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PawelPodkalicki edited this page May 28, 2018 · 58 revisions


This document describes the format of the communication with the ESC wallet program (esc).

Command line parameters and config file options

Run esc -h to get the list of command line options and config file parameters. The default config file is settings.cfg.

> ./esc -h
Generic options:
  -v [ --version ]      print version string
  -h [ --help ]         produce help message

Configuration [command_line + config_file]:
  -P [ --port ] arg (=9080)      node port (for clients)
  -H [ --host ] arg (= node hostname or ip
  -A [ --address ] arg           address (don't use with --bank, --user)
  -b [ --bank ] arg              node id (don't use with --address)
  -u [ --user ] arg              user id (don't use with --address)
  -i [ --msid ] arg              last message id
  -n [ --nice ] arg (=1)         request pretty json
  -o [ --olog ] arg (=1)         record submitted transactions in log file
  -d [ --dry-run ] arg (=0)      dry run (do not submit to network)
  -x [ --hash ] arg              last hash [64chars in hex format / 32bytes]
  -s [ --secret ] arg            passphrase or private key [64chars in hex 
                                 format / 32bytes]

Input values

Input should be provided in json format (other available input options are obsolete, incomplete and depreciated). The input for a single transaction should be in a single line (this can be overwritten by startup settings). Multiple input lines will be interpreted as independent method calls. The main input parameter (run) is the definition of the requested transaction method.

Example: "run" : "get_me"

Binary input data must be provided in hexadecimal format without leading '0x' and with even number of characters (hexadecimal digids)

Example: "pkey" : "2D1FC97FA56B785E0FDAE5752DE613BAD7FBBB5EBBB46DAEE5DBFA822F976B63"

Integer values (for example amount of coins) must be provided in decimal format. Time values must be provided in seconds since the beginning of current epoch. Special formats are used for account addresses, and transaction ids.


  • address : "00FF-0AB01234-XXXX" (16 hexadecimal character separate with 2 '-', 'XXXX' allowed as last string)
  • txid : "00FF:000000AB:000C" (16 hexadecimal characters separated by 2 ':')

Return values

In case of success esc returns json formatted objects. In case of error no objects are returned. Currently there is no support for reporting error codes.

Before submission of the transaction to the node some transaction input values are returned:

  • complete transaction byte stream (data) as hexadecimal string.
  • tx.account_hashin last account transaction hash used in this transaction as input for signing.
  • tx.account_hashout new account transaction hash after signing the new transaction.
  • tx.deduct calculated cost of the transaction (deduction from balance).
  • tx.fee calculated fee of the transaction (part of tx.deduct).
  • tx.account_msid current transaction number of the account.
  • tx.account_public_key current public key of the account.

Some of the above parameters are returned only for specific methods or n specific cases (for example the public key is returned only if there was never a transaction submitted from this account). Further processing of the transaction stops if the --dry-run switch is set and the transaction is not submitted to the node.

If the transaction was submitted to the node and is scheduled for broadcast on the network, the node returns a transaction identifier:

  • in format 'NNNN:MMMMMMMM:PPPP' (NNNN: node id, MMMMMMMM: node message id, PPPP: position)
  • tx.node_msid node message id [integer].
  • tx.node_mpos transaction position in message [integer].

If the transaction was successful the node returns the updated local user account object. If the transaction requested info about the account the local and the global user account object is returned.

Currently node id and account id are often returned as integer, while fixed length hexadecimal format is used as input. This will be changed in the future to have consistent fixed length hexadecimal representation also in the output.

User account object

The local account object is the state of the account as seen by the node after committing last transaction. The global account object is the state of the account as seen by the network, possible before submission of the transaction. Both objects are handled independently and can differ is the node processed a transaction but the message containing the transaction was not yet created, submitted or processed. Both objects can also differ if there is a transaction from the network (deposit) that was not yet processed and committed in the local database.

Local account object includes following fields:

  • account.address account id in the standard format "NNNN-UUUUUUUU-XXXX".
  • account.node node id as integer.
  • user id of the account.
  • account.msid last transaction number (number of submitted transactions + 1).
  • account.time time of last transaction in second since epoch (integer).
  • time as date string.
  • account.status 16 status bits ad integer.
  • account.paired_node node of a linked account (account with same public key) as integer
  • account.paired_id user id of the linked account.
  • account.paired_address address of the cousin account, displayed only if there is a linked account. A linked account info is recorded in this account if a new account was created as result of a request from this account or if an account from a different node requested fund retrieval from this account.
  • account.local_change block time of an outgoing transaction request.
  • account.remote_change block time of an incoming transaction from a remote host.
  • account.balance account balance.
  • account.public_key public key of the account.
  • account.hash account hash after last outgoing transaction (private block-chain).

