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=> Task : Initial setup and hello glass screen

- Make sure Glass Preview SDK (API level 19) is downloaded
- Create blank project (without any activity)
- How to start application : Set up voice trigger
	- create a string in strings.xml
	- create res/xml directory
	- create voice_trigger_start.xml
	- for a custom command add permission in manifest
- Talk about components : Activity, Service, Receivers, Providers

// Pattern : Immersion
- Create a blank activity, layout, configure all
- In manifest, add activity, **add activity icon** NOTE: Asset guidelines for icons
- Add the VOICE_TRIGGER filter
- Run and Observe:
   - App is invoked using voice command
   - App is listed with icon
   - check theme is messed up

** Code : Check point 1 **

- Remove theme from manifest and try again

- This is Immersion : tradition android way
Your application takes over the screen, but after time out its gone again. Not really immersive!
Design decision

NOTE : update build.gradle to point to Sneak peak version

compileSdkVersion "Google Inc.:Glass Development Kit Preview:19"

=> Task : Implement a Card Scroller view

Create CardScrollerView member variable, create a inner class for adapter

** Code : Check point 2 **

=> Task : Add a menu, read

- Create res/menu directory and add menu xml
- onCreateOptionsMenu/onOptionsItemSelected
- selectedCard index etc...

** Code : Check point 3 **

// === Live Card

=> Task : Create simple live card (low frequency updating)
- Create Service (LiveCard1Service) 1 is because we'll soon write another LiveCard service (for high frequency LiveCards)
- Create live_card layout
- Fill up onStartCommand : create livecard, create remoteview 
- Create MenuActivity for setAction
- setAction
- Create voice trigger
- Add voice trigger in manifest

** Code : Check point 4 **

// === Live Card 2

=> Task : Create simple live card (high frequency updating)

- Create Service (LiveCard2Service)
- Create live_card2 layout
- Create LiveCard2View class
- Create ViewDrawer class 
- Hook up everything in the LiveCard2Service
- Create voice trigger
- Add voice trigger in the manifest

** Code : Check point 5 **


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