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Pipeline (set of workers) for populating TurboBee (store).

Short Summary

Create and cache static html abstract pages that hydrate to a bumblebee page. This is useful for crawlers and faster page loading. The cache page is built using a template and the results from a single request to /v1/search/query. The abstract page template is computed by a chromiumn browser running in a separate process. This browser downloads the bumblebee abstract page. The cached page is persisted using a post to /v1/store/update which is handled by the turbobee service.

To process a single bibcode, one could: root@linuxkit-025000000001:/app# python -q '{"q": "bibcode:2003ASPC..295..361M"}'

And this is essentially what happens if you use the --filename option to provide a list of bibcodes.

One can test the scraper in the turbobee pipeline container with: root@linuxkit-025000000001:/app# curl 'localhost:3001/scrape' -X POST -d '[""]' -H 'Content-Type: application/

Queues and objects

- bumblebee
    Messages that go into the queue are consumed by workers that update static pages
- user
    Messages from this queue are consumed by workers that update user specific content (it is exactly parallel to bumblebee, but deals with different content; api requests etc). 

Setup (recommended)

`$ cd adstb/`
`$ virtualenv python`
`$ source python/bin/activate`
`$ pip install -r requirements.txt`
`$ pip install -r dev-requirements.txt`
`$ vim` # edit, edit
`$ alembic upgrade head` # initialize database


Always write unittests (even: always write unitests first!). Travis will run automatically. On your desktop run:

`$ py.test`