Global account objects returns the same parameters in the network_account container. In addition a checksum verification result is returned (checksum) that can be ignored.


Fees are expressed in 10^(-11) ESC = 0.00000000001 ESC (the main ESC network token). Most transaction have a fixed fee. The minimum transaction fee is TXS_MIN_FEE. Broadcast transactions have a variable fee part proportional to the length of the broadcasted data string. Wire transfer transactions have a variable fee proportional to the transferred amount.

name amount description
TXS_MIN_FEE 10,000 minimum fee per transaction
TXS_DIV_FEE (600,000,000/year = 0.006 ESC/year) dividend fee collected every dividend block
TXS_KEY_FEE 10,000,000 change account key fee
TXS_BRO_FEE(x) TXS_MIN_FEE if length<=32 bytes, 1000 for each next byte broadcast message fee, x is message length in bytes
TXS_PUT_FEE(x) x * 0.05% local wires fee (weight), x is transferred amount
TXS_LNG_FEE(x) x * 0.05% additional remote wires fee (weight), x is transferred amount
TXS_MPT_FEE(x) x * 0.05% local multiple wires fee (weight), x is transferred amount
TXS_GET_FEE 1,000,000 retrieve funds from remote/dead bank request fee (each retrieve_funds function call)
TXS_GOK_FEE(x) x * 0.1% retrieve funds from remote/dead bank fee, x is retrieved amount, also TXS_LNG_FEE is charged by receiving node
TXS_USR_FEE 100,000,000 create user fee
TXS_RUS_FEE 100,000,000 additional create user fee for remote applications
TXS_SUS_FEE 10,000,000 set user status bits fee
TXS_SBS_FEE 10,000,000 set bank status bits fee
TXS_UUS_FEE 10,000,000 unset user status bits fee
TXS_UBS_FEE 10,000,000 unset bank status bits fee
TXS_SAV_FEE 10,000,000 request account status confirmation in chain fee
TXS_BNK_FEE 100,000,000,000,000 (=1000 ESC) create new bank fee
TXS_BKY_FEE 10,000,000,000 (=0.1 ESC) change bank key fee
BANK_USER_FEE(x) (60,000,000/year = 0.0006 ESC/year) * x bank user fee, charged every block, x is a number of users created in a bank
MESSAGE_FEE(x) x + 4,096 fee for each bank message sent to network, payed by bank operator, x is message length in bytes


All examples start with the get_me method call. This call is needed for esc to load the latest account data (the account hash) to correctly sign the next transaction. This call is not needed if the account hash is provided as command line option or is set in the settings.cfg file.


Methods are defined using the run input parameter.

name description
broadcast broadcast a message on the network
change_account_key change public key of my account
change_node_key change public key of a node
create_account create new user account
create_node create new node
get_account get account info by address
get_blocks download and store block headers
get_broadcast download broadcast messages
get_log download and store my transaction log
get_me get my account info
get_transaction get info about a single transaction
get_vipkeys get list of public keys of VIP nodes
get_signatures get signatures of a block
get_block get block header and list of nodes
get_accounts get account of a node
get_message_list get list of messages in a block
get_message get message in a block
retrieve_funds retrieve funds from a remote node
send_again resend a transaction
send_one send payment to one destination
send_many send payment to many destinations
set_account_status set status bits of a user account
set_node_status set status bits of a node
unset_account_status unset status bits of a user account
unset_node_status unset status bits of a node

Methods reference


Broadcast a message on the network.


  • message hexadecimal string (without leading '0x', with even number of character). Maximum size of message is 32000 bytes. It means that maximum length of message string is 64000, because every byte is encoded as two characters.


fee = TXS_BRO_FEE(message_size)

Fee depends on the length of the broadcasted string (message size in bytes).


On success returns the updated local user account object.


  • time of the transaction (set by the esc program) must not be bigger than node's current clock time + 1 second


(echo '{"run":"get_me"}'; echo '{"run":"broadcast","message":"D69BCCF69C2D0F6CED025A05FA7F3BA687D1603AC1C8D9752209AC2BBF2C4D17"}') | ./esc


Change public key of my account. The transaction takes as argument the signature of an empty string signed with the new private key. The signature is used only as the checksum of the new private key. The signature is only verified by esc. The signature is not verified by escd.


