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GitHub Advisory Database

Security vulnerability database inclusive of CVEs and GitHub originated security advisories from the world of open source software.

1,058 advisories

amphp/http-client Denial of Service via HTTP/2 CONTINUATION Frames High
GHSA-w8gf-g2vq-j2f4 was published for amphp/http-client (Composer) Apr 3, 2024
AMPHP Denial of Service via HTTP/2 CONTINUATION Frames High
CVE-2024-2653 was published for amphp/http (Composer) Apr 3, 2024
UVDesk Community Helpdesk Improper Privilege Management High
CVE-2024-3137 was published for uvdesk/core-framework (Composer) Apr 2, 2024
Centreon insertGraphTemplate SQL Injection Remote Code Execution Vulnerability High
CVE-2024-23119 was published for centreon/centreon (Composer) Apr 2, 2024
Centreon updateContactHostCommands SQL Injection Remote Code Execution Vulnerability High
CVE-2024-23118 was published for centreon/centreon (Composer) Apr 2, 2024
Centreon updateDirectory SQL Injection Remote Code Execution Vulnerability High
CVE-2024-0637 was published for centreon/centreon (Composer) Apr 2, 2024
Centreon updateGroups SQL Injection Remote Code Execution Vulnerability High
CVE-2024-23115 was published for centreon/centreon (Composer) Apr 2, 2024
Centreon updateLCARelation SQL Injection Remote Code Execution Vulnerability High
CVE-2024-23116 was published for centreon/centreon (Composer) Apr 2, 2024
Centreon updateContactServiceCommands SQL Injection Remote Code Execution Vulnerability High
CVE-2024-23117 was published for centreon/centreon (Composer) Apr 2, 2024
Winter CMS Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI) vulnerability High
CVE-2024-29686 was published for wintercms/winter (Composer) Mar 29, 2024
CodeIgniter4 DoS Vulnerability High
CVE-2024-29904 was published for codeigniter4/framework (Composer) Mar 29, 2024
phpMyFAQ's File Upload Bypass at Category Image Leads to RCE High
CVE-2024-28105 was published for phpmyfaq/phpmyfaq (Composer) Mar 25, 2024
phpMyFAQ SQL injections at insertentry & saveentry High
CVE-2024-28107 was published for phpmyfaq/phpmyfaq (Composer) Mar 25, 2024
phpMyFAQ SQL Injection at "Save News" High
CVE-2024-27299 was published for phpmyfaq/phpmyfaq (Composer) Mar 25, 2024
WP Crontrol vulnerable to possible RCE when combined with a pre-condition High
CVE-2024-28850 was published for johnbillion/wp-crontrol (Composer) Mar 25, 2024
johnbillion calvinalkan
Cross-Site Request Forgery in Anchor CMS High
CVE-2024-29499 was published for anchorcms/anchor-cms (Composer) Mar 22, 2024
Cross-Site Request Forgery in Anchor CMS High
CVE-2024-29338 was published for anchorcms/anchor-cms (Composer) Mar 22, 2024
Server Side Template Injection (SSTI) via Twig escape handler High
CVE-2024-28119 was published for getgrav/grav (Composer) Mar 22, 2024
as3617 juckchang
Server Side Template Injection (SSTI) High
CVE-2024-28118 was published for getgrav/grav (Composer) Mar 22, 2024
as3617 juckchang
Server Side Template Injection (SSTI) High
CVE-2024-28117 was published for getgrav/grav (Composer) Mar 22, 2024
as3617 juckchang
Server-Side Template Injection (SSTI) with Grav CMS security sandbox bypass High
CVE-2024-28116 was published for getgrav/grav (Composer) Mar 22, 2024
Grav File Upload Path Traversal High
CVE-2024-27921 was published for getgrav/grav (Composer) Mar 22, 2024
PocketMine-MP server crash with certain invalid JSON payloads in `LoginPacket` due to dependency vulnerability (3rd time) High
GHSA-h6j3-j35f-v2x7 was published for pocketmine/pocketmine-mp (Composer) Mar 6, 2024
dktapps MrDiamond64
PocketMine-MP BookEditPacket crash when inventory slot in the packet is invalid High
GHSA-xc7j-wj36-qjfr was published for pocketmine/pocketmine-mp (Composer) Mar 6, 2024
phpseclib a large prime can cause a denial of service High
CVE-2024-27354 was published for phpseclib/phpseclib (Composer) Mar 2, 2024
ProTip! Advisories are also available from the GraphQL API