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Ansible role: "Red Hat Single Sign-On"


Advanced Ansible role that manages Red Hat Single Sign-On instances.

Core implemented features in this role:

  • dependencies installation
  • red hat subscription manager
  • multiple parallel versions and profile support
  • download and patches apply
  • jvm configuration
  • configuration of the Red Hat JBoss EAP instances using the CLI
  • cleanup after installation


This role is based on:


This role has been tested on Ansible 2.7.2. It requires Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and a valid subscription.


There are no dependencies.


  1. create a .vault with your secret.

  2. create the file vars/rhn_credentials.yml with the following content of your redhat account. Example:

rhn_username: us3r
rhn_password: p@ss
rhn_poolid: a1b2-c3d4-e5f6-g7h8-i9j0k
  1. encrypt the file:
ansible-vault encrypt /etc/ansible/roles/ansible-redhat-single-sign-on/vars/rhn_credentials.yml --vault-password-file=/etc/ansible/roles/ansible-redhat-single-sign-on/.vault


ansible-playbook playbook.yml -vvv -k --vault-password-file /etc/ansible/roles/ansible-redhat-single-sign-on/.vault --flush-cache

PS. add --connection=local if you're running into the same host.

Role Variables

Global configurations

Name Default Value Description
role_id ansible-redhat-single-sign-on Name of the role after download
ansible_roles_path /etc/ansible/playbooks/roles Ansible roles directory
subtasks_directory_path tasks/subtasks Role subtasks directory
binaries_directory_path files Role binaries directory (for additional modules)

Red Hat Single Sign-On configurations

Name Default Value Description
rhsso_artifact_version 7.2.0 ID of base release of Red Hat Single Sign-On
rhsso_artifact_url Download URL for Red Hat Single Sign-On
rhsso_artifact_name rh-sso-{{ rhsso_artifact_version }}.zip Generated name of Red Hat Single Sign-On zip artifact
rhsso_artifact_checksums Object.array(id, checksum) Dict [key:id, value:checksum] of red hat single sign-on base releases

Red Hat Single Sign-On patches

Name Default Value Description
rhsso_apply_patches true Conditional for installing red hat single sign-on patches
rhsso_remove_patches_after_install false Conditional for removing red hat single sign-on patches (after installation)
rhsso_patches Object.array(id, url, filename, sha256checksum) Dict [id, url, filename, sha256checksum] of red hat single sign-on patches releases

Red Hat Single Sign-On configurations

Name Default Value Description
general.install_dir /usr/share Red Hat Single Sign-On installation directory
general.home_dir_name rh-sso-7.2 Red Hat Single Sign-On home name
general.instance_name rh-sso Red Hat Single Sign-On service name
general.download_dir /tmp Temporary folder for Red Hat Single Sign-On downloads
jboss.console_admin_user jboss JBoss EAP admin console user
jboss.console_admin_password jboss@123 JBoss EAP admin console password
jboss.jgroups_user jbservice JBoss EAP jgroups cluster user
jboss.jgroups_password jbservice JBoss EAP jgroups cluster user password
jboss.keycloak_user admin Keycloak admin user
jboss.keycloak_password jboss@123 Keycloak admin user password
jboss.host_type master Jboss EAP host type: (master
jboss.domain_master_address `` Jboss EAP domain master ipv4 address
owner.user `` Red Hat Single Sign-On RHEL user `` Red Hat Single Sign-On RHEL user group
owner.group_id `` Red Hat Single Sign-On RHEL user group id

System configurations

Name Default Value Description
config.install_java true Conditional for installing jvm
config.install_rhsm true Conditional for subscribing to Red Hat Subscription Manager
config.install_jdbc_oracle true Conditional for installing Oracle DBMS module (files/ojdb8.jar)
config.timezone_main America/Sao_Paulo JBoss EAP timezone
config.timezone_language pt JBoss EAP timezone language
config.timezone_country BR JBoss EAP timezone country
config.inet-address-range Network interface CIDR that will match the host ip address, Ex: 192.168.100. (in case your host have more than one default network addresses). Must set config.inet-address-range-ignore to false
config.inet-address-range-ignore true Ignore config.inet-address-range configuration and use the ansible provided ansible_default_ipv4.address

JVM configurations

Name Default Value Description
jvm_pkg_name java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel Name of JVM package to be installed
jvm_java_opts `` Additional JVM opts (see tasks/03__download_and_install.yml)
jvm_xmx 1024M -Xmx
jvm_xms 1024M -Xms
compressedClassSpaceSize 512M -XX:CompressedClassSpaceSize
metaspaceSize 256M -XX:MetaspaceSize
maxMetaspaceSize 512M -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize

Infinispan configurations

Name Default Value Description
owners_sessions 1 Total amount of owners of sessions cache
owners_authenticationsessions 1 Total amount of owners of authenticationSessions cache
owners_offlinesessions 1 Total amount of owners of offlineSessions cache
owners_clientsessions 1 Total amount of owners of clientSessions cache
owners_offlineclientsessions 1 Total amount of owners of offlineClientSessions cache
owners_loginfailures 1 Total amount of owners of loginFailures cache
owners_actiontokens 2 Total amount of owners of actionTokens cache
cache_realms_max_entries 10000 Total max-entries of realms cache
cache_users_max_entries 10000 Total max-entries of users cache
cache_authorization_max_entries 10000 Total max-entries of authorization cache
cache_keys_max_entries 1000 Total max-entries of keys cache
cache_actiontokens_max_entries -1 Total max-entries of actionTokens cache

Usage of CLI files for the JBoss EAP configuration

Name Default Value Description
cli_list { } List of CLI files to be used for the configuration
cli_dir empty Local directory containing the CLI files in cli_list. Mandatory if cli_list is not empty

Example Playbook

Here is a playbook creating two JBoss EAP instances on every host in "jboss-master" and "jboss-slave":

vim /etc/ansible/playbooks/playbook.yml

- name: install and configure Red Hat Single Sign-On master
  hosts: host-master
  remote_user: root
    role_id: ansible-redhat-single-sign-on
    ansible_roles_path: /etc/ansible/roles
    rhsso_apply_patches: true
    rhsso_remove_patches_after_install: false
      console_admin_user: jboss
      console_admin_password: jboss@123
      jgroups_user: jbservice
      jgroups_password: jboss@123
      keycloak_user: admin
      keycloak_password: jboss@123
      host_type: master
      install_java: true
      install_rhsm: true
      install_jdbc_oracle: true
      timezone_main: "America/Sao_Paulo"
      timezone_language: pt
      timezone_country: BR
    jvm_xmx: "1024M"
    jvm_xms: "1024M"
    compressedClassSpaceSize: "512M"
    metaspaceSize: "256M"
    maxMetaspaceSize: "512M"
    - role: ansible-redhat-single-sign-on
- name: install and configure Red Hat Single Sign-On slave
  hosts: host-slave
  remote_user: root
    role_id: ansible-redhat-single-sign-on
    ansible_roles_path: /etc/ansible/roles
    rhsso_apply_patches: true
    rhsso_remove_patches_after_install: false
      console_admin_user: jboss
      console_admin_password: jboss@123
      jgroups_user: jbservice
      jgroups_password: jboss@123
      keycloak_user: admin
      keycloak_password: jboss@123
      host_type: slave
      domain_master_address: ""
      install_java: true
      install_rhsm: true
      install_jdbc_oracle: true
      timezone_main: "America/Sao_Paulo"
      timezone_language: pt
      timezone_country: BR
    jvm_xmx: "1024M"
    jvm_xms: "1024M"
    compressedClassSpaceSize: "512M"
    metaspaceSize: "256M"
    maxMetaspaceSize: "512M"
    - role: ansible-redhat-single-sign-on

PS. If your're in OSX, you maybe need to create the default installation structure at:

$ brew install ansible

mkdir /etc/ansible
mkdir /etc/ansible/playbooks
mkdir /etc/ansible/roles

touch /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
touch /etc/ansible/hosts

change ansible.cfg defaults:

inventory      = /etc/ansible/hosts

You can download an configuration example here:


  • defaults/main.yml centralize the default variables that could be overridden
  • tasks/main.yml coordinate the execution of the different tasks
  • tasks/00__check_required_variables.yml validate required variables to be set.
  • tasks/01__subscribe_rhsm.yml subscribe the host using Red Hat Subscription Manager (requires a valid user account and pool-id).
  • tasks/02__install_dependencies.yml install required tools like python, lsof and nmap
  • tasks/03__download_and_install.yml perform the Red Hat Single Sign-On download and configuration
  • tasks/04__download_patches_and_checksum.yml perform the Red Hat Single Sign-On patches download and checksum
  • tasks/05__apply_patches.yml perform the Red Hat Single Sign-On patches installation
  • tasks/06__execute_cli_files.yml perform the Red Hat Single Sign-On additional cli files installation (TODO)
  • tasks/07__clean_up.yml perform clean up of the environment
  • tasks/08__start_servers.yml perform servers startup
  • vars/main.yml centralize some convenience variables that should not be overridden


  • check Check all required variables
  • preinstall Execute pre-installation tasks
  • install Execute installation tasks
  • patches Execute patch installation tasks
  • cli Execute cli tasks
  • cleanup Execute cleanup tasks
  • postinstall Execute post-installation tasks


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