  • pkey new public key as hexadecimal string
  • signature signature (as hexadecimal string) of an empty string signed with the new private key




On success returns the updated local user account object.


  • in case of signature error esc returns "ERROR, bad new KEY empty string signature".


(echo '{"run":"get_me"}'; echo '{"run":"change_account_key","pkey":"2D1FC97FA56B785E0FDAE5752DE613BAD7FBBB5EBBB46DAEE5DBFA822F976B63","signature":"D050CCFC88086A13BC6633BF8267523E2E51607EE01D60AF40A3A1AA12E6F078B6AD9231335D774AE37E7CCF48401B7D9D7D1D68FB3BBB22508685BB31368905"}') | ./esc


Change public key of the node I manage. After broadcast of this transaction to the network the node will look for a new matching private key in the key file of the node (key/key.txt). If the key is found, the node will continue signing future messages with the new key. If the key is not found the transaction is rejected. Node key changes are expensive and complicated procedures that modify core parameters of the network. It is advised to do this rarely. If the node parameter is provided, the transactions attempts to set a new key for a remote double-spend node. Only the master VIP node has the right to do this and only keys of double-spend nodes can be changed remotely.


  • pkey new public key
  • node node id [optional]




On success returns the updated local user account object.


No errors specific to this method are returned by esc.


(echo '{"run":"get_me"}'; echo '{"run":"change_node_key","pkey":"2D1FC97FA56B785E0FDAE5752DE613BAD7FBBB5EBBB46DAEE5DBFA822F976B63"}') | ./esc
(echo '{"run":"get_me"}'; echo '{"run":"change_node_key","pkey":"2D1FC97FA56B785E0FDAE5752DE613BAD7FBBB5EBBB46DAEE5DBFA822F976B63","node":"16"}') | ./esc


Create new user account. If no node parameter is provided or node is 0 the node will assume I request a new local account managed by the same node. If the node parameter us not 0 and not equal to the local node id, the node will assume that I request the creation of an account by a remote node (remote account). Local account creation requests are cheaper and are processed immediately by the node (accepted or rejected). In case of success the node will modify the local account and modify the paired account id. Remote account creation requests are expensive and the success of the process depends on the response of the remote node. The result of the process will be stored in my log kept by my node. The logs need to be examined to extract the new account id created by the remote node. In both cases (local and remote) the new account will have the same public key as the original account.


  • node node id [optional]


For local accounts:


For remote accounts the fee is larger:


In addition to the fees the "minimum account creation balance" (USER_MIN_MASS = 0.00020000000 ESC) is deducted from the sending account and credited to the new account. In case of failure the balance is returned to the sending account. In case of remote account creation requests the network will return the "minimum account creation balance" to the sending account if the remote node fails to accept the request within the same block period.


On success returns the updated local user account object. For local account creation the updated local user account object contains the paired account id, that can be used to obtain the id of the newly created account. For remote account creation future logs must be examined to check for the id of the created account.


No errors specific to this method are returned by esc.


(echo '{"run":"get_me"}'; echo '{"run":"create_account"}') | ./esc
(echo '{"run":"get_me"}'; echo '{"run":"create_account","node":"16"}') | ./esc


Create new node. Node creation is a process that requires synchronized effort of the network. The process can fail if there range of available ids is exhausted and there are no available zombie nodes. The new node id will be recorded in the logs of the sending account after the completion of the block.






On success returns the updated local user account object.


No errors specific to this method are returned by esc.


(echo '{"run":"get_me"}'; echo '{"run":"create_node"}') | ./esc


get account info by address.


  • address account id in the standard format "NNNN-UUUUUUUU-XXXX" [optional]. "NNNN" indicates the node id (4 hexadecimal characters). "UUUUUUUU" is the id of the user account (8 hexadecimal characters). "XXXX" is the account address checksum (4 hexadecimal characters). If the checksum is not known the string "XXXX" can be used.

If account address is not provided, my account is returned.


This transaction is not sent to the network, so there is no network fee.


On success returns the local and the global user account object. The local version of the object represents the status of the object after committing all transactions submitted to the node. The global version of the object represents the status of the object after processing messages available on the network. Both objects may differ if local transactions submitted from the account are not yet processed by the network or if there are transactions generated by the network (for example remote account creation or dividend payments) that have not yet been fully processed by the local node (local office).


