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Android Easy Http - Simplest android http request library.


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Android Easy Http Library


About Android Easy Http Library

  • Made on OkHttp.
  • Easy to do http request, just make request and listen for the response.
  • Visual http request record, make you debug easily.
  • Http cookies persistence and editable.

Using Library In Your Application

Add this in your app build.gradle file.

android {
    buildFeatures {
        viewBinding true
        dataBinding true

dependencies {
    implementation 'io.github.af19git5:easy-http-android:0.0.6'

Add permission in your AndroidManifest.xml

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

And check your application minSdk must be greater than 24.

Do Request

GET Request

Kotlin Example:

EasyHttp.get(context, url)
  .getAsString(object : StringResponseListener {
    override fun onSuccess(headers: Headers, body: String) {
      // Do something...

    override fun onError(e: HttpException) {
      // Do something...

Java Example:

EasyHttp.get(context, url)
  .getAsString(new StringResponseListener() {
    public void onSuccess(@NonNull Headers headers, @NonNull String body) {
      // Do something...

    public void onError(@NonNull HttpException e) {
      // Do something...

Value Settings:

  • .tag - Add tag for request, can use in cancel request.
  • .addUrlParams - Add url query param.
  • .urlParams - Add url query params.
  • .addHeader - Add header for request.
  • .headers - Add headers for request.
  • .cacheable - Cache response.
  • .saveRecord - Do save http request record. Default value is true.
  • .connectTimeout - Connect timeout time.
  • .readTimeout - Read timeout time.
  • .writeTimeout - Write timeout time.

Post Request

Kotlin Example:, url)
  .getAsString(object : StringResponseListener {
    override fun onSuccess(headers: Headers, body: String) {
      // Do something...

    override fun onError(e: HttpException) {
      // Do something...

Java Example:, url)
  .getAsString(new StringResponseListener() {
    public void onSuccess(@NonNull Headers headers, @NonNull String body) {
      // Do something...

    public void onError(@NonNull HttpException e) {
      // Do something...

Value Settings:

Have the value settings in the get example.

  • .stringBody - Set string request body, also can set your custom content type.
  • .jsonBody - Set json object request body, also can set your custom content type.
  • .formBody - Set form request body.
  • .requestBody - Set your custom okhttp request body.

Upload File

Kotlin Example:

EasyHttp.upload(context, url)
  .addMultipartFile("file", file)
  .addMultipartParameter("text", "text")
  .getAsString(object : StringResponseListener {
    override fun onSuccess(headers: Headers, body: String) {
      // Do something...

    override fun onError(e: HttpException) {
      // Do something...

Java Example:

EasyHttp.upload(context, url)
  .addMultipartFile("file", file)
  .addMultipartParameter("text", "text")
  .getAsString(new StringResponseListener() {
    public void onSuccess(@NonNull Headers headers, @NonNull String body) {
      // Do something...

    public void onError(@NonNull HttpException e) {
      // Do something...

Value Settings:

Have the value settings in the get example.

  • .contentType - Set upload request content type. Default value is "multipart/form-data".
  • .addMultipartParam - Add multipart parameter.
  • .addMultipartFile - Add multipart parameter. You can put File, ByteArray, Uri.

Cancel Request

Kotlin Example:


Java Example:


Custom OkHttpClient Builder

You can easily get OkHttpClient Builder and modify it.

Kotlin Example:

val easyHttpBuilder = EasyHttp.get(context, url)
val okHttpClientBuilder = easyHttpBuilder.okHttpClientBuilder

// Do something modify for OkHttpClient Builder...

  .getAsString(object : StringResponseListener{
    override fun onSuccess(headers: Headers, body: String) {
      // Do something...

    override fun onError(e: HttpException) {
      // Do something...

Java Example:

RequestBuilder requestBuilder = EasyHttp.get(context, url);
OkHttpClient.Builder okHttpClientBuilder = requestBuilder.getOkHttpClientBuilder();

// Do something modify for OkHttpClient Builder... StringResponseListener() {
  public void onSuccess(@NonNull Headers headers, @NonNull String body) {
	// Do something...

  public void onError(@NonNull HttpException e) {
	// Do something...

