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Releases: aestheticinteractive/Hover-UI-Kit

v2.0.1B (beta)

05 Jul 18:33
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This version resolves various issues, including compatibility issues that have arisen over time due to third-party SDK, API, and/or asset changes.

Migration Notes

Due to the possibility of files being moved or renamed, delete the /Assets/Hover folder (if it exists from a previous version) from your project before installing this new version. This allows the latest version of Hover UI Kit to be installed without creating issues related to duplicate and/or conflicting source files.

Due to the significant changes involved with the v2.0 releases, which affect almost every feature of the project, they are not compatible with previous v1.x releases.

Change Log

  • Fixed issue causing the Oculus Touch input module to depend on a Steam VR extension method (#57).
  • Fixed incorrect setting of Hovercast/Hoverpanel item "MasterAlpha" values.
  • Fixed issue that permitted the "Look" cursor's raycast to hit deactivated items (#61).
  • Upgraded project to Unity 2017.3.1f1.
  • Removed usages of the bloom filter from Unity's deprecated "Standard Assets" package (#64, #67, #74).
  • Updated the Leap Motion input module to support the breaking changes from Leap Motion's "Unity Core Assets 4.4.0" package, and left the previous scene with a "-Pre-4-4-0" suffix (#77).
  • Fixed "scene to unload is invalid" error by switching to the newer "UnloadSceneAsync" method with a string "scene name" parameter (#77).
  • Fixed issue causing Hovercast interface's active row and back button to remain selectable while in its "closed" state.

v2.0.0B (beta)

20 Dec 16:21
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This version includes a new OculusTouch input module, a new Follow input module (typically used for tracking a headset transform), improved per-cursor settings for the Vive input module, and new tab-shaped item renderers.

It also includes several fixes and refinements, primarily based on issues discovered while building the Force-Directed Graph demo.

Please provide feedback and/or bug reports via GitHub issues or email.

Migration Notes

Due to several files being moved or renamed, delete the /Assets/Hover folder (if it exists from a previous version) from your project before installing this new version. This allows the latest version of Hover UI Kit to be installed without creating issues related to duplicate and/or conflicting source files.

Due to the significant changes involved with the v2.0 releases, which affect almost every feature of the project, they are not compatible with previous v1.x releases.

Change Log

  • Added "OculusTouch" input module.
  • Added "Follow" input module, which uses a transform (for example, from the VR headset) to control a cursor.
  • Added "tabbed" item renderers (see HoverAlphaButtonRectRenderer-Tab.prefab).
  • Added "Flip" option to the HoverShapeRect, allowing for scenarios where you want an item (typically a slider) to be sized to support a 90-degree rotation within a rect layout.
  • Moved, renamed, and reorganized several source files.
  • Updated the existing input modules to use the new "FollowCursor" (rather than duplicating that functionality in each module).
  • Updated the Vive input module with more per-cursor settings (similar to latest Oculus Touch input module).
  • Updated demo scenes with support for the Oculus Touch input module.
  • Updated the MeshBuilder to use normal Color values (instead of Color32) to allow HDR colors.
  • Added HDR color support to the "opaque" mesh updater.
  • Disabled the "idle deselection" of sliders by default.
  • Fixed issue with the search for interaction settings by finding the one in the HoverKit prefab (rather than any particular settings instance that Unity finds first).
  • Fixed issue causing the item canvas to control label/icon settings even when using "Custom" alignment/size options.
  • Fixed issue causing HoverItemsManager to not find items that are disabled at start time.
  • Fixed issue causing "object referenced after destroy" Unity errors when removing slider ticks.
  • Fixed issue causing the cursor "idle" graphic to sometimes stay visible when the input/cursor disables suddenly.
  • Fixed issue causing raycast hits on items that are currently inactive due to display/animation.
  • Fixed issue allowing a far-away cursor to set an item to its "nearest to cursor" state.
  • Fixed issue causing null errors when setting up a cursor follower.
  • Fixed issue where the Hovercast builder failed to give some elements an "outer" edge position.
  • Fixed issue causing slider values to get changed unexpectedly when multi-selecting them in the Unity inspector.
  • Fixed issue that allowed an item to become selected if (cursor "A" was close enough to max out the item's highlight) and (cursor "A" was actually nearest to a different item) and (cursor "B" moves anywhere into highlight range).
  • Fixed issue that allowed constant back-and-forth selections when two cursors were near two different radio items.

v2.0.0A (alpha)

02 Nov 14:15
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v2.0.0A (alpha) Pre-release

Hover UI Kit (formerly: Hover VR Interface Kit) has been rebuilt with a better architecture, built-in layout systems, plug-in modules, no scripts built into DLLs, and better support for customization. The cursors, items, and interfaces are now visible and modifiable at editor-time (via Unity) instead of only at run-time.

