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Software Engineer Roadmap

As a Software Engineer I've been facing the same dilemma when deciding what I should learn to improve my skills and learn new things. There's no a right or wrong answer, but I started to dig more about what I should learn that I could improve and evolve in my career.

Based on very good books and articles, I created a Software Engineer Roadmap, that have helping me to keep track of my learning and give me the big picture of the hole key points I should learn.

1. Checklist of Learning

To have the control of what I learned and how many times I visited a specific topic, I include a number inside square brackets before the topic`s name. This number will be increased every time I revisited the topic. If the learning generate any artefact, a link will be included in the topic as in the example below :

1.1. Study Guide

I included the file Study_Guide.txt. Is the starting point every time a I decide to start studyng something.

2. Algorithm & Data Structure

2.1. Algorithms

2.2. Datastructures

2.3. Concepts

  • Bit Manipulation
  • Memory (Stack vs Heap)
  • Recursion
  • Dynamic Programming
  • Big O Time & Space

3. Software Architecture

3.1. Programming Paradigms

  • [1] Structured Programing
  • Functional Programing
  • [1] Object-oriented Programing

3.2. ¹Design Patterns (Solve a localised problem)

3.2.1. Creational

3.2.2. Structural

3.2.2. Behavioral

3.3. ²Enterprise Integration Patterns (Solve the problems related to the integration between systems)

3.3.1. Messaging

  • [1] Message Channel
  • Message
  • [1] Pipes and Filters
  • [1] Message Router
  • [1] Message Translator
  • [1] Message Endpoint

3.3.2. Message Channel

  • Point-to-Point Channel
  • Publish-Subscribe Channel
  • Datatype Channel
  • Invalid Message Channel
  • Dead Letter Channel
  • Guaranteed Delivery
  • Channel Adapter
  • Messaging Bridge
  • Message Bus

3.3.3. Message Construction

  • Command Message
  • Document Message
  • Event Message
  • Request-Reply
  • Return Address
  • Correlation Identifier
  • Message Sequence
  • Message Expiration
  • Format Indicator

3.3.4. Message Router

  • Content-Based Router
  • Message Filter
  • Dynamic Router
  • Recipient List
  • Splitter
  • Aggregator
  • Resequencer
  • Composed Message Processor
  • Scatter-Gather
  • Routing Slip
  • Process Manager
  • Message Broker

3.3.5. Message Transformation

  • Envelope Wrapper
  • Content Enricher
  • Content Filter
  • Claim Check
  • Normalizer
  • Canonical Data Model

3.3.6. Message Endpoint

  • Messaging Gateway
  • Messaging Mapper
  • Transactional Client
  • Polling Consumer
  • Event-Driven Consumer
  • Competing Consumers
  • Message Dispatcher
  • Selective Consumer
  • Durable Subscriber
  • Idempotent Receiver
  • Service Activator

3.3.6. System Management

  • Control Bus
  • Detour
  • Wire Tap
  • Message History
  • Message Store
  • Smart Proxy
  • Test Message
  • Channel Purger

3.4. ³Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture (POSA)

3.4.1. Software architecture

  • [1] Domain model
  • [1] Layers
  • [1] Model-View-Controller
  • [1] Presentation-Abstraction-Control
  • [1] Microkernel
  • [1] Reflection
  • [1] Shared repository
  • [1] Blackboard
  • [1] Domain object

3.4.2. Distribution Infrastructure

  • [1] Publisher-subscriber
  • [1] Message Broker
  • [1] Client proxy
  • [1] Requestor
  • [1] Invoker
  • [1] Client request handler
  • [1] Server request handler

3.4.3. Adaptation and execution

  • [1] Object Adapter
  • [1] Interceptor
  • [1] Execute-Around Object
  • [1] Null Object
  • [1] Wrapper Facade
  • [1] Declarative component configuration

3.4.4. Resource management

  • [1] Container
  • [1] Component Configurator
  • [1] Object manager
  • [1] Lookup
  • [1] Virtual Proxy
  • [1] Lifecycle callback
  • [1] Task coordinator
  • [1] Resource pool
  • [1] Resource cache
  • [1] Lazy Acquisition
  • [1] Eager Acquisition
  • [1] Partial Acquisition
  • [1] Activator
  • [1] Evictor
  • [1] Leasing
  • [1] Automated Garbage Collection
  • [1] Counting Handle
  • [1] Disposal Method

