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Bug description

The AssetContainerContents are not updated when creating an asset in a job. This results in the job failing. This bug sounds pretty similar to statamic/cms#5501 and should have been closed by statamic/cms#6726.



Also, make sure to create and migrate a database so that failed jobs can be logged.

How to reproduce

  1. Create a user
  2. Run php artisan queue:work in your terminal
  3. Login to the CP, go to the pages collection, and switch to the list view
  4. Open the contextual menu of an entry and run the Import Data action

You should now see the App\Actions\ImportImage and Statamic\Listeners\GeneratePresetImageManipulations jobs fail:

CleanShot 2024-03-08 at 12 24 59@2x CleanShot 2024-03-08 at 12 22 17@2x

What's going on

These exceptions make sense when you look at the asset container contents. You can confirm that the newly created asset is missing from the list by opening up a Tinkerwell session and getting the contents of the asset container.

CleanShot 2024-03-08 at 12 41 13@2x

The asset container contents are cached in the all() method of the AssetContainerContents class. When running a queue, this cache is used on subsequent calls to the method.

Now when an asset is saved in the save() method of the AssetRepository class, its path is added to the cached container contents. But when the save() method on the AssetContainerContents is called, the cached instance doesn't include the newly added path.

How to fix it

There seems to be an easy fix by explicitly adding the new path to the cache:

public function add($path)
    if (! $metadata = $this->getNormalizedFlysystemMetadata($path)) {
        return $this;

    // Add parent directories
    if (($dir = dirname($path)) !== '.') {

-    $this->all()->put($path, $metadata);
+    $files = $this->all()->put($path, $metadata);
+    if (Statamic::isWorker()) {
+        Cache::put($this->key(), $files, $this->ttl());
+    }

    $this->filteredFiles = null;
    $this->filteredDirectories = null;

    return $this;


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