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feat: extract AeSdkMethods class with minimal interface
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davidyuk committed Aug 14, 2022
1 parent b35dfc6 commit fd0fe76
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Showing 6 changed files with 178 additions and 152 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/AeSdk.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import AeSdkBase, { OnAccount } from './AeSdkBase';
import AeSdkBase from './AeSdkBase';
import { OnAccount } from './AeSdkMethods';
import AccountBase from './account/Base';
import { decode, Encoded } from './utils/encoder';
import { UnavailableAccountError } from './utils/errors';
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/AeSdkAepp.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
import AeSdkBase, { OnAccount } from './AeSdkBase';
import AeSdkBase from './AeSdkBase';
import { OnAccount } from './AeSdkMethods';
import AccountBase from './account/Base';
import AccountRpc from './account/Rpc';
import { decode, Encoded } from './utils/encoder';
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164 changes: 15 additions & 149 deletions src/AeSdkBase.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,90 +1,19 @@
import * as chainMethods from './chain';
import * as aensMethods from './aens';
import * as spendMethods from './spend';
import * as oracleMethods from './oracle';
import getContractInstance from './contract/Contract';
import * as contractGaMethods from './contract/ga';
import { _buildTx } from './tx';
import { mapObject, UnionToIntersection } from './utils/other';
import Node from './Node';
import { AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS } from './utils/amount-formatter';
import { Tag } from './tx/builder/constants';
import AccountBase from './account/Base';
import {
} from './utils/errors';
import { CompilerError, DuplicateNodeError, NodeNotFoundError } from './utils/errors';
import { Encoded } from './utils/encoder';
import Compiler from './contract/Compiler';

export type OnAccount = Encoded.AccountAddress | AccountBase | undefined;
import AeSdkMethods, { OnAccount, getValueOrErrorProxy } from './AeSdkMethods';

type NodeInfo = Awaited<ReturnType<Node['getNodeInfo']>> & { name: string };

function getValueOrErrorProxy<Value extends object>(valueCb: () => Value): Value {
return new Proxy({}, {
'apply', 'construct', 'defineProperty', 'deleteProperty', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor',
'getPrototypeOf', 'isExtensible', 'ownKeys', 'preventExtensions', 'set', 'setPrototypeOf',
].map((name) => [name, () => { throw new NotImplementedError(`${name} proxy request`); }])),
get(t: {}, property: string | symbol, receiver: any) {
const target = valueCb();
const value = Reflect.get(target, property, receiver);
return typeof value === 'function' ? value.bind(target) : value;
has(t: {}, property: string | symbol) {
return Reflect.has(valueCb(), property);
}) as Value;

const { InvalidTxError: _2, ...chainMethodsOther } = chainMethods;

const methods = {
} as const;

type Decrement<Number extends number> = [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5][Number];
type GetMethodsOptions <Methods extends { [key: string]: Function }> =
[Name in keyof Methods]:
Methods[Name] extends (...args: infer Args) => any
? Args[Decrement<Args['length']>] : never
type MethodsOptions = GetMethodsOptions<typeof methods>;
interface AeSdkBaseOptions
extends Partial<UnionToIntersection<MethodsOptions[keyof MethodsOptions]>> {
nodes?: Array<{ name: string; instance: Node }>;
compilerUrl?: string;
ignoreVersion?: boolean;

* Basic AeSdk class
* AeSdkBase objects are the composition of:
* - chain methods
* - tx methods
* - aens methods
* - spend methods
* - oracle methods
* - contract methods
* - contract ga methods
* Only by providing the joint functionality of them, most more advanced
* operations, i.e. the ones with actual use value on the chain, become
* available.
* Basic AeSdk class implements:
* - node selector,
* - integrated compiler support,
* - wrappers of account methods mapped to the current account.
class AeSdkBase {
_options: AeSdkBaseOptions = { denomination: AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS.AETTOS };

export default class AeSdkBase extends AeSdkMethods {
pool: Map<string, Node> = new Map();

selectedNodeName?: string;
Expand All @@ -100,9 +29,13 @@ class AeSdkBase {
nodes = [], compilerUrl, ignoreVersion = false, ...options
}: AeSdkBaseOptions = {},
}: ConstructorParameters<typeof AeSdkMethods>[0] & {
nodes?: Array<{ name: string; instance: Node }>;
compilerUrl?: string;
ignoreVersion?: boolean;
} = {},
) {
Object.assign(this._options, options);

nodes.forEach(({ name, instance }, i) => this.addNode(name, instance, i === 0));