3.4.5. Database access

  • [1] Database Access Layer
  • [1] Data mapper
  • [1] Row Data Gateway
  • [1] Table Data Gateway
  • [1] Active Record

3.5. Enterprise Patterns

  • [1] Transaction Script
  • [1] Data Transfer Object (DTO)
  • [1] Identity Maps
  • [1] Interactors
  • [1] Use Cases
  • [1] Repositories
  • [1] Comands/Queries (CommandQuerySeparation)
  • [1] Value Object
  • [1] Entities
  • [1] Object/Relational mapping (ORM)

3.6. Archtectural Principles

  • [1] Policy(What should happen and when) vs Detail(Implementation of Policies)
  • [1] Coupling & cohesion (high cohesion + low coupling)
  • [1] Composition over inheritance
  • [1] Encapsulate what varies
  • [1] Program against abstractions
  • [1] Holiwood principle (Don't call me, I you call you.)
  • [1] Don't Repeat Yourself (DRY)
  • [1] You aren't gonna need it (YAGNI)
  • [1] Keep it simple, Stupid (KISS)
  • [1] Law of Demeter
  • [1] TellDontAsk
3.6.1. Package Cohesion Principles
  • [1] Reuse-Release Equivalent Principle (REP)
  • [1] Common-Reuse Principle (CCP)
  • [1] Common-Clojure Principle (CRP)
3.6.2. Package Coupling Principles
  • [1] Acyclic Dependency Principle (ADP)
  • [1] Stable-Dependencies Principle (SDP)
  • [1] Stable-Abstractions Princple (SAP)
3.6.3. SOLID
  • [1] Single Responsability Principle (SRP)
  • [1] Open Close Principle (OCP)
  • [1] Liskov Substitution Principle (LSP)
  • [1] Interface Segragation Principle (ISP)
  • [1] Dependency Inversion Principle (DIP)

3.7. Archtectural Styles (How to organize our code - Application design at the highest level of abstraction)

3.7.1. Structural

  • [1] Component-based
  • [1] Monolithic
  • [1] Layered

3.7.2. Messaging

  • [1] Event-Driven
  • [1] Publish-Subscribe

3.7.2. Distributed

  • [1] Client-Server
  • [1] Peer-to-peer

3.8. Archtectural Patterns (Solve the problems related to the Architectural Style - a way to implement an Architectural Style)

  • [1] CQRS
  • [1] Event Sourcing
  • [1] Domain-Driven Design
  • [1] Hexagonal Archtecture (Archtecture Design Pattern)
  • [1] Sagas
  • [1] Software Orchestrated
  • [1] Software Choreography
  • [1] Message Queues
  • [1] Event Streaming
  • [1] Blackboard pattern
  • [1] Servless Archtecture
  • [1] Microkernel
  • [1] Microservices
  • [1] Three-tier
  • [1] Model-View-Controller
  • [1] Model-View-View-Model
  • [1] SOA

4. Backend Ecosystem

4.1. Internet

  • [1] How does the internet work ?
  • [1] What is HTTP ?
  • [1] Browsers and how they work ?
  • [1] DNS and how it works ?
  • [1] What is Domain Name
  • [1] What is hosting ?

4.2. Basic Frontend Knowledge

  • [1] HTML
  • [1] CSS
  • [1] JavaScript

4.3. OS and General Knowledge

  • [1] Terminal Usage
  • [1] How Os work in General
  • [1] Process Managment
  • [1] Threads and Concurrency
  • [1] Basic Terminal Command
  • [1] Memory Managment
  • [1] Interprocess Communication
  • [1] I/O Managment
  • [1] POSIX Basics
  • [1] Basic Networking Concepts
  • [1] Process Managment
  • [1] Sockets
  • [1] Networking Concepts
  • [1] Virtualization
  • Memory/Storage
  • File System
  • Startup Managment (intid)
  • Service Managment (systemd)

4.4. Learn a Language

  • Java

4.5. Relational Databases

  • PostgreSQL

4.6. NoSQL Databases

  • Cassandra
  • Mongo DB

4.7. More about Databases

  • ORMs
  • ACID
  • Transactions
  • N+1 Problem
  • Data Replication
  • Sharding Strategies
  • CAP Theorem

