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Module for Qubes OS to integrate Yubikey authentication through a USB VM


GPL-2.0, BSD-2-Clause licenses found

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Qubes Yubikey is a package offering to support Yubikey hardware 2 factor authentication through a usbVM and a Dom0 PAM module.


This package provides an easy way to integrate Yubikey hardware authentication into your existing Qubes user authentication in order to mitigate the risk of having someone or something snooping on your keyboard while you type your password.

It has been designed to be used with a USB AppVM to protect against USB based attacks.


Qubes Yubikey is composed of a front-end which capture the Yubikey OTP, of a back-end which makes the Yubikey OTP available for consuption in dom0 and of a PAM Module which provide either 2 factors authentication by validating the Yubikey OTP and a password, or single factor authentication as a backup to mitigate the risk of loosing your Yubikey.

To protect Dom0 from attacks via USB, a USB AppVM capturing all the PCI devices on which USB controllers are connected must be configured (with possibly the exception of the controller managing your keyboard and touchpad if you have such hardware and no other USB devices are/can be connected to this USB controller).

Passing the OTP from the USB VM to dom0:

The Qubes Yubikey front-end has been designed to be installed in a USB AppVM. After configuration, it will detect when you insert a Yubikey in your USB port. You then have to press the Yubikey button once. The OTP is captured by the Qubes Yubikey front-end. When you remove the Yubikey from the USB port, the Qubes Yubikey front-end detects this event and transmit via the Qubes OS protocol qrexec the OTP to Dom0. This behavior is to prevent you from forgetting your Yubikey in the USB port.

The Qubes Yubikey back-end just take the OTP and store it in a file in Dom0.


The Qubes Yubikey PAM module, will request for a Yubikey OTP and a Password.

First insert the Yubikey, press the button only once and remove the key. The removal of the key will trigger the transmission of the OTP to Dom0. Then, type your Yubikey associated password and hit enter.

If the password and OTP you entered are correct, you will be authenticated successfully.

If the authentication fails, you can try to retype the password and press enter as you may have done a typo.

Note: Do not generate a second OTP as you would expose yourself to hold and play attacks. In this case the attacker would compromise your USB VM and retain the first OTP until you issued a second one, at which time the attacker can send the first OTP, holding the next valid one for when you are away. The attacker would also need to learn your password either via a camera, a microphone or a motion detector.

Once you have typed the correct password, if the authentication fails, it is assumed that the USB VM may be compromised and the OTP authentication method locks itself out.

If you are not able to authenticate successfully following a Single Yubikey Insert/KeyPress/Remove you must not leave your laptop unattended as a valid OTP may have been held in the USB VM. You must go to a secure location to authenticate with your Unix backup password. Then check the value of last_login's first character. If 0 check the password you set in the xscreensaver PAM configuration. If the password is the one you typed you need to delete and recreate the USB VM and re-install the front-end. If 1 you will also need to

Note that side channel attacks by sampling the USB port power current draw directly or indirectly during OTP generation may be able to compromise the AES (symetric) key stored in your Yubikey as well as the power-up counter. This type of attacks have been demonstrated on USB hardware, however as of Feb 2014 such attack as not been publicly demonstrated on Yubikey.

Qubes Yubikey PAM module logic

First the PAM module will parse the password and make it available to other PAM modules. If the password is correct, the OTP will be read from the file the back-end wrote. The OTP is then decrypted; its CRC checked; validation will be done to ensure that the OTP was generated as the first button press after insertion in the USB port and that the counter is the next consecutive value only.

Preparing your yubikey

In this section we will describe how to install the Yubikey personalization software and an example of use.

Please note that usually your Yubikey has 2 slots or modes of usage (short press or long press of the key). One of these 2 slots will be dedicated to Qubes OS.

In a trusted environment (i.e. no camera, collegue, etc...), launch a terminal in a disposable VM from the start menu / Disposable Fedora 26 dvm / XTerm.

Install the Yubikey personalization tool:

sudo dnf install ykpers

Plug the Yubikey in your USB slot and use the Qubes ysstem tray applet to attach your USB Yubico Yubikey to your DispVM.

Configure your Yubikey using ykpersonalize. Make sure that no flags are set (i.e. append-cr) and make sure that the entropie of your key is of good quality. Here is an example which use the random number generator of the DispVM:

ykinfo -v
ykpersonalize -y -1 -o-append-cr

write down on a piece of paper the 32 hex key and shutdown the disposable vm.


