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Anton Krylov edited this page Apr 11, 2017 · 1 revision

Economy analyzer can track your game history while you're playing, and record it to a file. As of v0.12, you can't reaaly do anything with this data, it will be fixed in future versions.

How it works

  1. Create a watcher using Watchers -> Set active wacther... menu.
    1. Select history file (it must be either empty file or a valid history file) or write down filename manually.
    2. Select folder that this watcher will watch (i.e. your savegame folder)
    3. Start watcher
    4. (optional) Set autosave interval in game
  2. Now, every time a file in this folder is modified, watcher will extract data from it and write it to history. It will store all countries and products data (everything that's displayed on main window and product window)
  3. Stop the watcher when you stop playing one particular campaign. If you switch to another game, watcher will still work and history will be corrupted.
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