4.8. Learn about APIs

  • Open API Spec and Swagger
  • SOAP
  • [1] gRPC

4.8.1. Authentication

  • Cookie Based
  • [1] OAuth2
  • Basic Authentication
  • Token Authentication
  • JWT
  • Open ID
  • SAML

4.9. Networking, Security and Protocols

  • [1] HTTP
  • FTP
  • Port Forwarding
  • [1] WebSockets

4.9.1. Emails

  • SMTP
  • POP3S
  • SPF
  • Domain Keys

4.10. Web Security Knowledge

  • Content Security Policy
  • CORS
  • OWASP Security Risks
  • SSH

4.10.1. Hashing Algorithms

  • MD5 and why not to use it
  • SHA Family
  • scrypt
  • bcrypt

4.11. Caching

  • CDN
  • Client Side

4.11.1. Server Side

  • Redis
  • Memcached

4.12. CI/CD

4.13. Design and Development Principles

  • [1] Domain Driven Design
  • Test Driven Development

4.14. Message Brokers

  • Rabbit MQ
  • [1] Kafka

4.15. GraphQL

  • Apollo
  • Relay Modern

4.16. Graph Databases

  • Neo4j

4.17. Systems Integration

  • [1] Apache Camel

4.18. Web Servers

  • Nginx
  • Apache

4.19. Building for Scale

4.19.1. Understand the Diff.

  • Instrumentation
  • Monitoring
  • Telemetry

4.19.2. Migration Strategies

4.19.3. Horizontal vs Vertical Scaling

4.19.4. Building with Observability in mind

5. Devops

5.1. Operating System

5.1.1. Linux

  • Ubuntu
  • CentOS
  • RHEL

5.1.2. Unix

  • FreeBSD

5.2. Learn to live in Terminal

  • Learn Bash Scripting
  • Vim/Nano/PowerShell/Emacs
  • Compiling apps from source (gcc, make and other related stuff)
  • System Performance (nmon, iostat,sar,vmstat)
  • Others (strace, dtrace, systemtap, uname, df and history)
  • Text Manipulation Tools (awk, sed, grep , uniq, cat, cut, echo, fmt, tr, nl, egrep, fgrep and WebSockets)
  • Process Monotoring (ps, top, htop, atop and lsof)

5.3. What is and how to setup a ____

  • Reserve Proxy
  • Forward Proxy
  • Caching Server
  • Load Balancer
  • Firewall

5.4. Web Server

  • Ngnix
  • Apache

5.5. Learn Infrastructure as Code

5.5.1. Containers

  • Docker
  • LXC
  • RKT

5.5.2. Configuration Managment

  • Ansible
  • Salt
  • Chef
  • Puppet

5.5.3. Container Orchestration

  • [1] Kubernetes
  • Docker Swarm
  • Mesos
  • Nomad

5.5.4. Infrastructure Provisiong

  • Terraform
  • CloudFormation
  • Pulumi

5.5.5. Learn some CI/CD Tool

  • Gitlab CI
  • Jenkins
  • GiHub Actions

5.6. Learn how to monitor sofware and infrastructure

5.6.1. Infrastructure Monitoring

  • Prometheus
  • Grafana

5.6.2. Application Monitoring

  • Dynatrace
  • Jaeger
  • New Relic

5.6.3. Logs Management

  • Elastic Stack (Kibana)
  • Splunk
  • GrayLog
  • Papertrail

5.6.3. Cloud

  • [1] PaaS (Platform as a Service)

  • SaaS (Software as a Service)

  • Faas (Function as a Service) Providers
  • AWS
  • Google Cloud
  • Azure
  • Digital Ocean Design Patterns
  • Availabillity
  • Data Management
  • Design and Implementation
  • Management and Monitoring

6. Fonts

7. Notes

  • ¹ Patterns presented here where removed in "²Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture (POSA)" topic, just for not repeat patterns in both topics.
  • ² Patterns presented here where removed in "²Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture (POSA)" topic, just for not repeat patterns in both topics.
  • ³ Patterns presented here, where removed in "Enterprise Patterns" topic, just for not repeat patterns in both topics.


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