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Build a container image for Aerospike Server where the server process runs under a non-privileged user id.


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Aerospike Container - Root Free Build

Docker files and images for standard builds of Aerospike have been available for some time

These all build and run Aerospike using a standard installation. The standard installation allows Aerospike to configured to run under any user id, but the service needs to be started using the root user. See configuration for details.

There are however significant concerns around running containers under the root id, many of which are detailed here. The OpenShift platform prevents this by default

With the above in mind, a container which runs under a non-privileged id is desirable. This repository provides build assets to support this.

Community / Enterprise

Two editions of Aerospike are available - Community and Enterprise. The former is open source and can be downloaded without charge. It has some scale limitations. The latter contains features not available in Community, removes the scale limits and is supported 24 x 7 by our Global Support team. See our product matrix for details. Enterprise Aerospike requires a valid feature key before it will run.

As such, two different build mechanisms here, one for Community, one for Enterprise.

Community Aerospike build

To build a community container, run the command below from the directory containing your Dockerfile. The 't' flag allows you to name your image.

docker build -t $COMMUNITY_IMAGE_NAME .

To run your image, giving your container a specific name


You can directly access your running container using aql

docker exec -it $CONTAINER_NAME usr/bin/aql

Stop and remove your container

docker container stop $CONTAINER_NAME
docker container rm $CONTAINER_NAME

Enterprise Aerospike build

As noted above, Enterprise Aerospike requires a feature key. It is also build using a different binary. To build a non-root Enterprise Aerospike container the IS_ENTERPRISE flag needs to be set. By default the build process will expect the license key file to be named features.conf and placed in the same directory as the Dockerfile. The container is then built as follows

docker build -t $ENTERPRISE_IMAGE_NAME --build-arg IS_ENTERPRISE=1 .

To run your image


The aql and container removal commands are the same as before.

License key location can be provided to the build process using the FEATURE_KEY_FILE argument, should the default requirement not be satisfied. Note this path must be relative to the build directory and cannot traverse upwards using the .. operator.

docker build -t $ENTERPRISE_IMAGE_NAME --build-arg IS_ENTERPRISE=1 --build-arg FEATURE_KEY_FILE=mylicense.conf .

Registering your image

You can register your image in a container registry. This decouples image build from image deployment.

By default Docker will use the DockerHub registry. Assuming you have set up an account and logged in you can push your image. Let's say I have been naming my image aerospike:non-root-community. ktune is my account name on Docker Hub, so first I tag it with my account name so I can then push it.

docker tag aerospike:non-root-community ktune/aerospike:non-root-community
docker push ktune/aerospike:non-root-community 

This will push it to the aerospike repository within my account. Obviously, use your own account name!

Be very careful if/when pushing public images. Firstly make sure you haven't inadverently included content you don't wish to make public. Secondly, you should not make Enterprise images public as they will contain your license file. More on the docker push command here - particularly useful if wanting to push to a private registry.

Aerospike Version

By default the container will build using the latest version of Aerospike in both Community and Aerospike modes. A specific Aerospike version can be selected using the AEROSPIKE_VERSION build argument e.g.

docker build -t $COMMUNITY_IMAGE_NAME --build-arg AEROSPIKE_VERSION= .

You can find out what version of Aerospike a container is running using

docker exec -it $CONTAINER_NAME usr/bin/asinfo -v 'build' 

Aerospike Configuration

The build process uses aerospike.template.conf to create the Aerospike configuration file. To customise configuration edit this file. Do not remove the tokens - which look like #.*# e.g. #ASD_USER# as these are needed by the build process.

Deploying vs Openshift

There are a number of ways of setting up an Openshift cluster - this is a good page to get you started.

Once you have your cluster set up, you can use the oc tool to administer it. Here's a useful getting started to help you with installation of oc and basic orientation.

I used IBM cloud FWIW. You can set up an Openshift cluster very easily - they then give you a command that looks like

oc login --token=XXXXXXXXXX --server=

From there, you can reference an image in a container registry and deploy that. e.g.

oc new-app ktune/aerospike:non-root --name aerospike

By way of demonstrating it's all working, we can get the name of the container

$ oc get pods
NAME                 READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
aerospike-1-6x7b2    1/1     Running     0          73s
aerospike-1-deploy   0/1     Completed   0          77s

And log in

$ oc exec -it aerospike-1-6x7b2 usr/bin/aql
Aerospike Query Client
Version 4.0.4
C Client Version 4.6.17
Copyright 2012-2020 Aerospike. All rights reserved.

Use under Kubernetes

This container build has not been validated for use under Kubernetes yet.

Testing within the test directory can be used to test the success of the container build. The contents should be self evident.


Build a container image for Aerospike Server where the server process runs under a non-privileged user id.







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