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GUI tools for the CartesI/O framework. Currently available:

  • cartesio_rviz_gui: manage CartesI/O tasks with a dockable GUI for RViz
  • joint_state_sliders: a replacement for ROS joint_state_publisher, with chain-wise organization to ease the control of complex robots like humanoids. When used inside the XBotCore framework, it also allows online impedance modulation.


Load it from RViz->Panels->Add New Panel


Two ready-to-use launch files available:

  • cartesio_posture_sliders.launch, to use the gui to control a postural task in CartesI/O
  • xbot_joint_command_sliders.launch, to control a XBotCore-powered robot in joint space

Also check out the rosmon utility, which is a smarter roslaunch!