No errors specific to this method are returned by esc.


echo '{"run":"get_account","address":"000F-0000000F-XXXX"}' | ./esc


Download, process and store a range of block headers in local archive. While downloading, the blocks signatures are validated. Changes in the VIP public keys are also validated and recorded. Block headers are stored in 'blk/'. VIP keys are stored in 'vip/'. Local block header ('blk/') repository contains only hashes of blocks validated by confirming the correctness of the signing signature sequence. The repository will grow approximately only by 32 bytes with every new block and, due to its small size, should fit on a mobile device.


  • from first block time in seconds since epoch as decimal number [optional]. If parameter is missing esc will request the download starting after the last locally stored block header. If local block header repository is empty 0 will be passed to the node and the node will set this parameter to the time of the first block it knows.
  • to block time of the last block to download, in seconds since epoch as decimal number [optional]. If parameter is missing the node will send all blocks from the starting block until the last known block on the network. In a single request the node will only return a range of blocks for which the set of VIP keys did not change. A second request (transaction call) is needed to download the subsequent range of blocks.

In the most common use case no parameters are provided.


This transaction is not sent to the network, so there is no network fee.


Nothing is returned except errors and debug messages. Local block and VIP keys repository is updated.


esc will report many communication and validation errors specific for the method.

Communication errors include:

  • ERROR, failed to read VIP keys for first hash
  • ERROR, failed to read blocks since ...
  • ERROR, failed to check ... VIP keys for hash ...
  • ERROR, failed to confirm first header hash, fatal
  • ERROR, failed to get correct block ..., fatal
  • ERROR, failed to get signatures for header ...
  • ERROR, failed to check VIP keys for hash ...

Validation errors include:

  • ERROR opening vip/, fatal
  • ERROR failed to match viphash for header ..., fatal
  • ERROR failed to match oldhash for header ..., fatal
  • ERROR failed to confirm nowhash for header ..., fatal
  • ERROR vipkey (...) not found ... [not fatal]
  • ERROR vipkey (...) failed ... [not fatal]

In case of error local block archive (block headers) will not be updated.


echo '{"run":"get_blocks","from":0,"to":0}' | ./esc


Display broadcast messages log from a block. If no block time is provided the last completed block is assumed. The node does not guaranty the completeness, consistency nor order of broadcast messages stored in the log. It is expected that different nodes have different order of broadcast messages in log files. It is possible that broadcast messages are duplicated or copies of them are in different log files on different nodes. The node guaranties that at least one copy of the broadcast message is in the log file of the block in which the broadcast message is included. Logs from older blocks are expected to remain unchanged on a node, unless the node will resync these blocks again.

esc keeps a local archive of broadcast message log files in the 'bro/' directory. esc will automatically request missing log files from the node. If the downloaded log file is from an uncompleted block the log file will not be saved in local archive.


  • from block time in seconds since epoch as decimal number [optional]. If block time is not provided (is equal zero) the node will return the log file from the last committed block. It is expected that this log file will not change in the future on this node, unless the node will resync the block again.


This transaction is not sent to the network, so there is no network fee.


The method returns info about the log file:

  • log_file archive|new|pending
  • archive: reporting previously reported broadcast log
  • new: reporting new broadcast log
  • pending: reported broadcast log is not final
  • block_time time of the block in seconds since epoch
  • block_time_hex time of the block in seconds since epoch in hexadecimal format, compatible with filename format in 'bro/' archive directory

The method returns info about the broadcast transactions in the log file. The transactions are stored in the json blocktree array and contain:

  • block_time block time of the transaction in seconds (integer)
  • block_date block time of the transaction as date string
  • node node of the sender (integer)
  • account account id of the sender (integer)
  • address account address of the sender (address format)
  • account_msid message id of the sender (integer)
  • time time of the transaction in seconds (integer)
  • date time of the transaction ad date string
  • message broadcasted message in hexadecimal format
  • data transaction data string in hexadecimal format
  • signature transaction signature in hexadecimal format
  • input_hash transaction input hash used when signing in hexadecimal format
  • public_key public key of the sender when signing in hexadecimal format
  • verify failed|passed , result of the verification of the signature
  • node_msid node message id of the message
  • node_mpos position of the broadcast transaction in message
  • id id of the transaction (transaction id format)

If the supplied block time is in an unknown, future block the node will return an empty broadcast log file.


