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2.0.0-PRE-RELEASE : The major update is almost here

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@aerocyber aerocyber released this 17 Mar 06:19
· 43 commits to dev since this release

This (pre-)release

This is the pre-release test build for Sitemarker 2.0! Find the Windows, Linux and Android versions here!


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About this (pre-)release


Sitemarker has undergone a full rewrite. The old UI is now refreshed to a modern UI. The technical changes are too major. But, the summary includes:
- Move away from Python and GTK to Flutter
- Use drift for sqlite3 database management on ALL platforms - to move away from using the .omio file internally.
- Support additional platforms - official support for Windows and Android along with the already existing Linux distribution.
- Update notifier has been introduced. Do note however that Update notifications are strictly In-App and cannot be disabled. Also, since it was a last-minute change, it couldn't be tested in development. It is still in DEVELOPMENT BUT INCLUDED FOR USER EXPERIENCE IMPROVEMENT stage.


It's not just the technical side that got the update. The non-technical side has MAJOR updates:
- Updated the file.
- Documentation for the project is now UP TO DATE with the upcoming 2.0.0 stable release.


Removed all references to Android pre-release as they are now available.

More changes

Full Changelog: 1.2.3-fix...2.0.0-test