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Richard Hightower edited this page Apr 20, 2016 · 10 revisions

A Promise is like a non-blocking Future (java.util.concurrent.Future). With a promise you can get notified of changes instead of having to call get.

A promise is both a Callback (io.advantageous.reakt.Callback), and a Result (io.advantageous.reakt.Result). A promise is a sort of deferred value.

There are three types of promises, a blocking promise, a callback promise and a replay promise.

A blocking promise is for legacy integration and for testing. A callback promise will get called back (its then, thenExpect and catchError handlers), but usually on a foreign thread. A replay promise gets called back on the the caller's thread not the callee. The replay promise usually works with a Reactor (a concept from QBit).

Promises allow you to succinctly call async APIs using Java 8 lambda expressions.

Example calling Cassandra and using Reakt Promises

private void lookupSnapshot(final Session session, 
                            final Callback<Snapshot> callback, 
                            final Long timestamp) {

     * Cassandra Query
    final Select.Where query = QueryBuilder
                    eq("created_at", timestamp)

    /** Create a resultSetPromise (which is a callback) and then use it to 
     * invoke Cassandra query.
    final Promise<ResultSet> resultSetPromise = Promises.<ResultSet>promise();
        .thenExpect(expected ->
                   .ifEmpty(() -> snapshotNotFoundReject(callback, timestamp))
                   .ifPresent(resultSet -> Expected.ofNullable(
                        .ifEmpty(() -> 
                              snapshotNotFoundReject(callback, timestamp)
                        .ifPresent(row -> 
                              extractSnapshotFromRow(callback, row)
        .catchError(error -> 
              callback.reject("Unable to load snapshot", error));

    //uses Reakt Guava Bridge
    registerCallback(session.executeAsync(query), resultSetPromise); 

Callbacks and Promises are regular Java Consumers

Reakt Promises and Callbacks are regular Java Consumer. This allows you to use Reakt Promises with projects and libs that have no concept of Reakt.

A Callback is now a Consumer that has an errorConsumer

//Now extends Consumer
public interface Callback<T> extends Consumer<T> {

    default void accept(T t) { reply(t);}

    default Consumer<Throwable> errorConsumer() { return this::reject; }

    default Consumer<T> consumer() { return this; }


//A promise is a callback and a result as before
public interface Promise<T> extends Callback<T>, Result<T> {

Let's show an example.

If you had the following service that used Consumer for callbacks.

Example integration

     public class EmployeeService  {
          public void lookupEmployee(String id, Consumer<Employee> employeeConsumer, 
                                      Consumer<Throwable> errorConsumer) {
              //lookup employee async.
              employeeConsumer.accept(employee); // or call errorConsumer(exception);


You could call the above service with a Reakt promise like this.

Example integration

       Promise promise = Promises.promise();

       employeeService.lookupEmployee("123", promise.consumer(), 