No errors specific to this method are returned by esc.


echo '{"run":"get_broadcast","from":1491210824)' | ./esc


Download and store my transaction log. The log includes incoming and outgoing transactions. With every get_log method call esc will read the local log archive of the user to load the time of the latest downloaded log entry. esc will then request from the node log entries not earlier than the time loaded from the archive. Downloaded entries will be checked for duplicates and appended to the local archive. After download and store the method will print all entries starting from the time provided in the from parameter.

Using default settings the node will purge its the log file of the user frequently keeping at least a 4kB block of latest logs. However log entries that are younger than 0x800 blocks (MAX_LOG_AGE) will not be deleted.


  • from earliest time of the log entry in seconds since epoch as decimal number [optional]. If time is not provided (is equal zero) the full log will be returned.


This transaction is not sent to the network, so there is no network fee.


The transaction log will be returned in the json array log. Each transaction can have following fields:

  • time time, the log entry was created by the server, in seconds since epoch
  • date time as date string
  • type_no transaction type (method) as integer including status bits. Currently 2 bits are OR'ed to transaction number:
  • 0x4000 indicating log error (restart of the node with forced resync of older blocks),
  • 0x8000 indicating transaction originating from the network
  • confirmed placeholder, always equal 1, depreciated
  • type transaction type (method) as string (without status bits)

Depending on the type of transaction entry different additional parameters are provided. The list below is grouped by types.

The following transactions are incoming transactions initiated by the network:

node_started with error 0x4000:

  • account.error always equal 'logerror'
  • account.newtime server starting new sync from this time in the past (in seconds)
  • account.newdate server starting new sync from this time in the past (as date string)
  • account.badtime server failed at this time (in seconds)
  • account.baddate server failed at this time (as date string)
  • account.badblock server failed after this block time (in seconds)

node_started without error:

  • node_start_msid node message id when node started
  • node_start_block block time when node started (in seconds)
  • dividend added dividend Info about my account is returned at node start
  • account.balance balance
  • account.local_change time of last local (outgoing) transaction
  • account.remote_change time of last remote transaction
  • account.hash_prefix_8 first 8 bytes of account message hash
  • account.public_key_prefix_6 first 6 bytes of public key
  • account.status status bits as integer
  • account.msid last local (outgoing) transaction number
  • account.node node of the account as integer
  • user id of the account
  • account.address address of the account

dividend record:

  • node_msid node message id ad dividend block
  • node_block dividend block time (in seconds)
  • dividend added dividend

bank_profit from a message

  • profit profit for the node
  • node node sending the message
  • node_msid node message id of the message
  • profit_fee fees on local transactions (if my node's message)
  • profit_div fees on account maintenance (if my node's message)

bank_profit from network transactions and maintenance at block end

  • profit profit for the node
  • node_block block time of accounting (in seconds)
  • profit_div fees on account maintenance
  • profit_usr fees on remote user account creation
  • profit_get fees on retrieve_funds transactions
  • fee bank fee on number of accounts

account_created remote account creation request response

  • node node creating the account
  • node_block block time (in seconds) if successful
  • account user id of the new account
  • address of the new account
  • request failed|accepted|late
  • failed: node did not create the account
  • accepted: node created the account
  • late: node created the account in the next block after account creation request transaction
  • amount amount returned on failure (0 or (USER_MIN_MASS))
  • public_key public key of the new account (hexadecimal)

create_node create node request response

  • node_block block time (in seconds)
  • node id of the created node
  • request accepted|failed
  • accepted: node created
  • failed: node creation failed
  • amount amount returned on failure (0 or (BANK_MIN_TMASS))

The remaining transactions were initiated by users. The list of returned fields includes those listed below. For some transaction some fields are not available.

  • node node id of the sender or receiver (as integer)
  • account user id of the sender or receiver
  • address account address of the sender or receiver
  • node_block block time of the transaction
  • node_msid mode message id of the transaction
  • account_msid transaction id of the sender
  • amount amount transferred
  • sender_fee fee paid
  • message message info as 32 byte hexadecimal string
  • sender_balance account balance of the sender
  • sender_amount total cost of the transaction
  • sender_fee fee of the transaction
  • sender_fee_total total fee of complete MPT transaction
  • sender_public_key_prefix_5 first 5 bytes of sender public key
  • sender_public_key_prefix_6 first 6 bytes of sender public key
  • sender_status status bits of the sending account
  • inout in|out
  • in: incoming transaction
  • out: outgoing transaction
  • id id of the transaction


  • ERROR reading log length failed to communicate with the node, fatal.
  • ERROR reading log failed to read the log after reading log length, fatal.
  • No new log entries is reported if no log entries with time not earlier than provided were downloaded from the node


echo '{"run":"get_log","from":1491210824}' | ./esc


Returns the same as get_account with no account address. Returns info about my account.