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,82 +164,15 @@ class AeSdkBase {
return this._resolveAccount(onAccount).signMessage(message, options);

* Resolves an account
* @param account - ak-address, instance of AccountBase, or keypair
// eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
_resolveAccount(account?: OnAccount): AccountBase {
if (typeof account === 'string') throw new NotImplementedError('Address in AccountResolver');
if (typeof account === 'object') return account;
throw new TypeError(
'Account should be an address (ak-prefixed string), '
+ `or instance of AccountBase, got ${String(account)} instead`,

_getOptions(): {
override _getOptions(): {
onNode: Node;
onAccount: AccountBase;
onCompiler: Compiler;
} {
return {
onNode: getValueOrErrorProxy(() => this.api),
onAccount: getValueOrErrorProxy(() => this._resolveAccount()),
onCompiler: this.compilerApi,

async buildTx<TxType extends Tag>(
txType: TxType,
options: Omit<Parameters<typeof _buildTx<TxType>>[1], 'onNode'> & { onNode?: Node },
): Promise<Encoded.Transaction> {
// @ts-expect-error TODO: need to figure out what's wrong here
return _buildTx<TxType>(txType, {

type RequiredKeys<T> = {
[K in keyof T]-?: {} extends Pick<T, K> ? never : K
}[keyof T];

type OptionalIfNotRequired<T extends [any]> = RequiredKeys<T[0]> extends never ? T | [] : T;

type MakeOptional<Options> = OptionalIfNotRequired<[
Omit<Options, 'onNode' | 'onCompiler' | 'onAccount'>
& { onNode?: Node; onCompiler?: Compiler; onAccount?: OnAccount },

type TransformMethods <Methods extends { [key: string]: Function }> =
[Name in keyof Methods]:
Methods[Name] extends (...args: [...infer Args, infer Options]) => infer Ret
? (...args: [...Args, ...MakeOptional<Options>]) => Ret
: never

interface AeSdkBaseMethods extends TransformMethods<typeof methods> {}

Object.assign(AeSdkBase.prototype, mapObject<Function, Function>(
([name, handler]) => [
function methodWrapper(...args: any[]) {
args.length = handler.length;
const options = args[args.length - 1];
args[args.length - 1] = {
...options?.onAccount != null && { onAccount: this._resolveAccount(options.onAccount) },
return handler(...args);

export default AeSdkBase as new (options?: ConstructorParameters<typeof AeSdkBase>[0]) =>
AeSdkBase & AeSdkBaseMethods;
157 changes: 157 additions & 0 deletions src/AeSdkMethods.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
import * as chainMethods from './chain';
import * as aensMethods from './aens';
import * as spendMethods from './spend';
import * as oracleMethods from './oracle';
import getContractInstance from './contract/Contract';
import * as contractGaMethods from './contract/ga';
import { _buildTx } from './tx';
import { mapObject, UnionToIntersection } from './utils/other';
import Node from './Node';
import { AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS } from './utils/amount-formatter';
import { Tag } from './tx/builder/constants';
import AccountBase from './account/Base';
import { Encoded } from './utils/encoder';
import Compiler from './contract/Compiler';
import { NotImplementedError, TypeError } from './utils/errors';

export type OnAccount = Encoded.AccountAddress | AccountBase | undefined;

export function getValueOrErrorProxy<Value extends object>(valueCb: () => Value): Value {
return new Proxy({}, {
'apply', 'construct', 'defineProperty', 'deleteProperty', 'getOwnPropertyDescriptor',
'getPrototypeOf', 'isExtensible', 'ownKeys', 'preventExtensions', 'set', 'setPrototypeOf',
].map((name) => [name, () => { throw new NotImplementedError(`${name} proxy request`); }])),
get(t: {}, property: string | symbol, receiver: any) {
const target = valueCb();
const value = Reflect.get(target, property, receiver);
return typeof value === 'function' ? value.bind(target) : value;
has(t: {}, property: string | symbol) {
return Reflect.has(valueCb(), property);
}) as Value;

