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KNXnet/IP for Node.JS

Note that this is a fork of []

The KNX protocol


Make sure your machine has Node.JS (version 8.x or greater) and do:

npm install advanced_knx

Baisc Usage

Here is a quick example showing how to set up a KNXNet connection. This should be used for TESTING only.

Knx = require('advanced_knx') // Import the KNX module

const connection = Knx.Connection({
  ipAddr: '', // The IP-Address of the KNX-IP interface
  ipPort: 3671, // The port the KNX-IP is listening on
  interface: 'enp5s0', // Local network interface to use for the connection (optional)
  logLevel: 'info', // Sets which information to print
  manualConnect: true, // If set to true, connection.Connect() has to be called - will be done automatically otherwise
  minimumDelay: 80, // Minimum time to pass between sending messages in milliseconds (Default: 0)
  debug: false, // Enables/Disables debugging output (Default: false)
  autoReconnect: true, // Enables/Disables automatic reconnecting (Default: true)
  reconnectDelayMs: 2500,
  receiveAckTimeout: 1000,
  handlers: {
    // This is going to be called when the connection was established
    connected: function() {
    // This is going to be called on every incoming messages (only group communication)
    event: function (knxEvt, knxSrc, knxDest, knxValue) {
      console.log("%s **** KNX EVENT: %j, src: %j, dest: %j, value: %j",
        new Date().toISOString().replace(/T/, ' ').replace(/\..+/, ''), knxEvt, knxSrc, knxDest, knxValue)
    // This is going to be called on general errors
    error: function (stat) {
      console.log('err: %j', stat)
    // This will be called on every incoming message
    rawMsgCb: function (rawKnxMsg, rawMsgJson) {
      console.log('The KNXNet message (JSON): %j', rawMsgJson)
      console.log('The KNX message (RAW): %j', rawKnxMsg)

    // This will be called when the connection to the KNX interface failed
    connFailCb: function () {
      console.log('[Cool callback function] Connection to the KNX-IP Interface failed!')

    // This will be called when the connection to the KNX interface failed because it ran out of connections
    outOfConnectionsCb: function () {
      console.log('[Even cooler callback function] The KNX-IP Interface reached its connection limit!')

    // This will be called when the KNX interface failed to acknowledge a message in time
    waitAckTimeoutCb: function () {
      console.log('[Wait Acknowledge Timeout Callback] Timeout reached when waiting for acknowledge message')

    // This will be called when sending of a message failed
    sendFailCb: function (err) {
      console.log('[Send Fail Callback] Error while sending a message: %j', err)
    // This is a array of custom handlers, read below (See "Custom Message Handlers")
    customMsgHandlers: [
        template: {
          cemi: {
            ctrl: {
              hopCount: 6
            src_addr: '1.1.3'
        callback: function (rawMsgJson) {
          console.log('[MSG] Got a message with hopCount = 6 and src_addr = 1.1.3')
          console.log('Message that triggered this handler: %j', rawMsgJson)

Documentation index


A fork of with some modifications. See







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