Get info about a single transaction. The transaction info is loaded from local archive or downloaded from the node if missing. The transaction is verified by validating the hash path and comparing the result with the block hash stored in local archive. If the block hash is missing from the archive the transaction can not be validated and an error is returned. Update local block hash archive to resolve this problem (get_blocks); Only validated transactions are stored in local archive.


  • txid in format 'NNNN:MMMMMMMM:PPPP' (NNNN: node id, MMMMMMMM: node message id, PPPP: position)


This transaction is not sent to the network, so there is no network fee.


A transaction object is returned.

  • transaction id in format 'NNNN:MMMMMMMM:PPPP'
  • network_tx.block_id block id
  • network_tx.node_id node id
  • network_tx.node_msid node message id
  • network_tx.position position in message
  • network_tx.len length of the transaction data
  • network_tx.hash_path_len number of hashes in hash path (path to block hash)
  • network_tx.hextstring transaction data as hexadecimal string
  • network_tx.hashpath hash path to block hash
  • network_tx.type transaction type (method)
  • network_tx.abank sender node id
  • network_tx.auser sender user id
  • network_tx.amsid sender transaction number
  • network_tx.ttime time of the transaction
  • network_tx.bbank target node id
  • network_tx.buser target user id
  • network_tx.amount amount
  • network_tx.message transaction memo (32 byte message)
  • network_tx.signature transaction signature

For some transaction type the meaning of the reported fields (abank, auser, amsid, ttime, bbank, buser, amount, message) can differ.


  • ERROR, failed to read transaction path for txid ... communication error, fatal.
  • ERROR, got empty block for txid ... missing transaction data, fatal.
  • ERROR, got wrong transaction ... wrong transaction data, fatal.
  • ERROR, failed to load hash for block ... missing block info in local archive. The requested transaction can not be verified because it is included in a block that is not stored in local block archive. Local archive should be updated to fix this problem. See: get_blocks.
  • ERROR, failed to confirm first hash for txid ... wrong transaction data, incorrect (first) hash, fatal.
  • ERROR, failed to confirm nowhash for txid ... wrong transaction data, incorrect hash tree, fatal.
  • ERROR opening txs/... error opening transaction archive file. Transaction will not be archived.


echo '{"run":"get_transaction","txid":"0001:00000002:0001"}' | ./esc


Get list of public keys of VIP nodes. These sets are usually downloaded during block download (get_blocks). Running this method will overwrite the data for the provided hash if it exists in the archive.


  • viphash 32 bytes long hexadecimal string representing the hash of the VIP keys set.


This transaction is not sent to the network, so there is no network fee.


  • viphash requested hash of VIP keys set
  • vipkeys keys of VIP servers, first key is the key of the master VIP server


  • ERROR, failed to read VIP keys for hash ... set not found by node, fatal
  • ERROR, failed to check VIP keys for hash ... incorrect data received, fatal
  • ERROR opening vip/..., fatal failed to store vip set in archive, fatal


echo '{"run":"get_vipkeys","viphash":"D3FD529F6305F574BA22F3BDF761B4778094CB38958300ACDF21D35BE03BDC4F"}' | ./esc


Get list of signatures of a block.


  • block block time as integer [optional] If not provided previous block time will be used (last closed block)


This transaction is not sent to the network, so there is no network fee.


The function returns array of signatures.

  • signatures.node node id confirming the block
  • signatures.signature signature of the node
  • fork_signatures.node node id confirming a different block
  • fork_signatures.signature signature of the node


  • ERROR, bad block number ... node returned different block than requested


echo '{"run":"get_signatures","block":"1508317920"}' | ./esc


Get the block header and the list of nodes.


  • block block time as integer [optional] If not provided previous block time will be used (last closed block)


This transaction is not sent to the network, so there is no network fee.


  • block time
  • block.msg number of messages
  • block.nod number of nodes
  • block.div dividend
  • block.oldhash old block hash
  • block.minhash input block hash
  • block.msghash hash of messages
  • block.nodhash hash of nodes
  • block.viphash hash of vip public keys
  • block.nowhash block hash
  • block.vok confirming signatures
  • block.vno forking signatures
  • block.vtot total number of signatures
  • is true if this is the first block in the dividend period

Array of nodes is returned as well.