The aim is that you will be able to install the package from Qubes repository.

Note: For the moment please refer to the section Preparing the build to prepare, compile and install the package. The follow information is not yet application as a rpm package is not yet defined.

You can install in the USB VM the following:

sudo dnf install qubes-yubikey-vm

And on dom0 install the Qubes Yubikey back-end and PAM modules:

sudo qubes-dom0-update qubes-yubikey-dom0

Preparing the build

Create a new DispVM is sufficient if you only want to build and install and don't want to hack into the project).

Launch a new terminal in a new disposable VM and install the following:

sudo yum install pam-devel gettext-devel git libtool libyubikey libyubikey-devel -y
sudo yum group install "Development Tools" 
git clone

This will create a directory 'qubes-app-linux-yubikey'.

Generate the build system using:

cd qubes-app-linux-yubikey
libtoolize --install
autoreconf --install


The build system uses Autoconf, to set it up run:


Finally build the code, run the self-test and package the binaries:

make check

Post build installation

The front-end and back-end folders contains the files to be installed in the USB VM and Dom0 respectively.

From Dom0, you can pull the libraries and install them by calling

Qubes Yubikey personalisation

Please refer to the ykpers module documentation. it is recommended that the AES key you select is generated from a random source you trust.

Qubes Yubikey front-end configuration

No configuration required.

Qubes Yubikey back-end configuration

No configuration required.

Qubes Yubikey PAM Module Configuration

You will need to configure the Qubes Yubikey PAM module for the xscreensaver programs. In /etc/pam.d/, edit xscreensaver by adding the following line as the first line: auth sufficient pwd=mypassword aeskey=1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF

To prevent from locking yourself out, You may want to try first to play with setup (a program which require elevated privileges but that does not lock input if you are not able to authenticate) and edit /etc/pam.d/setup. The following may be the first line you may want to configure: auth sufficient alwaysok debug pwd=mypassword aeskey=1234567890ABCDEF1234567890ABCDEF

Supported PAM module parameters are:

"pwd": The password used to authenticate in conjunction to the Yubikey OTP. It is highly recommended that no correlation exist between this password and the Unix system password.

"aeskey": Your Yubikey key symetric AES key.

"debug": to enable debug output to stdout.

"alwaysok": to enable all authentication attempts to succeed (aka presentation mode).

"try_first_pass": Try to use the credentials passed by a previous PAM module first. If the password is empty prompt the user to enter it.

"use_first_pass": Use the credentials passed by a previous PAM module. If the password is empty reject the authentication.

"last_login_path": Path to the file last_login which store if the module has detected a potentional compromise of the USB AppVM, the last OTP and the last counter against which authentication was successful. Default is /var/yubikey/last_login

"otp_path": Path to the file where the Qubes Yubikey back-end writes the OTP received from the USB AppVM and where the Qubes Yubikey PAM module reads it. Default is /var/yubikey/yubikey.otp

If you are using "debug" you may find it useful to create a world-writable log file:

touch /var/run/pam-debug.log
chmod go+w /var/run/pam-debug.log

Configuring last_login

last_login stores the state of the last authentication if the form: 0:123:

The first value is:

  • 0 when the OTP authentication method is not compromised.
  • 1 when the OTP authentication method is compromised and locked. Re-setting this value to 0 should only be done during initial configuration with a new trusted USB VM.

The second value is the last Yubikey power-up counter.


If you want to discuss anything related to Qubes Yubikey, please e-mail the mailing list

Source code

The development community is co-ordinated via Qubes's Git repository :

The project is licensed under a BSD license. See the file COPYING for exact wording. For any copyright year range specified as YYYY-ZZZZ in this package note that the range specifies every single year in that closed interval.


Qubes Yubikey has dependancies on libyubikey (yubikey.h, and pam-devel (security/pam_appl.h, installed.

Get libyubikey from

It is also available in Fedora repository, so you can install it with:

yum install libyubikey libyubikey-devel

Please note that AES encryption/decryption is hard coded in this library. This imply that a review of this code is recommended, particularly in the field of side channel attacks (CPU L2 cache, power drain).


Module for Qubes OS to integrate Yubikey authentication through a USB VM



GPL-2.0, BSD-2-Clause licenses found

Licenses found






No releases published