Due to the significant changes involved with this release, which affect almost every feature of the project, the v2.0+ releases will not compatible with previous v1.x releases.

Please see the wiki for an overview of the project, instructions for getting started, and details about project features.

This is an "alpha" release. It has not yet been tested in production-level applications, and there may be many breaking changes prior to the official v2.0 release. Please post or email bug reports and other feedback!


30 Sep 16:05
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Change Log

  • Updated: Support for Unity 5.2.
  • Updated: Support for Leap Motion Core Assets 3.0.0.
  • Updated: Support for Oculus 0.7.0 (built into Unity 5.2).
  • Updated: Code and demo scenes to support the latest Unity, Leap, and Oculus versions.
  • Removed: Leap Motion and Oculus Unity assets from repository.

Migration Notes

  • Breaking Change: This version of Hover VR requires Unity 5.2+ and Leap Motion 2.3.1+.
  • Breaking Change: To run the demo scenes, you must first install the Leap Motion Unity Core Assets 3.0.0 into the Unity assets folder. See instructions.
  • Upgrading to Unity 5.2 simplifies VR setup. Place a standard camera into the scene, then enable the VR option in Unity's Player settings. You can place the Leap HandController and Hover VR elements as a child of that camera, just like you would do with the previous CenterEyeAnchor.
  • To run the non-VR demo scenes, you'll need to disable the VR option in Unity's Player settings.
  • Known Issue: An error appears upon importing Hover VR into Unity 5.2. The error does not seem to cause any issues with the import process or other functionality. See #33 for details.


26 Aug 20:32
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Change Log

  • Optimized: All garbage collector allocations (GC Alloc) that occurred in Update loop have been removed.
  • Updated: Most arrays have been switched to use List<> or ReadOnlyCollection<>.
  • Updated: Meshes now created with MeshBuilder to avoid unnecessary array allocations.

Migration Notes

  • Breaking Change: The arrays exposed by certain classes/interfaces have been replaced with alternatives, like List<> or ReadOnlyCollection<>.


09 Jun 20:49
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Change Log

  • Added: New non-selectable "Text" item type.
  • Added: New way to setup Hoverboard layouts.
  • Added: Hoverboard slider items (horizontal and vertical).
  • Added: Hoverboard checkbox items.
  • Added: Hoverboard radio items (with new "Radio Group ID" feature).
  • Added: Hoverboard sticky items.
  • Added: New slider "starting point for fill" feature (allows zero-based fills).
  • Optimized: All materials/textures/shaders to drastically reduce the number of draw calls.
  • Updated: Hovercast/Hoverboard slider renderers to better support new features.
  • Updated: Hovercast/Hoverboard "test" Unity scenes with latest features.
  • Updated: Reduced "private" usage within the renderer classes for better customization support.
  • Fixed: Included the DLL-related ".meta" files to avoid "missing script" issues (#25).
  • Fixed: Issue causing disabled items to retain their highlight/selection progress values.
  • Fixed: The default slider label now uses the range-based value (not a percentage).
  • Documentation:
    • Added a new high-level Getting Started page to the wiki.
    • Updated various wiki pages with new details and support.
    • Improved the project Readme page.

Migration Notes

  • Breaking Change: The Hoverboard setup now uses HoverboardLayout. See Hoverboard Integration.
  • Prior to importing the package, delete all files/folders within Assets/Hover/. Several of the asset files have changed, so this will ensure that the obsolete files are removed.


01 May 21:46
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Change Log

  • Added: "Navigate Back" button/indicator (see #22).
  • Added: Hovercast "Transform" input module.
  • Added: mouse input in the Hovercursor "Look" input module (for testing purposes).
  • Fixed: the highlight indicator now stays at 100% during slider release.
  • Fixed: moved files from Assets/Plugins/Hover/ to Assets/Plugins/ for Unity 5 support (see #21).

Migration Notes

  • Prior to importing the package, move all files/folders within Assets/Plugins/Hover/ to Assets/Plugins/. The location of these files has changed in order to support Unity 5. Moving these files should ensure that the import process overwrites them correctly.


02 Apr 16:30
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This is the first official build. It contains two sets of files for your Unity project:

  • /Assets/Hover/Common/: Textures and other assets used by the standard interface renderers.
  • /Assets/Plugins/Hover/: Several assemblies (*.dll files) that contain all Hover VR functionality. It is safe to omit/delete any assemblies that your project does not require.

Note: if you integrated Hovercast VR Menu into a project prior to April 1, 2015, this build will cause breaking changes. After this date, the project switched to Hover VR Interface Kit, which introduced a new project structure, script names, etc. Please see issue #21 for migration instructions and discussion.