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mtaylor committed Apr 16, 2013
1 parent 896532b commit 2330357
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Showing 11 changed files with 784 additions and 417 deletions.
Binary file added images/body-bg.jpg
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Binary file added images/download-button.png
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Binary file added images/github-button.png
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Binary file added images/header-bg.jpg
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Binary file added images/highlight-bg.jpg
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Binary file added images/sidebar-bg.jpg
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204 changes: 149 additions & 55 deletions index.html
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<title>Tim by aeolus-incubator</title>

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<h2>Web application for managing virtual images to be deployed in the cloud</h2>
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<h1 id="project_title">Tim</h1>
<h2 id="project_tagline">Web application for managing virtual images to be deployed in the cloud</h2>

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<h3>Welcome to GitHub Pages.</h3>

<p>This automatic page generator is the easiest way to create beautiful pages for all of your projects. Author your page content here using GitHub Flavored Markdown, select a template crafted by a designer, and publish. After your page is generated, you can check out the new branch:</p>

<pre><code>$ cd your_repo_root/repo_name
$ git fetch origin
$ git checkout gh-pages
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<p>Tim is a Rails Engine responsible for Cloud image management. It
allows clients to create, delete and upload images to a multitude of
Cloud providers. Tim builds on top of Imagefactory’s cloud
abstraction layer.</p>

<p>If you're using the GitHub for Mac, simply sync your repository and you'll see the new branch.</p>
<p>Adding the ability for clients to store meta-data (used for searching
and sorting) as well as versioning and support for access control.
Tim wraps all this up in a clean, simply RESTful API.</p>

<h3>Designer Templates</h3>
<p>You can read the full presentation <a href="">here</a>.</p>

<p>We've crafted some handsome templates for you to use. Go ahead and continue to layouts to browse through them. You can easily go back to edit your page before publishing. After publishing your page, you can revisit the page generator and switch to another theme. Your Page content will be preserved if it remained markdown format.</p>

<h3>Securing Image Factory requests</h3>

<h3>Rather Drive Stick?</h3>
<p>It is possible to secure Image Factory requests using 2 Legged OAuth. To use 2
Legged OAuth you must set the OAuth consumer key, consumer secret and url in the

<p>If you prefer to not use the automatic generator, push a branch named <code>gh-pages</code> to your repository to create a page manually. In addition to supporting regular HTML content, GitHub Pages support Jekyll, a simple, blog aware static site generator written by our own Tom Preston-Werner. Jekyll makes it easy to create site-wide headers and footers without having to copy them across every page. It also offers intelligent blog support and other advanced templating features.</p>

<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="n">oauth_config</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="p">{</span><span class="ss">:consumer_key</span> <span class="o">=&gt;</span> <span class="s2">"mock-key"</span><span class="p">,</span>
<span class="ss">:consumer_secret</span> <span class="o">=&gt;</span> <span class="s2">"mock-secret"</span><span class="p">,</span>
<span class="ss">:site</span> <span class="o">=&gt;</span> <span class="s2">"http://localhost:8075/imagefactory/"</span><span class="p">}</span>
<span class="ss">Tim</span><span class="p">:</span><span class="ss">:ImageFactory</span><span class="o">::</span><span class="no">Base</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">config</span> <span class="o">=</span> <span class="n">oauth_config</span>

<h2>Running Tests</h2>

<p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Build Status"></a></p>

<p>Tests are run from the project root directory. But are run in the
context of the dummy app located under test/dummy. In order to run
the tests you must first setup dummy app database.</p>

<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="n">rake</span> <span class="ss">db</span><span class="p">:</span><span class="n">setup</span><span class="p">;</span> <span class="n">rake</span> <span class="o">-</span><span class="n">f</span> <span class="nb">test</span><span class="o">/</span><span class="n">dummy</span><span class="o">/</span><span class="no">Rakefile</span> <span class="nb">test</span><span class="ss">:prepare</span>

<p>Once you have done this cd to the project root and run the following:</p>

<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="n">rake</span> <span class="n">spec</span>

<h2>Running the Dummy app</h2>

<p>This will allow you to runn the commands below to test out the engine
in isolation (if mounted in another application, the main difference
will just be where the engine gets mounted, so adjust your url

<p>cd test/dummy; rails s</p>

<h2>Generating State Machines Images</h2>

<p>From test/dummy run:</p>

<div class="highlight"><pre> <span class="n">rake</span> <span class="n">state_machine</span><span class="ss">:draw</span> <span class="no">FILE</span><span class="o">=.</span><span class="n">.</span><span class="o">/.</span><span class="n">.</span><span class="o">/</span><span class="n">app</span><span class="o">/</span><span class="n">models</span><span class="o">/</span><span class="n">tim</span><span class="o">/</span><span class="n">target_image</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">rb</span> <span class="no">CLASS</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="ss">Tim</span><span class="p">:</span><span class="ss">:TargetImage</span>
<span class="n">rake</span> <span class="n">state_machine</span><span class="ss">:draw</span> <span class="no">FILE</span><span class="o">=.</span><span class="n">.</span><span class="o">/.</span><span class="n">.</span><span class="o">/</span><span class="n">app</span><span class="o">/</span><span class="n">models</span><span class="o">/</span><span class="n">tim</span><span class="o">/</span><span class="n">provider_image</span><span class="o">.</span><span class="n">rb</span> <span class="no">CLASS</span><span class="o">=</span><span class="ss">Tim</span><span class="p">:</span><span class="ss">:ProviderImage</span>


