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Shoppingify App

Shopping list management with purchase stats.


  • Add E2E testing
  • Upgrade to Next.js v13
  • Upgrade to Prisma v4
  • handle token expiry
  • handle tab synchronisation
  • show confirm access for sensitive info change
  • add product home page
  • make app more interactive
  • provide functionality to pick/fork from existing lists

Tech stack

  • cookie
  • jsonwebtoken
  • jest for testing
  • material-ui
  • Next.js (batteries(bundling, router, image optimizations etc) included)
  • Prisma ORM
  • planetscale(mysql) free iter
  • recharts
  • styled-jsx (for css)
  • Typescript
  • ts-node (run ts files)
  • zustand (state management , first time user)


  1. Node.js v16.15.0 or higher for Next.js v13. (Prisma need Node.js v14.17.0 or higher)

  2. For styled-jsx: Install VScode extension

  3. Add relevant .env variables using .env.example template

  4. Database: This project uses mysql db(see prisma schema). Follow mysql docs to install. If you want to switch database, check Prisma Provider switch docs.

  5. Run prisma migrations: run npx prisma migrate dev. For more info check Prisma migrate.


  1. open source
  2. Thanks to @thunghiemdinh for design and checkout devchallenges.