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Fusim - FUsion SIMulator

Fusim is a program to simulate fusion transcripts from a reference genome. 


- Java version 1.6 or greater
- UCSC RefFlat (GenePred table format)
- Reference genome in fasta 
- samtools (for indexing only)


1. Download UCSC RefFlat GenePred data

  $ wget -O refFlat.txt.gz
  $ gunzip refFlat.txt.gz

2. Download genome reference from UCSC:

  $ wget

3. Extract and build one single fasta file:

  $ tar -xzf chromFa.tar.gz
  $ cat chr*.fa > hg19.fa

4. Index with samtools:

  $ samtools faidx hg19.fa

Basic Usage

- Show all available options:

    $ java -jar fusim.jar -h

- Generate Fusion transcripts using UCSC refFlat.txt gene model:

  $ java -jar fusim.jar --gene-model refFlat.txt --fusions 10

- Output to both FASTA and TXT format:

  # Be sure your reference genome is indexed using samtools
  $ samtools faidx hg19.fa

  $ java -jar fusim.jar \
         --gene-model=refFlat.txt \
         --fusions=10 \
         --reference=hg19.fa \
         --fasta-output=fusions.fasta \

- Generate Fusion transcripts based on a background dataset (BAM file) using RPKM
  cutoff of 0.2. Note background BAM files must be indexed (*.bam.bai):

  # Be sure to index your BAM file first
  $ samtools index myreads.bam

  $ java -jar fusim.jar \
         --gene-model=refFlat.txt \
         --fusions=10 \
         --background-reads=myreads.bam \

- Generate read through transcripts:

  $ java -jar fusim.jar \
         --gene-model=refFlat.txt \

- Only use CDS exons when generating fusion transcripts:

  $ java -jar fusim.jar \
         --gene-model=refFlat.txt \
         --fusions=10 \

Working with GFF/GTF format
- First need to convert GFF/GTF to refFlat (genePred) format:
  $ java -jar fusim.jar --convert -i gencode.gtf -o gencodeRefFlat.txt

  ** Memory requirments **

  The GTF-to-Reflat conversion requires RAM equivalent to roughly 4x the size of
  your GTF file. For example, to convert the 879M gencode.v13.annotation.gtf
  file requires about ~3.5G of RAM. If you run out of memory with the default
  JVM settings add the -Xmx flag specifying the amount of RAM needed in
  megabytes. For example,  879M x 4 = 3516M = ~3.5G

  $ java -Xmx3516m -jar fusim.jar --convert -i gencode.gtf -o gencodeRefFlat.txt

  These are only guidlines and more RAM may be required.

- Then run fusim using the converted refFlat file:
  $ java -jar fusim.jar -g gencodeRefFlat.txt -n 10

Intra-chromosome fusions with Ensemble genome 

The Ensemble genome does not appear to prefix chromosomes with "chr". When
generation intra-chromosome fusions (-y option) FUSIM assumes this to be the
case. To generate intra-chromosome fusions using Ensemble simply generate hybrid
fusions but specify a filter for each gene. For example to generate
intra-chromosome fusions on chromosome 17 run:

  $ java -jar fusim.jar -g ensemble.refGene -n 5 -t fusions.txt \
             -r ensemble.fa -f fusions.fasta \
             --gene1=17 --gene2=17


- Andrew E. Bruno
- Song Lui
- Jianmin Wang
- Jeffrey C. Miecznikowski


a software tool for simulating fusion transcripts







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