Response Listener

Get response as String

Kotlin Example:

EasyHttp.get(context, url)
  .getAsString(object : StringResponseListener {
    override fun onSuccess(headers: Headers, body: String) {
      // Do something...

    override fun onError(e: HttpException) {
      // Do something...

Java Example:

EasyHttp.get(context, url)
  .getAsString(new StringResponseListener() {
    public void onSuccess(@NonNull Headers headers, @NonNull String body) {
      // Do something...

    public void onError(@NonNull HttpException e) {
      // Do something...

Get json response as custom object

Kotlin Example:

// Use class
EasyHttp.get(context, url)
  .getJsonAsObject(, object : JsonResponseListener<CustomObj> {
    override fun onSuccess(headers: Headers, body: CustomObj)  {
      // Do something...

    override fun onError(e: HttpException) {
      // Do something...

// Use Gson TypeToken
EasyHttp.get(context, url)
    object : TypeToken<CustomObj>() {},
    object : JsonResponseListener<CustomObj> {
      override fun onSuccess(headers: Headers, body: CustomObj) {
        // Do something...

      override fun onError(e: HttpException) {
        // Do something...

Java Example:

// Use class
EasyHttp.get(context, url)
    new JsonResponseListener<>() {
      public void onSuccess(@NonNull Headers headers, CustomObj body) {
        // Do something...

      public void onError(@NonNull HttpException e) {
        // Do something...

// Use Gson TypeToken
EasyHttp.get(context, url)
    new TypeToken<CustomObj>() {},
    new JsonResponseListener<>() {
      public void onSuccess(@NonNull Headers headers, CustomObj body) {
        // Do something...

      public void onError(@NonNull HttpException e) {
        // Do something...

Get response as bitmap

Kotlin Example:

EasyHttp.get(context, url)
  .getAsBitmap(file, object : BitmapResponseListener {
    override fun onSuccess(headers: Headers, bitmap: Bitmap) {
      // Do something...

    override fun onProgress(downloadBytes: Long, totalBytes: Long) {
      // Do something...

    override fun onError(e: HttpException) {
      // Do something...

Java Example:

EasyHttp.get(context, url)
  .getAsBitmap(file, new BitmapResponseListener() {
    public void onSuccess(@NonNull Headers headers, @NonNull Bitmap bitmap) {
       // Do something...

    public void onProgress(long downloadBytes, long totalBytes) {
      // Do something...

    public void onError(@NonNull HttpException e) {
      // Do something...

Download response

Kotlin Example:

EasyHttp.get(context, url)
  .download(file, object : DownloadListener {
    override fun onSuccess(headers: Headers, file: File) {
      // Do something...

    override fun onProgress(downloadBytes: Long, totalBytes: Long) {
      // Do something...

    override fun onError(e: HttpException) {
      // Do something...

Java Example:

EasyHttp.get(context, url)
  .download(file, new DownloadListener() {
    public void onSuccess(@NonNull Headers headers, @NonNull File file) {
       // Do something...

    public void onProgress(long downloadBytes, long totalBytes) {
      // Do something...

    public void onError(@NonNull HttpException e) {
      // Do something...

Cookie Modify

Clear cookies

Kotlin Example:

// clear all
// clear by host
EasyHttp.clearCookies(context, host)
// clear by host and cookie name
EasyHttp.clearCookies(context, host, name)

Java Example:

// clear all
// clear by host
EasyHttp.clearCookies(context, host);
// clear by host and cookie name
EasyHttp.clearCookies(context, host, name);

Android EasyHttp Page

Http Record Page

This page can show Easy Http record.

If your request saveRecord is open, you can find record in the http record page.


You can use this code to intent record page.

Kotlin Example:


Java Example:


Cookies Page

This page can show Easy Http persistence cookies.

Also you can modify it.


You can use this code to intent cookies page.

Kotlin Example:


Java Example:


Demo App


Copyright 2022 Jimmy Kang

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.