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Autodesk Platform Services Toolkit

This toolkit provides a collection of .NET libraries, featuring a Fluent API derived from the API specifications and a set of convenient functions designed to enhance the developer experience when using Autodesk Platform Services (APS) in C#.

Helper functions

Example: Get the file id by the file path

using Autodesk.DataManagement;

// Initialize the DataManagementClient
var authToken() => Task.FromResult("YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN");

var DMclient = new DataManagementClient(authToken);

// A single method getting the file id by path
var file = await DMclient.Helper.GetFileItemByPathAsync("Account/Project/Folder/SubFolder/FileName.ext");

Console.WriteLine($"File ID: {file.Id}");    

Fluent API

Example: Get the hub ids

using Autodesk.DataManagement;

// Initialize the DataManagementClient
var authToken() => Task.FromResult("YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN");

var DMclient = new DataManagementClient(authToken);

// Fluent API reproducing the API endpoint to get the hub ids
var hubs = await DMclient.DataMgtApi.Project.V1.Hubs.GetAsync();

var hubIds = hubs?.Data?.Select(h => h?.Id ?? "")?.ToArray() ?? [];

Console.WriteLine($"Hubs: {string.Join(';', hubIds)}");  

The repository contains a C# SDK for several APS services, including:

Service SDK Helper functions Package
Authentication Stable Yes Adsk.Platform.Authentication
Data Management Stable Yes Adsk.Platform.DataManagement
Model Derivative Stable Yes Adsk.Platform.ModelDerivative
ACC Model Properties Stable Yes Adsk.Platform.ACC.ModelProperties
ACC/BIM360 Account Admin In development No Adsk.Platform.ACC.AccountAdmin
ACC Cost Management In development No Adsk.Platform.ACC.CostManagement
ACC Assets In development No -

Get started

The root object for each service is {service}Client. For example, the root object for the Data Management service is DataManagementClient. This object contains 2 properties:

  • Api: Contains the root object for the Fluent API.
  • Helper: Contains methods that cover common scenarios combining multiple API calls.

The Fluent API reflects the Rest API endpoint structure:

// / project / v1 / hubs  (GET)
                   client.DataMgtApi . Project . V1 . Hubs . GetAsync()

For more details about the SDK structure, see the Kiota documentation

For code examples look at the files {service}ClientHelper.cs.


Why this toolkit?

  • Needs full typed SDKs with a more complete and comprehensive API from the API specifications compared to existing solution. Thanks to Kiota by Microsoft
  • Needs higher level functions to cover common scenarios combining multiple API calls:
    • Authentication: Create and refresh automatically a 2 legged token
    • DataManagement: Download/Upload a file
    • Model Derivative: Get large model tree
    • Model Properties: Run the query and wait until done
    • ...

More about the SDK generator Kiota

There are other SDK generators like OpenAPI Generator, AutoRest, NSwag, etc.

Kiota offers several benefits:

  • Support all OpenAPI specifications => Full typed SDK including:
    • Request and response bodies
    • Headers
    • Query parameters
    • Path parameters
  • Easy to map the API provider documentation to the SDK => Easy to use
  • Log error in reports and continue during SDK generation => Robust
  • Can exclude some endpoints for the SDK generation => Customizable
  • Open source => Transparent
  • Developed by Microsoft and used for their Graph SDK (very large API) => Reliable/scalable
  • Coded in C# => Easy to understand, extend and execute

Here is an introduction by the authors: Introducing project Kiota a client generator for OpenAPI | .NET Conf 2023

Run Tests

  1. Create an app on Autodesk Platform Services (APS) and get the client id and client secret.
  2. Create a appsettings.json file based on this example:
    "APS_CLIENT_ID": "ednqAmsC....N6eQPAKLsfVnXg",
    "APS_CLIENT_SECRET": "CHib...d4Bijb"


Fluent API and tools for Autodesk Platform Services




