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This light-weight library provides extension functions to existing Runtime-Permissions API available on android to reduce boilerplate-code and simply some commonly used APIs. It also uses kotlin-coroutines to remove dependency on callbacks and provides lifecycle-aware permission-requests.


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This light-weight library provides extension functions to existing Runtime-Permissions API available on android to reduce boilerplate-code and simply some commonly used APIs. It also uses kotlin-coroutines to remove dependency on callbacks and provides lifecycle-aware permission-requests.


Permissions-Android-KTX requires Android Jellybean (API level 16) or higher.

How to

To add this library in your project follow these steps:

  • Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your root build.gradle file.

    allprojects {
      repositories {
        maven { url '' }
  • Step 2. Add the following dependency to your module build.gradle file.

    dependencies {
      implementation 'com.github.adwardstark:permissions-android-ktx:{latest_version}'

List of Extension Functions

These are the extensions that are available within this library:

  • hasPermission(permission: String) : Returns true or false if the given permission is granted or denied.
    if(hasPermission(permission)) {
        // Granted
    } else {
        // Denied
  • permissionSafeScope(permission: String) : This block will only execute if the given permission is already granted. Use this to safe-guard your logic that requires specific permission.
    permissionSafeScope(Manifest.permission.PERMISSION_NAME) {
        Log.i(TAG, "->Executed-successfully")
  • permissionSafeScope(permission: String, onGrant={}, onDeny={}) : These block will be executed on the basis of whether the given permission is granted or denied.
            onGrant = {
                Log.i(TAG, "->onGrant() Executed-successfully")
            onDeny = {
                Log.i(TAG, "->onDeny() Executed-successfully")
  • permissionSafeScope(permission: String, onGrant={}, onDeny={}, onNeeded={}) : These block will be executed on the basis of whether the given permission is granted, denied or if it is already denied once.
            onGrant = {
                Log.i(TAG, "->onGrant() Executed-successfully")
            onDeny = {
                Log.i(TAG, "->onDeny() Executed-successfully")
            onNeeded = {
                // This block will only run if the given permission need
                // an additional rational to be shown to the user.
                Log.i(TAG, "->onNeeded() Executed-successfully")
  • singlePermissionResult {} : Returns true or false if the requested permission is granted or denied.
    private val singlePermissionRequest
            = singlePermissionResult { isGranted ->
                if(isGranted) {
                    Log.i(TAG, "->Permission-granted")
                } else {
    // And initiate request using singlePermissionRequest.launch(lManifest.permission.PERMISSION_NAME)
  • multiPermissionResult {} : Returns list of permissions and their status whether granted or denied.
    private val multiPermissionRequest
            = multiPermissionResult { permissions ->
                permissions.forEach { permission ->
                    Log.i(TAG, "${permission.key} is ${permission.value}")
    // And initiate request using multiPermissionRequest.launch(listOfPermissions)
  • requestSinglePermissionOnStart(permission: String) : Returns true or false if the given permission is granted or denied, This method is lifecycle-aware and should only be called inside the onStart() of an activity.
    override fun onStart() {
        requestSinglePermissionOnStart(Manifest.permission.PERMISSION_NAME) { isGranted ->
            if(isGranted) {
                Log.i(TAG, "->Permission-granted")
            } else {
  • requestMultiPermissionOnStart(permissions: Array) : Returns list of permissions and their status whether granted or denied. This method is lifecycle-aware and should only be called inside the onStart() of an activity.
    override fun onStart() {
        requestMultiPermissionOnStart(listOfPermissions) { permissions ->
            permissions.forEach { permission ->
                Log.i(TAG, "${permission.key} is ${permission.value}")


This light-weight library provides extension functions to existing Runtime-Permissions API available on android to reduce boilerplate-code and simply some commonly used APIs. It also uses kotlin-coroutines to remove dependency on callbacks and provides lifecycle-aware permission-requests.






