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Add a fork analyze CLI command (#4313)
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hanssv committed Mar 25, 2024
1 parent 14a82a1 commit 558a4da
Showing 1 changed file with 117 additions and 1 deletion.
118 changes: 117 additions & 1 deletion apps/aecli/src/aecli.erl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -109,6 +109,13 @@ operational_show_menu() ->
action => fun(J, _Item, _) -> show_connected_peers(J, all) end,
children => fun() -> operational_peers_menu() end
#{role => cmd,
node_type => container,
name => "forks",
desc => "Analyze forks",
action => fun(J, Item, Value) -> show_forks(J, Item, Value) end,
children => fun() -> forks_schema() end
#{role => cmd,
node_type => container,
name => "tx_pool",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -188,6 +195,21 @@ operational_connected_peers_menu() ->

forks_schema() ->
[#{role => schema,
node_type => leaf,
name => "top",
desc => "Start height (default 'top')",
type => uint32
#{role => schema,
node_type => leaf,
name => "depth",
desc => "Search depth",
type => uint32

operational_admin_menu() ->
[#{role => cmd,
node_type => container,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -424,6 +446,16 @@ show_peers(Peers, J) ->
end, Peers),
{ok, ecli:format_table(Peers1), J}.

show_forks(J, Items, _Value) ->
show_forks(J, parse_fork_cmd(Items)).

show_forks(J, {top, Depth}) ->
H = aec_chain:top_height(),
fork_check(J, H, Depth);
show_forks(J, {Top, Depth}) ->
fork_check(J, Top, Depth).

%% Internal functions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -521,4 +553,88 @@ unblock_peer([#{name := "pubkey", value := PeerPubKey}]) ->
ok = aec_peers:unblock_peer(PeerPubKey),
{ok, "Peer unblocked"};
unblock_peer(_) ->
{ok, "Command not understood"}.
{ok, "Command not understood"}.

%% -- Forks ---------------------------------------------------------------
parse_fork_cmd(Items) ->
lists:foldl(fun parse_fork_cmd/2, {top, 100}, Items).

parse_fork_cmd(#{name := "top", value := Top}, {_, Depth}) ->
{Top, Depth};
parse_fork_cmd(#{name := "depth", value := Depth}, {Top, _}) ->
{Top, Depth}.

fork_check(J, StartH, Len) ->
io:format("fork_check(~p, ~p)\n", [StartH, Len]),
EndH = max(0, StartH - Len),
case fork_check(StartH, EndH, key_spine(EndH, StartH), []) of
[] ->
{ok, "No forks found\r\n", J};
Forks ->
Msg = io_lib:format("~p fork(s) found: \r\n", [length(Forks)]),
{ok, [Msg | [ present_fork(Fork) || Fork <- Forks ]], J}

key_spine(FromH, ToH) ->
{ok, Hdr} = aec_chain:get_key_header_by_height(ToH),
{ok, Hsh} = aec_headers:hash_header(Hdr),
key_spine(FromH, Hdr, [{ToH, Hsh}]).

key_spine(FromH, Hdr, Keys) ->
case FromH >= aec_headers:height(Hdr) of
true ->
false ->
Hsh = aec_headers:prev_key_hash(Hdr),
{ok, Hdr1} = aec_chain:get_header(Hsh),
key_spine(FromH, Hdr1, [{aec_headers:height(Hdr1), Hsh} | Keys])

fork_check(ToH, ToH, _KeySpine, Forks) ->
fork_check(AtH, StopH, KeySpine, Forks) ->
#{AtH := KeyH} = KeySpine,
case aec_chain_state:key_block_hashes_at_height(AtH) -- [KeyH] of
[] ->
fork_check(AtH - 1, StopH, KeySpine, Forks);
Fs ->
Forks1 = [ fork_analyse(AtH, H, aec_chain_state:find_common_ancestor(H, KeyH))
|| H <- Fs, not in_fork(H, Forks) ],
fork_check(AtH - 1, StopH, KeySpine, Forks ++ Forks1)

in_fork(_H, []) -> false;
in_fork(H, [{_, KBs, _} | Fs]) ->
case lists:member(H, [ KH || {KH, _} <- KBs ]) of
true -> true;
false -> in_fork(H, Fs)

fork_analyse(Height, Hash, {ok, CommonAncestor}) ->
{KBs, MBs} = fork_assemble(Height, Hash, CommonAncestor),
{Height, KBs, MBs}.

fork_assemble(_, Hash, Hash) ->
{[], []};
fork_assemble(Height, Hash, CommonAncestor) ->
%% Check for microblocks
MBs0 = fork_mbs(Height, Hash),
MBs1 = lists:sort(fun({_, MB1}, {_, MB2}) -> aec_headers:time_in_msecs(MB1) =< aec_headers:time_in_msecs(MB2) end, MBs0),
{ok, KeyHdr} = aec_chain:get_header(Hash),

{KBs, MBs} = fork_assemble(Height - 1, aec_headers:prev_key_hash(KeyHdr), CommonAncestor),
{[{Hash, KeyHdr} | KBs], [MBs1 | MBs]}.

fork_mbs(Height, Hash) ->
[ {MBHsh, MBHdr} || {MBHsh, MBHdr} <- aec_db:find_headers_and_hash_at_height(Height),
micro == aec_headers:type(MBHdr), Hash == aec_headers:prev_key_hash(MBHdr) ].

present_fork({Height, KBs, MBs}) ->
Msg1 = io_lib:format(" Found fork with ~p key-blocks and ~p micro-blocks ending at: ~p\r\n",
[length(KBs), length(lists:flatten(MBs)), Height]),
{KBH1, _} = hd(KBs),
Msg2 = io_lib:format(" Last key-block in fork: ~s\r\n", [aeser_api_encoder:encode(key_block_hash, KBH1)]),
{KBH2, _} = lists:last(KBs),
Msg3 = io_lib:format(" First key-block in fork: ~s\r\n", [aeser_api_encoder:encode(key_block_hash, KBH2)]),
[Msg1, Msg2, Msg3].

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