 TOXENV=py37-test

# Check for sphinx doc build warnings - we do this first because it
# may run for a long time
# Do a regular build on Linux with Python 3.8, with cov
# For Linux we use language: python to avoid using conda.
- os: linux
env: SETUP_CMD='build_docs -w'
python: 3.8
name: Python 3.8 with required dependencies and measure coverage
stage: Initial tests
env: TOXENV=py38-test-cov

# Now try Astropy dev vesions with the latest 3.x
# Check for sphinx doc build warnings
- os: linux
env: ASTROPY_VERSION=development
EVENT_TYPE='pull_request push cron'

# Try all python versions and Numpy versions. Since we can assume that
# the Numpy developers have taken care of testing Numpy with different
# versions of Python, we can vary Python and Numpy versions at the same
# time.

# Try numpy pre-release
python: 3.8
name: Documentation build
stage: Comprehensive tests
env: TOXENV=build_docs

# Add a job that runs from cron only and tests against astropy dev and
# numpy dev to give a change for early discovery of issues and feedback
# for both developer teams.
- os: linux
env: NUMPY_VERSION=prerelease
EVENT_TYPE='pull_request push cron'

# Do a PEP8 test with pycodestyle
- os: linux
env: MAIN_CMD='pycodestyle twobody --count' SETUP_CMD=''
python: 3.8
name: Python 3.8 latest developer version of key dependencies
stage: Cron tests
env: TOXENV=py38-test-devdeps

# Try on Windows.
- os: windows
language: c
name: Python 3.8 with required dependencies
stage: Comprehensive tests
env: PYTHON_VERSION=3.8 TOXENV=py38-test

# Do a PEP8 test with pycodestyle
# (allow to fail unless your code completely compliant)
Do a PEP8 test with flake8
(do allow to fail unless your code completely compliant)
- os: linux
env: MAIN_CMD='pycodestyle twobody --count' SETUP_CMD=''
python: 3.8
name: Code style checks
stage: Initial tests
env: TOXENV=codestyle


# We now use the ci-helpers package to set up our testing environment.
# This is done by using Miniconda and then using conda and pip to install
# dependencies. Which dependencies are installed using conda and pip is
# determined by the CONDA_DEPENDENCIES and PIP_DEPENDENCIES variables,
# which should be space-delimited lists of package names. See the README
# in for information about the full
# list of environment variables that can be used to customize your
# environment. In some cases, ci-helpers may not offer enough flexibility
# in how to install a package, in which case you can have additional
# commands in the install: section below.

- git clone git://
- source ci-helpers/travis/

# As described above, using ci-helpers, you should be able to set up an
# environment with dependencies installed using conda and pip, but in some
# cases this may not provide enough flexibility in how to install a
# specific dependency (and it will not be able to install non-Python
# dependencies). Therefore, you can also include commands below (as
# well as at the start of the install section or in the before_install
# section if they are needed before setting up conda) to install any
# other dependencies.
# We now use the ci-helpers package to set up our Python environment
# on Windows and MacOS X but we don't set up any other dependencies,
# instead using tox to do this. See
# for more information about ci-helpers.

- if [[ $TRAVIS_OS_NAME != linux ]]; then
git clone --depth 1 git://;
source ci-helpers/travis/;

- pip install tox

# If is set up for this package, uncomment the line below.
Expand Down
23 changes: 1 addition & 22 deletions
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
include README.rst
include CHANGES.rst
include pyproject.toml

Expand All @@ -16,26 +17,4 @@ prune build
prune docs/_build
prune docs/api

# the next few stanzas are for astropy_helpers. It's derived from the
# astropy_helpers/, but requires additional includes for the actual
# package directory and egg-info.

include astropy_helpers/README.rst
include astropy_helpers/CHANGES.rst
include astropy_helpers/LICENSE.rst
recursive-include astropy_helpers/licenses *

include astropy_helpers/
include astropy_helpers/

recursive-include astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers *.py *.pyx *.c *.h *.rst
recursive-include astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers.egg-info *
# include the sphinx stuff with "*" because there are css/html/rst/etc.
recursive-include astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/sphinx *

prune astropy_helpers/build
prune astropy_helpers/astropy_helpers/tests

global-exclude *.pyc *.o

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