  • public key of the node
  • block.nodes.hash hash of accounts
  • block.nodes.msha hash of last message
  • block.nodes.msid id of last message
  • block.nodes.mtim time of last message
  • block.nodes.balance sum of account balances
  • block.nodes.status status
  • block.nodes.users number of accounts
  • block.nodes.port port number for blockchain messaging
  • block.nodes.ipv4 ip of the node as integer


No errors specific to this method are returned by esc.


echo '{"run":"get_block","block":"1508317920"}' | ./esc


Print accounts of a node. Currently, the node will refuse to send accounts from a different block than the (default) previous one. In the future only accounts from blocks used for dividend calculations will be returned. In the future the hash of the accounts should be returned as well.


  • node id of the node
  • block block time as integer [optional] If not provided previous block time will be used (last closed block)


This transaction is not sent to the network, so there is no network fee.


  • accounts. list of accounts in the same format as reported by get_account


No errors specific to this method are returned by esc.


echo '{"run":"get_accounts","block":"1508317920","node":1}' | ./esc


Get list of messages in a block.


  • block block time as integer [optional] If not provided previous block time will be used (last closed block)


This transaction is not sent to the network, so there is no network fee.


  • msghash hash of messages in the block
  • messages.node node id, author of the message
  • messages.node_msid message id assigned by the node
  • messages.hash hash of the message
  • msghash_calculated hash calculated by esc returned if different from msghash
  • confirmed confirmation of the correct hash calculation (yes|no)


  • error_bad_length node returned data in wrong format


echo '{"run":"get_message_list","block":"1508317920"}' | ./esc


Print message.


  • node id of the node
  • node_msid message id assigned by node
  • block block time as integer [optional] If not provided previous block time will be used (last closed block)


This transaction is not sent to the network, so there is no network fee.


  • node id of the node
  • node_msid message id assigned by node
  • time time of the message as integer
  • length length of the message in bytes
  • hash hash of the message
  • transaction id in format 'NNNN:MMMMMMMM:PPPP'
  • network_txs.type transaction type (method)
  • network_txs.abank sender node id
  • network_txs.auser sender user id
  • network_txs.amsid sender transaction number
  • network_txs.ttime time of the transaction
  • network_txs.bbank target node id
  • network_txs.buser target user id
  • network_txs.amount amount
  • network_txs.message transaction memo (32 byte message)
  • network_txs.signature transaction signature
  • network_txs.size size of the transaction in bytes


  • error_bad_length node returned data in wrong format
  • error_parse error parsing the message


echo '{"run":"get_message","block":"1508317920","node":1,"node_msid":2}' | ./esc


Retrieve funds from a remote node. The public key of the account on the remote node must match the key of my account. This method must be called 2 times to retrieve funds. The remote account must be silent for 256 blocks before executing the first transaction (initiation). Another 256 blocks must pass after initiation to finally retrieve the funds with the second call. All funds from the remote account will be transferred. This method does not require the intervention of the remote node. This method is useful in case of node failure or dispute with the node.


  • address account id in the standard format "NNNN-UUUUUUUU-XXXX".


fee = 2*TXS_GET_FEE + TXS_GOK_FEE(funds) + TXS_LNG_FEE(funds-TXS_GOK_FEE(funds))

Fixed part is charged for both calls (retrieve request and actual retrieve). Variable part is for second call (retrieve) and is proportional to retrieved funds.


On success returns the local user account object.


No errors specific to this method are returned by esc.


(echo '{"run":"get_me"}'; echo '{"run":"retrieve_funds","address":"0002-00000001-XXXX"}') | ./esc


Send (resend) a raw transaction.


  • data full transaction data as hexadecimal string.


The fees of the original transaction apply. The resubmission process implies that the original transaction was not received or accepted by the network so the total fees remain unchanged.


Returns the results as expected from the original transaction.


(echo '{"run":"get_me"}'; echo '{"run":"send_again","data":"05010000000000010000004A3CC9580200020000000000204E0000000000000300000000003075000000000000521B9E6932FD4973EC8364662B898249635C777BB0AA801F7DA5E9423C920EAECC39AD7B519FF6C6D27E43B9B294C0504816CE20735F11E9D8A252CF8A686806"}') | ./esc


Send payment to one destination account. Payments to account managed by a different node are more expensive.