const { InvalidTxError: _2, ...chainMethodsOther } = chainMethods;

const methods = {
} as const;

type Decrement<Number extends number> = [-1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5][Number];
type GetMethodsOptions <Methods extends { [key: string]: Function }> =
[Name in keyof Methods]:
Methods[Name] extends (...args: infer Args) => any
? Args[Decrement<Args['length']>] : never
type MethodsOptions = GetMethodsOptions<typeof methods>;
interface AeSdkMethodsOptions
extends Partial<UnionToIntersection<MethodsOptions[keyof MethodsOptions]>> {
nodes?: Array<{ name: string; instance: Node }>;
compilerUrl?: string;
ignoreVersion?: boolean;

* AeSdkMethods is the composition of:
* - chain methods
* - tx methods
* - aens methods
* - spend methods
* - oracle methods
* - contract methods
* - contract ga methods
* While these methods can be used separately, this class provides a handy way to store
* their context (current account, network, and compiler to use).
class AeSdkMethods {
_options: AeSdkMethodsOptions = { denomination: AE_AMOUNT_FORMATS.AETTOS };

* @param options - Options
constructor(options: AeSdkMethodsOptions = {}) {
Object.assign(this._options, options);

* Resolves an account
* @param account - ak-address, instance of AccountBase, or keypair
// eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
_resolveAccount(account?: OnAccount): AccountBase {
if (typeof account === 'string') throw new NotImplementedError('Address in AccountResolver');
if (typeof account === 'object') return account;
throw new TypeError(
'Account should be an address (ak-prefixed string), '
+ `or instance of AccountBase, got ${String(account)} instead`,

_getOptions(): AeSdkMethodsOptions & { onAccount: AccountBase } {
return {
onAccount: getValueOrErrorProxy(() => this._resolveAccount()),

async buildTx<TxType extends Tag>(
txType: TxType,
options: Omit<Parameters<typeof _buildTx<TxType>>[1], 'onNode'> & { onNode?: Node },
): Promise<Encoded.Transaction> {
// @ts-expect-error TODO: need to figure out what's wrong here
return _buildTx<TxType>(txType, {

type RequiredKeys<T> = {
[K in keyof T]-?: {} extends Pick<T, K> ? never : K
}[keyof T];

type OptionalIfNotRequired<T extends [any]> = RequiredKeys<T[0]> extends never ? T | [] : T;

type MakeOptional<Options> = OptionalIfNotRequired<[
Omit<Options, 'onNode' | 'onCompiler' | 'onAccount'>
& { onNode?: Node; onCompiler?: Compiler; onAccount?: OnAccount },

type TransformMethods <Methods extends { [key: string]: Function }> =
[Name in keyof Methods]:
Methods[Name] extends (...args: [...infer Args, infer Options]) => infer Ret
? (...args: [...Args, ...MakeOptional<Options>]) => Ret
: never

interface AeSdkMethodsTransformed extends TransformMethods<typeof methods> {}

Object.assign(AeSdkMethods.prototype, mapObject<Function, Function>(
([name, handler]) => [
function methodWrapper(...args: any[]) {
args.length = handler.length;
const options = args[args.length - 1];
args[args.length - 1] = {
...options?.onAccount != null && { onAccount: this._resolveAccount(options.onAccount) },
return handler(...args);

export default AeSdkMethods as new (options?: ConstructorParameters<typeof AeSdkMethods>[0]) =>
AeSdkMethods & AeSdkMethodsTransformed;
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/AeSdkWallet.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
import { v4 as uuid } from '@aeternity/uuid';
import AeSdk from './AeSdk';
import { OnAccount } from './AeSdkBase';
import { OnAccount } from './AeSdkMethods';
import verifyTransaction from './tx/validator';
import RpcClient from './aepp-wallet-communication/rpc/RpcClient';
import {
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/index.ts
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ export * from './oracle';
export * from './spend';
export * from './contract/ga';

export { default as AeSdkMethods } from './AeSdkMethods';
export { default as AeSdkBase } from './AeSdkBase';
export { default as AeSdk } from './AeSdk';
export { default as AeSdkAepp } from './AeSdkAepp';
Expand Down

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