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176 lines (145 loc) · 6.22 KB

1.2 (unreleased)

New Features

Bug fixes

API changes

1.1 (2020-03-08)

New Features

  • Potential objects now support replacing the unit system with the .replace_units() method, or by updating the .units attribute on an existing instance.
  • Added a DirectNBody class that supports direct N-body orbit integration in (optional) external background potentials.
  • Added a coordinate frame for the Jhelum stream, JhelumBonaca19.
  • Added a function for retrieving a more modern Galactocentric reference frame, gala.coordinates.get_galactocentric2019().
  • Added a classmethod to allow initializing a GreatCircleICRSFrame from a rotation matrix that specifies the transformation from ICRS to the great circle frame.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that led to incorrect GreatCircleICRSFrame transformations when no ra0 was provided.
  • Fixed a bug in the OrphanKoposov19 tranasformation.

API changes

  • Overhauled the mock stellar stream generation methodology to allow for more general stream generation. See MockStreamGenerator and the stream distribution function classes, e.g., FardalStreamDF.
  • Removed deprecated CartesianPhaseSpacePosition class.
  • Removed long deprecated Quaternion class.

1.0 (2019-04-12)

New Features

  • Added a new coordinate frame for great circle coordinate systems defined by a pole. This frame can be created with a pole and origin, a pole and longitude zero point, by two points along a great circle, or by specifying the cartesian basis vectors of the new frame.
  • Added a function to transform a proper motion covariance matrix to a new coordinate frame.
  • Added support for compiling Gala with or without the GNU Scientific Library (GSL), which is needed for the new potential classes indicated below.
  • Added a new PowerLawCutoffPotential class for a power-law density distribution with an exponential cutoff (requires GSL).
  • Added an implementation of the MWPotential2014 from galpy (called BovyMWPotential2014 in gala) (requires GSL).
  • Added an implementation of the Self-Consistent Field (SCF) basis function expansion method for representing potential-density pairs (requires GSL).
  • Most Potential classes now support rotations and origin shifts through the R and origin arguments.
  • Added a progress argument to the Python integrators to display a progress bar when stepping the integrators.
  • When generating mock stellar streams and storing snapshots (rather than just the final phase-space positions of the particles) now supports specifying the snapshot frequency with the output_every argument.

Bug fixes

  • Stream frames now properly wrap the longitude (phi1) components to the range (-180, 180) deg.

API changes

  • Stream classes have been renamed to reflect the author that defined them.
  • Proper motion and coordinate velocity transformations have now been removed in favor of the implementations in Astropy.
  • Added a .data attribute to PhaseSpacePosition objects that returns a Representation or NDRepresentation instance with velocity data (differentials) attached.

0.3 (2018-04-23)

New Features

  • Added a NullPotential class that has 0 mass and serves as a placeholder.
  • Added a new zmax() method on the Orbit class to compute the maximum z heights and times, or the mean maximum z height. Similar to apocenter() and pericenter().
  • Added a new generator method on the Orbit class for easy iteration over orbits.

Bug fixes

  • Orbit.norbits now works...oops.
  • apocenter() and pericenter() now work when more than one orbit is stored in an Orbit class.

0.2.2 (2017-10-07)

New features

  • Added a new coordinate frame aligned with the Palomar 5 stream.
  • Added a function gala.dynamics.combine to combine PhaseSpacePosition or Orbit objects.

Bug fixes

  • Added a density function for the Kepler potential.
  • Added a density function for the Long & Murali bar potential

Other changes

  • Added JOSS paper.
  • Cleaned up some tests and documentation to use the Hamiltonian object.

0.2.1 (2017-07-19)

Bug fixes

  • Array parameters are now numpy.ravel'd before being passed to the CPotentialWrapper class methods.
  • Added attribution to Bovy 2015 for disk potential in MilkyWayPotential

0.2 (2017-07-15)

New Features

  • Added a new potential class for the Satoh density (Satoh 1980).
  • Added support for Leapfrog integration when generating mock stellar streams.
  • Added new colormaps and defaults for the matplotlib style.
  • Added support for non-inertial reference frames and implemented a constant rotating reference frame.
  • Added a new class - Hamiltonian - for storing potentials with reference frames. This should be used for easy orbit integration instead of the potential classes.
  • Added a new argument to the mock stream generation functions t output orbits of all of the mock stream star particles to an HDF5 file.
  • Cleaned up and simplified the process of subclassing a C-implemented gravitational potential.
  • Gravitational potential class instances can now be composed by just adding the instances.
  • Added a MilkyWayPotential class.

API-breaking changes

  • CartesianPhaseSpacePosition and CartesianOrbit are deprecated. Use PhaseSpacePosition and Orbit with a Cartesian representation instead.
  • Overhauled the storage of position and velocity information on PhaseSpacePosition and Orbit classes. This uses new features in Astropy 2.0 that allow attaching "differential" classes to representation classes for storing velocity information. .pos and .vel no longer point to arrays of Cartesian coordinates, but now instead point to astropy.coordinates representation and differential objects, respectively.

0.1.1 (2016-05-20)

  • Removed debug statement.
  • Added 'Why' page to documentation.

0.1.0 (2016-05-19)

  • Initial release.