  • address destination account id in the standard format "NNNN-UUUUUUUU-XXXX".
  • amount in ESC.
  • message a 32 bytes long message in hexadecimal format [optional].


Fee for (local) transaction within a node is:

fee = TXS_PUT_FEE(amount)

Fee for (remote) transaction to a different node is:

fee = TXS_PUT_FEE(amount) + TXS_LNG_FEE(amount)

Due to rounding the order of operations is important while calculating remote fee. Total fee is sum of rounded fees for local and remote node.


On success returns the local user account object.


No errors specific to this method are returned by esc.


(echo '{"run":"get_me"}'; echo '{"run":"send_one","address":"0003-00000000-XXXX","amount":2.1,"message":"000102030405060708090A0B0C0D0E0F101112131415161718191A1B1C1D1E1F"}') | ./esc


Send payment to many destinations. Payments to account managed by a different node are more expensive. The transaction does not have a message field compared to send_one.


  • wires json array with key value pairs. keys are destination accounts in standard account address format and values are amounts to be wired in ESC.


Fee for each (local) wire within a node is:

local_fee = TXS_MPT_FEE(amount)

Fee for each (remote) wire to a different node is:

remote_fee = TXS_MPT_FEE(amount) + TXS_LNG_FEE(amount)


On success returns the local user account object.


No errors specific to this method are returned by esc.


(echo '{"run":"get_me"}'; echo '{"run":"send_many","wires":{"0002-00000000-XXXX":20000.0,"0003-00000000-XXXX":0.003}}') | ./esc


Set status bits of a user account. Any user is authorized to change the second, the third and the fourth status bits of another account in the same node. The first status bit is reserved and indicates a deleted account. Other bits can be changed only by the owner of the destination account or the administrator of the node. Changes of user status bits on remote nodes are not allowed.


  • address destination account id in the standard format "NNNN-UUUUUUUU-XXXX".
  • status bits to set as unsigned integer 16 bit.




On success returns the local user account object.


No errors specific to this method are returned by esc.


(echo '{"run":"get_me"}'; echo '{"run":"set_account_status","address":"0001-00000000-XXXX","status":"10"}') | ./esc

This transaction will set the 2nd and the 4th bit of the destination account status to 1.


Set status bits of a node. The node status bits can be changed by the administrator of the node or by the administrator of a VIP node. First 3 bits are reserved and can not be changed using this transaction. The administrator of a node can change bits 4-16 of the status of the managed node. VIP node administrators can change bits 17-24 of any node. The last 8 bits of any node can be changed only if more than 50% of the VIP node administrators send the node status change transaction in one block. The 50% minimum is required for any of the last 8 bits.


  • node node id
  • status bits to set as unsigned integer 32 bit.




On success returns the local user account object.


No errors specific to this method are returned by esc.


(echo '{"run":"get_me"}'; echo '{"run":"set_node_status","node":"1","status":"8"}') | ./esc

This transaction will set the 4th bit of the destination node status to 1.


Unset status bits of a user account. Any user is authorized to change the second, the third and the fourth status bits of another account in the same node. The first status bit is reserved and indicates a deleted account. Other bits can be changed only by the owner of the destination account or the administrator of the node. Changes of user status bits on remote nodes are not allowed.


  • address destination account id in the standard format "NNNN-UUUUUUUU-XXXX".
  • status bits to unset as unsigned integer 16 bit.




On success returns the local user account object.


No errors specific to this method are returned by esc.


(echo '{"run":"get_me"}'; echo '{"run":"unset_account_status","address":"0001-00000000-XXXX","status":"10"}') | ./esc

This transaction will set the 2nd and the 4th bit of the destination account status to 0.


Unset status bits of a node. The node status bits can be changed by the administrator of the node or by the administrator of a VIP node. First 3 bits are reserved and can not be changed using this transaction. The administrator of a node can change bits 4-16 of the status of the managed node. VIP node administrators can change bits 17-24 of any node. The last 8 bits of any node can be changed only if more than 50% of the VIP node administrators send the node status change transaction in one block. The 50% minimum is required for any of the last 8 bits.


  • node node id
  • status bits to unset as unsigned integer 32 bit.




On success returns the local user account object.


No errors specific to this method are returned by esc.


(echo '{"run":"get_me"}'; echo '{"run":"unset_node_status","node":"1","status":"8"}') | ./esc

This transaction will set the 4th bit of the destination node status to 0.