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Aldo Franquez edited this page Feb 26, 2023 · 5 revisions

❔ About GeoPicSorter

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GeoPicSorter is a free and open source tool written in Java for desktop systems that assists you with picture organization within folders, based on groups of geolocations generated from the GPS data embedded in pictures, such as streets, cities, etc.

⚙️ Dependencies

GeoPicSorter uses the following tools to do the sorting job:

  • Metadata-extractor: required to get the latitude and longitude from the pictures, if they have it.
  • SQLite JDBC: GeoPicSorter works with SQLite databases to store user settings and temporary data used during the picture sorting process.
  • Reverse geocoding through Geoapify: as a result of this process being handled by an online API, GeoPicSorter requires an internet connection to translate those coordinates back into a location name.
  • OkHttp: required to make HTTP requests to the Geoapify reverse geocoding API and handle responses.
  • org.json: the output Geoapify generates when making a request is a JSON string, however, it must be treated as JSON and not as any regular string, org.json is used by GeoPicSorter to selectively extract information from that output.
  • Apache Commons IO: it's used to handle file operations and ensure their properties are kept, such as modification date.
  • Zip4j: it's used when the user wants to package the unsorted pictures into a ZIP file, should they want to undo changes done by GeoPicSorter.

ℹ️ How to use?

For instructions on how to set up and use GeoPicSorter, you may refer to the detailed instructions here, you can also read about how it works here.

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