<p>We encourage you to contribute to Tim. We are open to new ideas and
features (especially if you offer to implement them!) as well as
{Github issues}[<a href=""></a>] to point
us at any bugs that may be encountered.</p>


<li>We use {Github issues}[<a href=""></a>]
to track our features and bugs.</li>
<li>Want to paste some code or output? Put ``` on a line above and
below your code/output. See {Github documentation's}[<a href=""></a>]
<b>Fenced Code Blocks</b> for details.</li>
<li>Please use {pull requests}[<a href=""></a>]
to submit code, whether for implementation of a new feature or for a bug fix.</li>
<li>If you submit a pull request that doesn't have a test to go with it
there is less chance we will merge it.</li>

<p>Have an idea for a feature you want to implement (or would like us to
consider implementing when time allows)? Simply submit a new
issue[<a href=""></a>] describing the
feature in sufficient detail to enable someone to consider
implementing it. Ideally this would be in a format focusing on:</p>

<li>Who would be the user of this feature?</li>
<li>How would the feature be used (this could be a workflow, api
example, etc)?</li>
<li>What need does it fill (in other words, why does the user want/need
to do the described task)?</li>
</ul><p>If you like, you may use the Connextra format, but it is not strictly
required. For reference, that format is:</p>

<h3>Authors and Contributors</h3>
<p><em>In order to [benefit], a [stakeholder] wants to [feature].</em></p>

<h3>Bug Reporting</h3>

<p>You can <a href="" class="user-mention">@mention</a> a GitHub username to generate a link to their profile. The resulting <code>&lt;a&gt;</code> element will link to the contributor's GitHub Profile. For example: In 2007, Chris Wanstrath (<a href="" class="user-mention">@defunkt</a>), PJ Hyett (<a href="" class="user-mention">@pjhyett</a>), and Tom Preston-Werner (<a href="" class="user-mention">@mojombo</a>) founded GitHub.</p>
<p>While we always strive to not have bug, we realize they will come up,
and appreciate help in identifying them so they can be corrected. If
you believe you have found such a thing, please tell us:</p>

<h3>Support or Contact</h3>
<li>which version of Tim you're using</li>
<li>which version of Ruby you're using.</li>
<li>How to reproduce it. Bugs with a failing test in a
{pull request}[<a href=""></a>] get
extra points, though a description and stack trace, if appropriate,
would be a minimum requirement for the issue to receive attention.
(And of course, submitting a pull request with proper tests that also
fixes the bug will get the fix in a release quicker yet!)</li>

<p>Having trouble with Pages? Check out the documentation at <a href=""></a> or contact <a href=""></a> and we’ll help you sort it out.</p>
<p>Image Management Engine is released under the MIT license.</p>

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.zip file
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.tar.gz file

<p class="repo-owner"><a href=""></a> is maintained by <a href="">aeolus-incubator</a>.</p>

<p>This page was generated by <a href="">GitHub Pages</a> using the Architect theme by <a href="">Jason Long</a>.</p>

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<p class="copyright">Tim maintained by <a href="">aeolus-incubator</a></p>
<p>Published with <a href="">GitHub Pages</a></p>

