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#Meteor DDP Client for Java Build Status

"Meteor is an open-source platform for building top-quality web apps in a fraction of the time, whether you're an expert developer or just getting started." -Meteor Website

This library allows Java developers to make clients for Meteor web applications that can take advantage of data subscriptions and published RPC methods.

##Quick Start

Note: This project requires JDK 1.8 and Gradle. A backport to JDK 1.7 can be found in this branch

  • Checkout this repo
  • Run the meteor app locally
cd examples/meteor-common
  • Build and run a sample application
gradle jar
java -jar examples/simple-subscription/build/libs/simple-subscription.jar

##Maven/Gradle Dependency Release versions of this library are published to the Maven Central Repository. If you are using Maven, add the dependency to your pom.xml


If you are using Gradle

    compile 'io.advantageous.ddp:ddp-client:1.0.0'


This library can be described by breaking it into three main parts.

  • Common Message Components
  • Subscription Adapters
  • RPC Client

The package structure represents this grouping as well.

###DDPMessageEndpoint The message endpont is the websocket endpoint for all the DDP messages. The endpoint is responsible for handling the connection to the Meteor server and dispatching DDP messages to listeners. Listeners are registered with the registerHandler method.

The constructor takes two arguments: a javax.websocket.WebsocketContainer, and a MessageConverter.

    DDPMessageEndpoint endpoint = new DDPMessageEndpointImpl(webSocketContainer, messageConverter);

    endpoint.registerHandler(ConnectedMessage.class, message ->
            System.out.println("connected to server! session: " + message.getSession()));

###MessageConverter The message converter is what converts a DDP message into a strongly typed Java message object. The only included implementation is a JSONMessageConverter because the Meteor server uses JSON over websocket by default. The reason this was abstracted out of the main client is because one could potentially use another serialization strategy here. (Google's Protocol Buffers, for example)

###SubscriptionAdapter A subscription adapter is responsible for subscribing and unsubscribing from collections and handling subscription messages. This library includes a MapSubscription adapter that updates a java.util.Map from subscription messages. The map is injected into the MapSubscriptionAdapter so that you can use a simple HashMap or any map provider. (Memcached, JGroups, etc.)

You can also extend the BaseSubscriptionAdapter to use any other local storage. (minimongo anyone?)

    Map<String, Map<String, Object>> dataMap = new HashMap<>();

    SubscriptionAdapter adapter = new MapSubscriptionAdapter(
            new JsonObjectConverter(),

    // Subscribe to a collection when a connection is established
    endpoint.registerHandler(ConnectedMessage.class, message -> {
        try {
            adapter.subscribe(new Subscription("employees", Employee.class));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(e);

###ObjectConverter The object convert is what converts Added and Changed DDP messages into their mapped Java objects. The only included converter is a JSON converter, but an EJSON converter would be handy in the future.

###RPCClient The RPC client is used to call Meteor.method functions. The call method requires callbacks for success and failure.


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