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Predicting NBA standings - Who will make the 2019-2020 NBA playoffs in the Western Conference?


This is the final project for Advanced Data Science @ JHU. This project built a prediction model for winning percentage of the opposing teams in a basketball game based on the team-level and player-level statistics. After simulating the rest games in the 2019-2020 season, we present the playoffs in the Western Conference.


The data folder contains our training and testing data scraped from BASKETBALL REFERENCE

  • game_stats_all.csv - The game results (scores) for all regular season games from season 2015-16 to 2018-19 and for regular season games already played in season 2019-20 and the upcoming schedule for the remaining games in season 2019-2020.
  • team_stats_all.csv - The team statistics of first 20 games from season 2015-16 to 2019-20.
  • pre_20_games.rds - the results for the first 20 games for each team during season 2019-20
  • post_62_games_pred.rds - predictions for the rest of season 2019-2020 We only need the first two csv files to run the rmarkdown code.

Exploratory Data Analysis

The plot folder contains plots from our EDA.

  • back2back.png - boxplot: the proportions of games won stratified by whether it is a back-to-back game
  • home_away.png - histogram: the total wins of each team stratified by home/away and conference during season 2018-2019
  • player_ws_plot.png - boxplot: the players' win share rankings over season 2014-15 to season 2018-19
  • team_cluster_plot.png - cluster: five clusters of the teams from 2015-16 to 2019-20 using k-means algorithm
  • team_def_off_plot.png - scatter plot: points scored of each team vs opponent in the first 20 games during season 2018-19
  • team_pc_plot.png - principle component: two PCs of all the teams from 2015-16 to 2019-20
  • team_rank_plot.png - scatter plot: final conference standing vs conference standing after 20 games during season 2018-19
  • team_win_plot.png - scatter plot: final total wins vs total wins after 20 games during season 2018-19
  • team_ws_plot.png - line segment: win shares of of the best players in each team
  • west_east.png - histogram: win/lose when the teams face opposing conference
  • year_dist.png - heatmap: the distance between every pair of seasons

Source code

The source folder contains source code of the functions used in the analysis

  • data_scraping.R - functions to scrape team/player statistics, game results, injury information, and game schedule
  • data_wrangling.R - functions to tidy data and extract information from raw data
  • EDA_visualize.R - functions to generate the plots in the analysis
  • data_integration.R - functions to explore the yearly effect
  • feature_eng.R - functions to create team features
  • model_build.R - functions to build and test the prediction model
  • simulation.R - based on the predicted probability, simulate the games for B times


The Shinyapp presents one simulation based on the predicted probabilities from our model. User could see the the final simulation results as well as daily game predictions.

To get a quick overview of the project, checkout our website and Youtube video. For the full analysis, read our final report.


Kate Li (

Runzhe Li (

Yifan Zhang (

Linda Zhou (


Rmarkdown File Link for Advanced Data Science Final Project






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