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion params.json
@@ -1 +1 @@
{"name":"Tim","tagline":"Web application for managing virtual images to be deployed in the cloud","body":"### Welcome to GitHub Pages.\r\nThis automatic page generator is the easiest way to create beautiful pages for all of your projects. Author your page content here using GitHub Flavored Markdown, select a template crafted by a designer, and publish. After your page is generated, you can check out the new branch:\r\n\r\n```\r\n$ cd your_repo_root/repo_name\r\n$ git fetch origin\r\n$ git checkout gh-pages\r\n```\r\n\r\nIf you're using the GitHub for Mac, simply sync your repository and you'll see the new branch.\r\n\r\n### Designer Templates\r\nWe've crafted some handsome templates for you to use. Go ahead and continue to layouts to browse through them. You can easily go back to edit your page before publishing. After publishing your page, you can revisit the page generator and switch to another theme. Your Page content will be preserved if it remained markdown format.\r\n\r\n### Rather Drive Stick?\r\nIf you prefer to not use the automatic generator, push a branch named `gh-pages` to your repository to create a page manually. In addition to supporting regular HTML content, GitHub Pages support Jekyll, a simple, blog aware static site generator written by our own Tom Preston-Werner. Jekyll makes it easy to create site-wide headers and footers without having to copy them across every page. It also offers intelligent blog support and other advanced templating features.\r\n\r\n### Authors and Contributors\r\nYou can @mention a GitHub username to generate a link to their profile. The resulting `<a>` element will link to the contributor's GitHub Profile. For example: In 2007, Chris Wanstrath (@defunkt), PJ Hyett (@pjhyett), and Tom Preston-Werner (@mojombo) founded GitHub.\r\n\r\n### Support or Contact\r\nHaving trouble with Pages? Check out the documentation at or contact and we’ll help you sort it out.","google":"","note":"Don't delete this file! It's used internally to help with page regeneration."}
{"name":"Tim","tagline":"Web application for managing virtual images to be deployed in the cloud","body":"Tim is a Rails Engine responsible for Cloud image management. It\r\nallows clients to create, delete and upload images to a multitude of\r\nCloud providers. Tim builds on top of Imagefactory’s cloud\r\nabstraction layer.\r\n\r\nAdding the ability for clients to store meta-data (used for searching\r\nand sorting) as well as versioning and support for access control.\r\nTim wraps all this up in a clean, simply RESTful API.\r\n\r\nYou can read the full presentation [here](\r\n\r\n## Configuration\r\n\r\n### Securing Image Factory requests\r\n\r\nIt is possible to secure Image Factory requests using 2 Legged OAuth. To use 2\r\nLegged OAuth you must set the OAuth consumer key, consumer secret and url in the\r\nTim::ImageFactory::Base.config.\r\n\r\n#### Example:\r\n```ruby\r\n oauth_config = {:consumer_key => \"mock-key\",\r\n :consumer_secret => \"mock-secret\",\r\n :site => \"http://localhost:8075/imagefactory/\"}\r\n Tim::ImageFactory::Base.config = oauth_config\r\n```\r\n## Running Tests\r\n\r\n[<img src=\"\"\r\nalt=\"Build Status\" />](])\r\n\r\nTests are run from the project root directory. But are run in the\r\ncontext of the dummy app located under test/dummy. In order to run\r\nthe tests you must first setup dummy app database.\r\n\r\n```ruby\r\n rake db:setup; rake -f test/dummy/Rakefile test:prepare\r\n```\r\n\r\nOnce you have done this cd to the project root and run the following:\r\n\r\n```ruby\r\n rake spec\r\n```\r\n\r\n## Running the Dummy app\r\n\r\nThis will allow you to runn the commands below to test out the engine\r\nin isolation (if mounted in another application, the main difference\r\nwill just be where the engine gets mounted, so adjust your url\r\naccordingly).\r\n\r\ncd test/dummy; rails s\r\n\r\n## Generating State Machines Images\r\n\r\nFrom test/dummy run:\r\n\r\n```ruby\r\n rake state_machine:draw FILE=../../app/models/tim/target_image.rb CLASS=Tim::TargetImage\r\n rake state_machine:draw FILE=../../app/models/tim/provider_image.rb CLASS=Tim::ProviderImage\r\n```\r\n\r\n## Contributing\r\n\r\nWe encourage you to contribute to Tim. We are open to new ideas and\r\nfeatures (especially if you offer to implement them!) as well as\r\n{Github issues}[] to point\r\nus at any bugs that may be encountered.\r\n\r\n### General\r\n\r\n* We use {Github issues}[]\r\n to track our features and bugs.\r\n* Want to paste some code or output? Put \\`\\`\\` on a line above and\r\n below your code/output. See {Github documentation's}[]\r\n <b>Fenced Code Blocks</b> for details.\r\n* Please use {pull requests}[]\r\n to submit code, whether for implementation of a new feature or for a bug fix.\r\n* If you submit a pull request that doesn't have a test to go with it\r\n there is less chance we will merge it.\r\n\r\n### Features\r\n\r\nHave an idea for a feature you want to implement (or would like us to\r\nconsider implementing when time allows)? Simply submit a new\r\nissue[] describing the\r\nfeature in sufficient detail to enable someone to consider\r\nimplementing it. Ideally this would be in a format focusing on:\r\n\r\n* Who would be the user of this feature?\r\n* How would the feature be used (this could be a workflow, api\r\n example, etc)?\r\n* What need does it fill (in other words, why does the user want/need\r\n to do the described task)?\r\n\r\nIf you like, you may use the Connextra format, but it is not strictly\r\nrequired. For reference, that format is:\r\n\r\n<em>In order to [benefit], a [stakeholder] wants to [feature].</em>\r\n\r\n### Bug Reporting\r\n\r\nWhile we always strive to not have bug, we realize they will come up,\r\nand appreciate help in identifying them so they can be corrected. If\r\nyou believe you have found such a thing, please tell us:\r\n\r\n* which version of Tim you're using\r\n* which version of Ruby you're using.\r\n* How to reproduce it. Bugs with a failing test in a\r\n {pull request}[] get\r\n extra points, though a description and stack trace, if appropriate,\r\n would be a minimum requirement for the issue to receive attention.\r\n (And of course, submitting a pull request with proper tests that also\r\n fixes the bug will get the fix in a release quicker yet!)\r\n\r\n## License\r\n\r\nImage Management Engine is released under the MIT license.\r\n","google":"","note":"Don't delete this file! It's used internally to help with page regeneration."}

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